


pigz命令可以用来解压缩文件,最重要的是支持多线程并行处理,解压缩比gzip快。主页: http://zlib.net/pigz/


pigz [ -cdfhikKlLmMnNqrRtz0..9,11 ] [ -b blocksize ] [ -p threads ] [ -S suffix ] [ name ... ]

unpigz [ -cfhikKlLmMnNqrRtz ] [ -b blocksize ] [ -p threads ] [ -S suffix ] [ name ... ]


-0 to -9, -11 # Compression level (level 11, zopfli, is much slower)

--fast, --best # Compression levels 1 and 9 respectively

-b, --blocksize mmm # Set compression block size to mmmK (default 128K)

-c, --stdout # Write all processed output to stdout (won't delete)

-d, --decompress # Decompress the compressed input

-f, --force # Force overwrite, compress .gz, links, and to terminal

-F --first # Do iterations first, before block split for -11

-h, --help # Display a help screen and quit

-i, --independent # Compress blocks independently for damage recovery

-I, --iterations n # Number of iterations for -11 optimization

-J, --maxsplits n # Maximum number of split blocks for -11

-k, --keep # Do not delete original file after processing

-K, --zip # Compress to PKWare zip (.zip) single entry format

-l, --list # List the contents of the compressed input

-L, --license # Display the pigz license and quit

-m, --no-time # Do not store or restore mod time

-M, --time # Store or restore mod time

-n, --no-name # Do not store or restore file name or mod time

-N, --name # Store or restore file name and mod time

-O --oneblock # Do not split into smaller blocks for -11

-p, --processes n # Allow up to n compression threads (default is the number of online processors, or 8 if unknown)

-q, --quiet # Print no messages, even on error

-r, --recursive # Process the contents of all subdirectories

-R, --rsyncable # Input-determined block locations for rsync

-S, --suffix .sss # Use suffix .sss instead of .gz (for compression)

-t, --test # Test the integrity of the compressed input

-v, --verbose # Provide more verbose output

-V --version # Show the version of pigz

-Y --synchronous # Force output file write to permanent storage

-z, --zlib # Compress to zlib (.zz) instead of gzip format

-- # All arguments after "--" are treated as files


可以结合tar使用, 压缩命令

tar -cvf - dir1 dir2 dir3 | pigz -p 8 > output.tgz


pigz -p 8 -d output.tgz


tar -xzvf output.tgz


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