
A Unix programmer who's addressing kernel issues for the first time might be nervous about writing a module. Writing a user program that reads and writes directly to the device ports may be easier.

Indeed, there are some arguments in favor of user-space programming, and sometimes writing a so-called user-space device driver is a wise alternative to kernel hacking. In this section, we discuss some of the reasons why you might write a driver in user space. This book is about kernel-space drivers, however, so we do not go beyond this introductory discussion.

The advantages of user-space drivers are:

  • The full C library can be linked in. The driver can perform many exotic tasks without resorting to external programs (the utility programs implementing usage policies that are usually distributed along with the driver itself).-----没法理解...

  • The programmer can run a conventional debugger on the driver code without having to go through contortions to debug a running kernel.

  • If a user-space driver hangs, you can simply kill it. Problems with the driver are unlikely to hang the entire system, unless the hardware being controlled is really misbehaving.

  • User memory is swappable, unlike kernel memory. An infrequently used device with a huge driver won't occupy RAM that other programs could be using, except when it is actually in use.

  • A well-designed driver program can still, like kernel-space drivers, allow concurrent access to a device.

  • If you must write a closed-source driver, the user-space option makes it easier for you to avoid ambiguous licensing situations and problems with changing kernel interfaces.

For example, USB drivers can be written for user space; see the (still young) libusb project at libusb.sourceforge.net and "gadgetfs" in the kernel source. Another example is the X server: it knows exactly what the hardware can do and what it can't, and it offers the graphic resources to all X clients. Note, however, that there is a slow but steady drift toward frame-buffer-based graphics environments, where the X server acts only as a server based on a real kernel-space device driver for actual graphic manipulation.

Usually, the writer of a user-space driver implements a server process, taking over from the kernel the task of being the single agent in charge of hardware control. Client applications can then connect to the server to perform actual communication with the device; therefore, a smart driver process can allow concurrent access to the device. This is exactly how the X server works.

But the user-space approach to device driving has a number of drawbacks. The most important are:

  • Interrupts are not available in user space. There are workarounds for this limitation on some platforms, such as the vm86 system call on the IA32 architecture.

  • Direct access to memory is possible only by mmapping /dev/mem, and only a privileged user can do that.

  • Access to I/O ports is available only after calling ioperm or iopl. Moreover, not all platforms support these system calls, and access to /dev/port can be too slow to be effective. Both the system calls and the device file are reserved to a privileged user.

  • Response time is slower, because a context switch is required to transfer information or actions between the client and the hardware.

  • Worse yet, if the driver has been swapped to disk, response time is unacceptably long. Using the mlock system call might help, but usually you'll need to lock many memory pages, because a user-space program depends on a lot of library code. mlock, too, is limited to privileged users.

  • The most important devices can't be handled in user space, including, but not limited to, network interfaces and block devices.

As you see, user-space drivers can't do that much after all. Interesting applications nonetheless exist: for example, support for SCSI scanner devices (implemented by the SANE package) and CD writers (implemented by cdrecord and other tools). In both cases, user-level device drivers rely on the "SCSI generic" kernel driver, which exports low-level SCSI functionality to user-space programs so they can drive their own hardware.

One case in which working in user space might make sense is when you are beginning to deal with new and unusual hardware. This way you can learn to manage your hardware without the risk of hanging the whole system. Once you've done that, encapsulating the software in a kernel module should be a painless operation.


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