
(2009-12-09 09:41:47)











Why Red Hat doesn't see CentOS as a Linux rival

I wrote a story yesterday about CentOS (the Red Hat Enterprise

Linux clone) getting commercial support from OpenLogic. One thing

that isn't in the posted story, that I've always been curious

about, is why Red Hat itself doesn't go after CentOS users in an

effort to convert them to paid Red Hat support.

Today, I got an answer on that question from Red Hat's Marco

Bill-Peter, vp Global Support Services.

"We are not actively chasing

users of CentOS, but rather find that enterprises are naturally

turning to Red Hat for the value of the Red Hat subscription model

and support," Bill-Peter said.

I personally find that a little 'interesting' especially in light

of the comments made by Red Hat's CEO and CFO during recent

quarterly investor conference calls. As an overall sales strategy,

Red Hat is pursuing the free-to-paid

opportunity. During Red Hat's third quarter fiscal 2009 conference call CEO Jim

Whitehurst said that one of the top 25 deals closed by Red Hat

during the quarter was one where the user moved from a Free version

of Linux to a paid Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.

Whitehurst pegged the deal at "6 figures" for a single year.

There are of course plenty of other free Linux distribution beyond

just CentOS (like Fedora for example), but seeing as CentOS is

basically Red Hat Enterprise Linux, I had thought that would be an

easy upsell.

But I'm wrong, in that there are some key differences between

CentOS and what Red Hat provides with its Red Hat Enterprise Linux

subscriptions. That's the key reason why Red Hat doesn't

particularly see OpenLogic's support of CentOS as being a new


"Truly supporting Red Hat

Enterprise Linux is not only about support services, but also about

the value of the entire Red Hat subscription," Bill-Peter told me.

"With distributions like CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux's

valuable certifications do not transfer, and without owning the

distribution, third parties cannot fully support it through

important activities such as the timely release of patches."






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