
  • 文档注释
  • JavaDoc标记
  • 文档注释示例
  • 基于Eclipse IDE的JavaDoc实战
  • 后记



  • 单行注释://
  • 多行注释:/* */
  • 文档注释:/** */





而我们借助Eclipse IDE查看一下JDK源码:


当然,其他类也是类似的,因为整个Java API库就是通过这种方式文档化的。



标签 含义
@author 标识作者
{@code} 以代码字体原样显示信息,但不转换成HTML样式
@deprecated 指定程序元素已经过时
{@docRoot} 指定当前文档的根目录路径
@exception 标识某个方法或者构造函数抛出的异常
@hidden 禁止某元素显示在文档中
{@index} 给索引指定术语
{@inheritDoc} 直接从父类中继承文档注释
{@link} 插入指向另一个主题的内部链接
{@linkplain} 插入指向另一个主题的内部链接,但以纯文本字体显示链接
{@literal} 原样式显示信息,但不转换成HTML样式
@param 文档化形参
@provides 文档化模块提供的服务
@return 文档化方法的返回值
@see 指定对另一个主题的链接
@serial 文档化默认的可序列化域
@serialData 文档化writeObject()或writeExternal()方法写入的数据
@serialField 文档化ObjectStreamField组件
@since 声明引入特定更改的版本号
{@summary} 文档化某项的摘要(JDK10+)
@throws 相当于@exception
@uses 文档化模块所需要的服务(JDK9+)
{@value} 显示一个常量的值,该常量必须是静态域
@version 指定程序元素的版本


/*** This class test class Demo* @author BlankSpace* @version 4.1*/
public class Test {//balabala


/*** A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using* regular expressions.** <p>A {@code Scanner} breaks its input into tokens using a* delimiter pattern, which by default matches whitespace. The resulting* tokens may then be converted into values of different types using the* various {@code next} methods.** <p>For example, this code allows a user to read a number from* {@code}:* <blockquote><pre>{@code*     Scanner sc = new Scanner(;*     int i = sc.nextInt();* }</pre></blockquote>** <p>As another example, this code allows {@code long} types to be* assigned from entries in a file {@code myNumbers}:* <blockquote><pre>{@code*      Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("myNumbers"));*      while (sc.hasNextLong()) {*          long aLong = sc.nextLong();*      }* }</pre></blockquote>** <p>The scanner can also use delimiters other than whitespace. This* example reads several items in from a string:* <blockquote><pre>{@code*     String input = "1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish";*     Scanner s = new Scanner(input).useDelimiter("\\s*fish\\s*");*     System.out.println(s.nextInt());*     System.out.println(s.nextInt());*     System.out.println(;*     System.out.println(;*     s.close();* }</pre></blockquote>* <p>* prints the following output:* <blockquote><pre>{@code*     1*     2*     red*     blue* }</pre></blockquote>** <p>The same output can be generated with this code, which uses a regular* expression to parse all four tokens at once:* <blockquote><pre>{@code*     String input = "1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish";*     Scanner s = new Scanner(input);*     s.findInLine("(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\w+)");*     MatchResult result = s.match();*     for (int i=1; i<=result.groupCount(); i++)*         System.out.println(;*     s.close();* }</pre></blockquote>** <p>The <a id="default-delimiter">default whitespace delimiter</a> used* by a scanner is as recognized by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)* Character.isWhitespace()}. The {@link #reset reset()}* method will reset the value of the scanner's delimiter to the default* whitespace delimiter regardless of whether it was previously changed.** <p>A scanning operation may block waiting for input.** <p>The {@link #next} and {@link #hasNext} methods and their* companion methods (such as {@link #nextInt} and* {@link #hasNextInt}) first skip any input that matches the delimiter* pattern, and then attempt to return the next token. Both {@code hasNext()}* and {@code next()} methods may block waiting for further input.  Whether a* {@code hasNext()} method blocks has no connection to whether or not its* associated {@code next()} method will block. The {@link #tokens} method* may also block waiting for input.** <p>The {@link #findInLine findInLine()},* {@link #findWithinHorizon findWithinHorizon()},* {@link #skip skip()}, and {@link #findAll findAll()}* methods operate independently of the delimiter pattern. These methods will* attempt to match the specified pattern with no regard to delimiters in the* input and thus can be used in special circumstances where delimiters are* not relevant. These methods may block waiting for more input.** <p>When a scanner throws an {@link InputMismatchException}, the scanner* will not pass the token that caused the exception, so that it may be* retrieved or skipped via some other method.** <p>Depending upon the type of delimiting pattern, empty tokens may be* returned. For example, the pattern {@code "\\s+"} will return no empty* tokens since it matches multiple instances of the delimiter. The delimiting* pattern {@code "\\s"} could return empty tokens since it only passes one* space at a time.** <p> A scanner can read text from any object which implements the {@link* java.lang.Readable} interface.  If an invocation of the underlying* readable's {@link java.lang.Readable#read read()} method throws an {@link*} then the scanner assumes that the end of the input* has been reached.  The most recent {@code IOException} thrown by the* underlying readable can be retrieved via the {@link #ioException} method.** <p>When a {@code Scanner} is closed, it will close its input source* if the source implements the {@link} interface.** <p>A {@code Scanner} is not safe for multithreaded use without* external synchronization.** <p>Unless otherwise mentioned, passing a {@code null} parameter into* any method of a {@code Scanner} will cause a* {@code NullPointerException} to be thrown.** <p>A scanner will default to interpreting numbers as decimal unless a* different radix has been set by using the {@link #useRadix} method. The* {@link #reset} method will reset the value of the scanner's radix to* {@code 10} regardless of whether it was previously changed.** <h3> <a id="localized-numbers">Localized numbers</a> </h3>** <p> An instance of this class is capable of scanning numbers in the standard* formats as well as in the formats of the scanner's locale. A scanner's* <a id="initial-locale">initial locale </a>is the value returned by the {@link* java.util.Locale#getDefault(Locale.Category)* Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT)} method; it may be changed via the {@link* #useLocale useLocale()} method. The {@link #reset} method will reset the value of the* scanner's locale to the initial locale regardless of whether it was* previously changed.** <p>The localized formats are defined in terms of the following parameters,* which for a particular locale are taken from that locale's {@link* java.text.DecimalFormat DecimalFormat} object, {@code df}, and its and* {@link java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols DecimalFormatSymbols} object,* {@code dfs}.** <blockquote><dl>*     <dt><i>LocalGroupSeparator&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The character used to separate thousands groups,*         <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code dfs.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#getGroupingSeparator*         getGroupingSeparator()}*     <dt><i>LocalDecimalSeparator&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The character used for the decimal point,*     <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code dfs.}{@link*     java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#getDecimalSeparator*     getDecimalSeparator()}*     <dt><i>LocalPositivePrefix&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that appears before a positive number (may*         be empty), <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code df.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormat#getPositivePrefix*         getPositivePrefix()}*     <dt><i>LocalPositiveSuffix&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that appears after a positive number (may be*         empty), <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code df.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormat#getPositiveSuffix*         getPositiveSuffix()}*     <dt><i>LocalNegativePrefix&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that appears before a negative number (may*         be empty), <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code df.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormat#getNegativePrefix*         getNegativePrefix()}*     <dt><i>LocalNegativeSuffix&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that appears after a negative number (may be*         empty), <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code df.}{@link*     java.text.DecimalFormat#getNegativeSuffix*     getNegativeSuffix()}*     <dt><i>LocalNaN&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that represents not-a-number for*         floating-point values,*         <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code dfs.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#getNaN*         getNaN()}*     <dt><i>LocalInfinity&nbsp;&nbsp;</i>*         <dd>The string that represents infinity for floating-point*         values, <i>i.e.,</i>&nbsp;{@code dfs.}{@link*         java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols#getInfinity*         getInfinity()}* </dl></blockquote>** <h4> <a id="number-syntax">Number syntax</a> </h4>** <p> The strings that can be parsed as numbers by an instance of this class* are specified in terms of the following regular-expression grammar, where* Rmax is the highest digit in the radix being used (for example, Rmax is 9 in base 10).** <dl>*   <dt><i>NonAsciiDigit</i>:*       <dd>A non-ASCII character c for which*            {@link java.lang.Character#isDigit Character.isDigit}{@code (c)}*                        returns&nbsp;true**   <dt><i>Non0Digit</i>:*       <dd>{@code [1-}<i>Rmax</i>{@code ] | }<i>NonASCIIDigit</i>**   <dt><i>Digit</i>:*       <dd>{@code [0-}<i>Rmax</i>{@code ] | }<i>NonASCIIDigit</i>**   <dt><i>GroupedNumeral</i>:*       <dd><code>(&nbsp;</code><i>Non0Digit</i>*                   <i>Digit</i>{@code ?*                   }<i>Digit</i>{@code ?}*       <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>(&nbsp;</code><i>LocalGroupSeparator</i>*                         <i>Digit</i>*                         <i>Digit</i>*                         <i>Digit</i>{@code  )+ )}**   <dt><i>Numeral</i>:*       <dd>{@code ( ( }<i>Digit</i>{@code + )*               | }<i>GroupedNumeral</i>{@code  )}**   <dt><a id="Integer-regex"><i>Integer</i>:</a>*       <dd>{@code ( [-+]? ( }<i>Numeral</i>{@code*                               ) )}*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalPositivePrefix</i> <i>Numeral</i>*                      <i>LocalPositiveSuffix</i>*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalNegativePrefix</i> <i>Numeral</i>*                 <i>LocalNegativeSuffix</i>**   <dt><i>DecimalNumeral</i>:*       <dd><i>Numeral</i>*       <dd>{@code | }<i>Numeral</i>*                 <i>LocalDecimalSeparator</i>*                 <i>Digit</i>{@code *}*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalDecimalSeparator</i>*                 <i>Digit</i>{@code +}**   <dt><i>Exponent</i>:*       <dd>{@code ( [eE] [+-]? }<i>Digit</i>{@code + )}**   <dt><a id="Decimal-regex"><i>Decimal</i>:</a>*       <dd>{@code ( [-+]? }<i>DecimalNumeral</i>*                         <i>Exponent</i>{@code ? )}*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalPositivePrefix</i>*                 <i>DecimalNumeral</i>*                 <i>LocalPositiveSuffix</i>*                 <i>Exponent</i>{@code ?}*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalNegativePrefix</i>*                 <i>DecimalNumeral</i>*                 <i>LocalNegativeSuffix</i>*                 <i>Exponent</i>{@code ?}**   <dt><i>HexFloat</i>:*       <dd>{@code [-+]? 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*\.[0-9a-fA-F]+*                 ([pP][-+]?[0-9]+)?}**   <dt><i>NonNumber</i>:*       <dd>{@code NaN*                          | }<i>LocalNan</i>{@code*                          | Infinity*                          | }<i>LocalInfinity</i>**   <dt><i>SignedNonNumber</i>:*       <dd>{@code ( [-+]? }<i>NonNumber</i>{@code  )}*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalPositivePrefix</i>*                 <i>NonNumber</i>*                 <i>LocalPositiveSuffix</i>*       <dd>{@code | }<i>LocalNegativePrefix</i>*                 <i>NonNumber</i>*                 <i>LocalNegativeSuffix</i>**   <dt><a id="Float-regex"><i>Float</i></a>:*       <dd><i>Decimal</i>*           {@code | }<i>HexFloat</i>*           {@code | }<i>SignedNonNumber</i>** </dl>* <p>Whitespace is not significant in the above regular expressions.** @since   1.5*/

基于Eclipse IDE的JavaDoc实战





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