翻译: Jan 17, 2010 by Alex Liu

Chipmunk Physics

Note: The documentation on this wiki documents Chipmunk v5.0.0.

First of all, Chipmunk is a 2D rigid body physics library distributed under the MIT license. Though not yet complete, it is intended to be fast, numerically stable, and easy to use. I've put hundreds of hours of work into making Chipmunk what it is today. If you find Chipmunk has saved you a lot of time, please consider donating. You'll make an indie game developer very happy.

I would like to give a Erin Catto a big thank you, as the most of the ideas for the constraint solver I use now come from his Box2D example code. (Now a full fledged physics engine all it's own: Box2D). His contact persistence idea allows for stable stacks of objects with very few iterations of the contact solution. Previously my solver produced mushy piles of objects or required a large number of iterations in order to get a stable behavior.

这个文档针对于v5 .0而言


我非常的感谢Erin Catto, 因为它是我从众多的解决方案中Box2D例子得来得。。。。。略。。

Overview 概述

There are 4 basic things you need to know about in order to work with Chipmunk.


  • Rigid Bodies: A rigid body holds the physical properties of an object. (mass, position, rotation, velocity, etc.) It does not have a shape by itself. If you’ve done physics with particles before, rigid bodies differ in that they are able to rotate.
  • 刚体,是一个对象的物理属性,他没有自己的形状,如果在物力上对粒子有了解,刚体不同于粒子,它可以旋转。
  • Collision Shapes: By attaching shapes to bodies, you can define the a body’s shape. You can attach as many shapes to a single body as you need to in order to define a complex shape. Shapes contain the surface properties of an object such as how much friction or elasticity it has.
  • 冲突形状:通过物体形状的附加,你可以定义一个物体的形状。你可以给一个单一的物体附上很多你需要的形状,很复杂的形状。形状包括表面的属性,就好像有多少摩擦或者弹性(elasticity猜的)
  • Constraints/Joints: Constraints and joints describe how bodies are attached to each other.
  • 限制和连接:描述物体之间如何接触。
  • Spaces: Spaces are the basic simulation unit in Chipmunk. You add bodies, shapes and joints to a space, and then update the space as a whole.
  • 空间:Chipmunk最基本单元的模拟。添加物体,形状,到一个空间,然后以一个整体进行更新这个空间。


The best way to get support is to visit the Chipmunk Forums. There are plenty of people around using Chipmunk on the just about every platform I've ever heard of. If you are working on a commercial project, Howling Moon Software is also available for contracting.

Chipmunk最好的支持就是Chipmunk论坛,它有很多使用Chipmunk的开发人员,它们把它应用在很多我所听过的平台。如果你工作在一个商业的项目上, 签协议?

Rigid bodies, collision shapes and sprites: 刚体,冲突形态和精灵

There is often confusion between rigid bodies and their collision shapes in Chipmunk and how they relate to sprites. A sprite would be a visual representation of an object, the sprite is drawn at the position and rotation of the rigid body. Collision shapes representation of the object, and how it should collide with other objects. A sprite and collision shape have little to do with one another other than you probably want the collision shape to match the sprite’s shape.


Chipmunk Basics Chipmunk的一些基础知识

Initialization 初始化

Before you do anything else, you must initialize Chipmunk. Otherwise you will crash as soon as the first collision happens.

cpInitChipmunk(); // That is all

Additionally, if you didn't compile Chipmunk with the NDEBUG flag, it will print out the debug mode message and the current version number to stdout.


Chipmunk,否则将会crash,初始化使用以上那个函数。除此之外,如果你还没有通过NDEBUG flag 编译


Memory Management the Chipmunk way


For many of the structures you will use, Chipmunk uses a more or less standard set of memory management functions. For example: 对于很多你使用过的框架,


cpSpaceAlloc() allocates but does not initialize a cpSpace struct.cpSpaceInit(cpSpace *space) initializes a cpSpace struct.cpSpaceDestroy(cpSpace *space) frees all memory allocated by the cpSpaceInit(), but does not free the cpSpace struct itself.cpSpaceNew() allocates and initializes a cpSpace struct (calls cpSpaceAlloc () and cpSpaceInit()).cpSpaceFree(cpSpace *space) calls cpSpaceDestroy() and then frees the cpSpace struct.

While you will probably use the new/free versions exclusively if you are using C/C++, but the alloc/init/destroy functions can be helpful when writing language extensions so that you can more easily work with a garbage collector.

In general, you are responsible for freeing any structs that you allocate. Chipmunk does not have any fancy reference counting or garbage collection.

当你使用c/c++的时候,你可能选择不去使用new/free分配内存。但是分配/初始化/销毁 函数将会给你的语言扩展带来很大的帮助,所以会使得垃圾回收机制变得更加容易的工作。



Math the Chipmunk way 匹配

First of all, Chipmunk uses double precision floating point numbers throughout it's calculations by default. This is likely to be faster on most modern desktop processors, and means you have to worry less about floating point round off errors. You can change the floating point type used by Chipmunk when compiling the library. Look in chipmunk.h.




Chipmunk defines a number of aliases for common math functions so that you can choose to use floats or doubles for Chipmunk's floating point type. In your own code, there probably isn't a strong reason to use these aliases unless you expect you might want to change Chipmunk's floating point type later and a 2% performance hit from using the wrong float/double version of math functions will matter.




That said, there are a few functions you will probably find very useful:

cpFloat cpfclamp(cpFloat f, cpFloat min, cpFloat max)

Clamp f to be between min and max.

cpFloat cpflerp(cpFloat f1, cpFloat f2, cpFloat t)

Linearly interpolate between f1 and f2. f1和f2之间额外的直线

cpFloat cpflerpconst(cpFloat f1, cpFloat f2, cpFloat d)

Linearly interpolate from f1 towards f2 by d.

To represent vectors, Chipmunk defines the cpVect type and a set of inline functions for working with them (cpv, cpvadd, cpvmult, etc). See the API reference for more information..

Chipmunk C API (c语言API)

Main API 主要的API

cpVect - Create and manipulate 2D vectors. 创建和操作一个2D的矢量cpBB - Create and manipulate 2D axis-aligned bounding boxes. 创建和操作一个2D坐标轴绑定的boxcpBody - Create and work with rigid bodies. 创建一个具有刚体属性的物体cpShape - Attach collision shapes to rigid bodies. 给刚体加上一个冲突形状cpSpace - Create a "space" to put your objects into and simulate them. 给物体和模拟它们之间创建一个空间cpConstraint - Create joints and other constraints. 创建一个连接和其他约束Learn about how CollisionDetection in Chipmunk works. 学习如何处理


Learn about Chipmunk's CallbackSystem and cpArbiter struct for recieving collision events and adding custom behavior to your physics. 以上两个结构接受冲突时间,加入一个自定义的物理表现。Learn about Queries. Point queries and segment queries (raycasting). 学习如何查询,指出查询的片断。

Links (以下就是相关的链接)

http://www.slembcke.net/forums/viewforum.php?f=1 - The official forum 官方论坛Games - A list of games done with Chipmunk 使用了


BindingsAndPorts - A list of bindings and ports of Chipmunk to other languages.





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