




1 lmtoo@lmtoo:~$ lspci2 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Host Bridge -OPI (rev 09)3 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)4 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Audio Controller (rev 09)5 00:04.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Camarillo Device (rev 09)6 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB xHCI Controller (rev 03)7 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP MEI Controller #1 (rev 03)8 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)9 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #1(rev e3)10 00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #2(rev e3)11 00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #3(rev e3)12 00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #4(rev e3)13 00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #5(rev e3)14 00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP USB EHCI Controller (rev 03)15 00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP LPC Controller (rev 03)16 00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SATA Controller [AHCI Mode] (rev 03)17 00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Wildcat Point-LP SMBus Controller (rev 03)18 02:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS522A PCI Express Card Reader (rev 01)19 08:00.0Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter20 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 0a)21 0a:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940M] (rev a2)




1 lmtoo@lmtoo:~$ modinfo rtl8723be2 filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-22-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/rtl8723be/rtl8723be.ko3 firmware: rtlwifi/rtl8723befw.bin4 description: Realtek 8723BE 802.11n PCI wireless5 license: GPL6 author: Realtek WlanFAE

7 author: PageHe

8 srcversion: 00619764255210776FAB54D9 alias: pci:v000010ECd0000B723sv*sd*bc*sc*i*

10 depends: rtlwifi,rtl_pci,btcoexist,mac8021111 vermagic: 4.4.0-22-generic SMP mod_unload modversions12 parm: swlps:bool

13 parm: swenc:using hardware crypto (default 0[hardware])14 (bool)15 parm: ips:using no link power save (default 1is open)16 (bool)17 parm: fwlps:using linked fw control power save (default 1is open)18 (bool)19 parm: msi:Set to 1 to use MSI interrupts mode (default 0)20 (bool)21 parm: debug:Set debug level (0-5) (default 0) (int)22 parm: disable_watchdog:Set to 1 to disable the watchdog (default 0)23 (bool)24 parm: ant_sel:Set to 1 or 2 to force antenna number (default 0)25 (int)



lmtoo@lmtoo:~$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf


options rtl8723be debug=1options rtl8723be disable_watchdog=N

options rtl8723be fwlps=Y

options rtl8723be ips=Y

options rtl8723be msi=N

options rtl8723be swenc=N

options rtl8723be swlps=N

options rtl8723be ant_sel=2


lmtoo@lmtoo:~$ sudo modprobe -r rtl8723be

lmtoo@lmtoo:~$ sudo modprobe rtl8723be







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