

The deep residual shrinkage network is a variant(变种) of deep residual networks (ResNets), and aims to improve the feature learning ability from highly noise signals or complex backgrounds. Although the method is originally(最初) developed for vibration-based(振动) fault diagnosis(诊断), it can be applied to image recognition and speech recognition(语音识别) as well. The major innovation is the integration of soft thresholding as nonlinear transformation layers into ResNets. Moreover, the thresholds(阈值) are automatically determined by a specially designed sub-network, so that no professional expertise on threshold determination is required.

The method is implemented using TensorFlow 1.0.1, TFLearn 0.3.2, and Keras 2.2.1, and applied for image classification. A small network with 3 residual shrinkage blocks is constructed in the code. More blocks and more training iterations can be used for a higher performance.


This paper develops new deep learning methods, namely(换句话说), deep residual shrinkage networks, to improve the feature learning ability from highly noised vibration signals and achieve a high fault diagnosing accuracy.

Soft thresholding is inserted as nonlinear transformation layers into the deep architectures to eliminate unimportant features.

Moreover,(而且) considering that it is generally challenging to set proper values for the thresholds, the developed deep residual shrinkage networks integrate(集成) a few specialized(专门的) neural networks as trainable modules to automatically determine the thresholds, so that professional expertise on signal processing is not required. The efficacy of the developed methods is validated(验证) through experiments with various types of noise.


Minghang Zhao, Shisheng Zhong, Xuyun Fu, Baoping Tang, Michael Pecht, Deep residual shrinkage networks for fault diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16(7): 4681-4690.

Deep Residual Shrinkage Networks for Fault Diagnosis | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore


(1) The performance on the manually(手动) noised Cifar10 dataset

In the DRSN_TFLearn.py, we manually add noise to the Cifar10 dataset, and get the results of a deep residual shrinkage network. Then, we delete lines 79-88 in DRSN_TFLearn.py, make it be a deep residual network, and get its results.

Methods Deep residual shrinkage network Deep residual network
Training accuracy 88.96% 87.78%
Validation accuracy 84.33% 83.99%

(2) The performance on the un-noised Cifar10 dataset

If we delete lines 25-27 in DRSN_TFLearn.py, the code will conduct a deep residual shrinkage network on the Cifar10 dataset without manually added noise. Then, if we delete lines 79-88 in DRSN_TFLearn.py, the code will conduct a deep residual network on the un-noised Cifar10 dataset.

Methods Deep residual shrinkage network Deep residual network
Training accuracy 90.28% 89.26%
Validation accuracy 85.87% 85.57%

Additional notes

There might be some problems in the Keras code. The TFLearn code is recommended for usage(使用).


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