imagerotate (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) imagerotate — Rotate an image with a given angle. Description. resource imagerotate ( resource $image, float $angle, int

<?php $rotated_img = imagerotate ($src_img, 45, $color)?>-Mike krteczek01 at gmail dot com 23-Jun-2016 1021 Hi, I've rewrote function to class with static methods. /*

imagerotate (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5) imagerotate — 用给定角度旋转图像 说明 resource imagerotate ( resource $image , float $angle , int $bgd_color [, int $ignore_transparent = 0 ]

php使用给定角度旋转图像代码@php imagerotate函数用法示例 resource imagerotate ( resource $src_im , float $angle , int $bgd_color [, int $ignore_transparent ] ) 将src_im 图像用

($filename); $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, -1); imagealphablending($rotate, true); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); imagepng($rotate); Longhair //KOMPASS //PHP4.0

I have a strange error here, I think. Fatal error Call to undefined function imagerotate() in /var//web/html/include/php/class/image.class.php on line 30

Jun 29, 2016 - <?php //image rotate code here if(isset($_POST['save'])) { $degrees=90; . Browse other questions tagged php javascript jquery ajax

Aug 22, 2016 - Using the same code above and using a blue color for the third parameter in the imagerotate operation, which will be it used to fill the uncovered

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