
Tinker Github:[https://github.com/Tencent/tinker]
我的tinker demo项目完整地址[https://github.com/llayjun/MyTinkerDemo]






Tinker 是微信官方的Android热补丁解决方案,它支持动态下发代码、so库以及资源,让应用能够在不需要重新安装的情况下实现更新。当然,你也可以使用 Tinker 来更新你的插件。Tinker 所支持的功能如下:

Tinker 热补丁方案·不仅支持类、So以及资源的替换,它还是 2.X-7.X 的全平台支持。


  • 补丁只能针对单一客户端版本,随着版本差异变大补丁体积也会增大;
  • 补丁不能支持所有的修改,例如AndroidManifest;
  • 补丁无论对代码还是资源的更新成功率都无法达到100%。



buildscript {repositories {jcenter()}dependencies {classpath ('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-patch-gradle-plugin:1.7.11')}


dependencies {//optional, help to generate the final applicationprovided('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-android-anno:1.7.11')//tinker's main Android libcompile('com.tencent.tinker:tinker-android-lib:1.7.11')//检查Dex文件方法数超过了最大值65536的上限compile "com.android.support:multidex:1.0.1"



        /*** buildConfig can change during patch!* we can use the newly value when patch*/buildConfigField "String", "MESSAGE", "\"I am the base apk\""/*** client version would update with patch* so we can get the newly git version easily!*/buildConfigField "String", "TINKER_ID", "\"${getTinkerIdValue()}\""buildConfigField "String", "PLATFORM", "\"all\""


//recommenddexOptions {jumboMode = true}sourceSets {main {jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']}}


def bakPath = file("${buildDir}/bakApk/")/*** you can use assembleRelease to build you base apk* use tinkerPatchRelease -POLD_APK=  -PAPPLY_MAPPING=  -PAPPLY_RESOURCE= to build patch* add apk from the build/bakApk*/
ext {//for some reason, you may want to ignore tinkerBuild, such as instant run debug build?tinkerEnabled = true//注意1//for normal build//old apk file to build patch apktinkerOldApkPath = "${bakPath}/app-release-0725-13-36-40.apk"//proguard mapping file to build patch apktinkerApplyMappingPath = "${bakPath}/app-release-0725-13-32-35-mapping.txt"//resource R.txt to build patch apk, must input if there is resource changedtinkerApplyResourcePath = "${bakPath}/app-release-0725-13-36-40-R.txt"//only use for build all flavor, if not, just ignore this fieldtinkerBuildFlavorDirectory = "${bakPath}/app-1018-17-32-47"
}def buildWithTinker() {return hasProperty("TINKER_ENABLE") ? TINKER_ENABLE : ext.tinkerEnabled
}def getTinkerIdValue() {return hasProperty("TINKER_ID") ? TINKER_ID : android.defaultConfig.versionCode//这里使用versionCode来作为tinkerId,保证版本不一样,//注意2
}def getOldApkPath() {return hasProperty("OLD_APK") ? OLD_APK : ext.tinkerOldApkPath
}def getApplyMappingPath() {return hasProperty("APPLY_MAPPING") ? APPLY_MAPPING : ext.tinkerApplyMappingPath
}def getApplyResourceMappingPath() {return hasProperty("APPLY_RESOURCE") ? APPLY_RESOURCE : ext.tinkerApplyResourcePath
}def getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory() {return ext.tinkerBuildFlavorDirectory
}if (buildWithTinker()) {apply plugin: 'com.tencent.tinker.patch'tinkerPatch {/*** necessary,default 'null'* the old apk path, use to diff with the new apk to build* add apk from the build/bakApk*/oldApk = getOldApkPath()/*** optional,default 'false'* there are some cases we may get some warnings* if ignoreWarning is true, we would just assert the patch process* case 1: minSdkVersion is below 14, but you are using dexMode with raw.*         it must be crash when load.* case 2: newly added Android Component in AndroidManifest.xml,*         it must be crash when load.* case 3: loader classes in dex.loader{} are not keep in the main dex,*         it must be let tinker not work.* case 4: loader classes in dex.loader{} changes,*         loader classes is ues to load patch dex. it is useless to change them.*         it won't crash, but these changes can't effect. you may ignore it* case 5: resources.arsc has changed, but we don't use applyResourceMapping to build*/ignoreWarning = true//注意3/*** optional,default 'true'* whether sign the patch file* if not, you must do yourself. otherwise it can't check success during the patch loading* we will use the sign config with your build type*/useSign = true/*** optional,default 'true'* whether use tinker to build*/tinkerEnable = buildWithTinker()/*** Warning, applyMapping will affect the normal android build!*/buildConfig {/*** optional,default 'null'* if we use tinkerPatch to build the patch apk, you'd better to apply the old* apk mapping file if minifyEnabled is enable!* Warning:* you must be careful that it will affect the normal assemble build!*/applyMapping = getApplyMappingPath()/*** optional,default 'null'* It is nice to keep the resource id from R.txt file to reduce java changes*/applyResourceMapping = getApplyResourceMappingPath()/*** necessary,default 'null'* because we don't want to check the base apk with md5 in the runtime(it is slow)* tinkerId is use to identify the unique base apk when the patch is tried to apply.* we can use git rev, svn rev or simply versionCode.* we will gen the tinkerId in your manifest automatic*/tinkerId = getTinkerIdValue()/*** if keepDexApply is true, class in which dex refer to the old apk.* open this can reduce the dex diff file size.*/keepDexApply = false/*** optional, default 'false'* Whether tinker should treat the base apk as the one being protected by app* protection tools.* If this attribute is true, the generated patch package will contain a* dex including all changed classes instead of any dexdiff patch-info files.*/isProtectedApp = false}dex {/*** optional,default 'jar'* only can be 'raw' or 'jar'. for raw, we would keep its original format* for jar, we would repack dexes with zip format.* if you want to support below 14, you must use jar* or you want to save rom or check quicker, you can use raw mode also*/dexMode = "jar"/*** necessary,default '[]'* what dexes in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.*/pattern = ["classes*.dex","assets/secondary-dex-?.jar"]/*** necessary,default '[]'* Warning, it is very very important, loader classes can't change with patch.* thus, they will be removed from patch dexes.* you must put the following class into main dex.* Simply, you should add your own application {@code tinker.sample.android.SampleApplication}* own tinkerLoader, and the classes you use in them**/loader = [//use sample, let BaseBuildInfo unchangeable with tinker"tinker.sample.android.app.BaseBuildInfo"]}lib {/*** optional,default '[]'* what library in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.* for library in assets, we would just recover them in the patch directory* you can get them in TinkerLoadResult with Tinker*/pattern = ["lib/*/*.so"]}res {/*** optional,default '[]'* what resource in apk are expected to deal with tinkerPatch* it support * or ? pattern.* you must include all your resources in apk here,* otherwise, they won't repack in the new apk resources.*/pattern = ["res/*", "assets/*", "resources.arsc", "AndroidManifest.xml"]/*** optional,default '[]'* the resource file exclude patterns, ignore add, delete or modify resource change* it support * or ? pattern.* Warning, we can only use for files no relative with resources.arsc*/ignoreChange = ["assets/sample_meta.txt"]/*** default 100kb* for modify resource, if it is larger than 'largeModSize'* we would like to use bsdiff algorithm to reduce patch file size*/largeModSize = 100}packageConfig {/*** optional,default 'TINKER_ID, TINKER_ID_VALUE' 'NEW_TINKER_ID, NEW_TINKER_ID_VALUE'* package meta file gen. path is assets/package_meta.txt in patch file* you can use securityCheck.getPackageProperties() in your ownPackageCheck method* or TinkerLoadResult.getPackageConfigByName* we will get the TINKER_ID from the old apk manifest for you automatic,* other config files (such as patchMessage below)is not necessary*/configField("patchMessage", "tinker is sample to use")/*** just a sample case, you can use such as sdkVersion, brand, channel...* you can parse it in the SamplePatchListener.* Then you can use patch conditional!*/configField("platform", "all")/*** patch version via packageConfig*/configField("patchVersion", "1.0")}//or you can add config filed outside, or get meta value from old apk//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test1", project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.getMetaDataFromOldApk("Test"))//project.tinkerPatch.packageConfig.configField("test2", "sample")/*** if you don't use zipArtifact or path, we just use 7za to try*/sevenZip {/*** optional,default '7za'* the 7zip artifact path, it will use the right 7za with your platform*/zipArtifact = "com.tencent.mm:SevenZip:1.1.10"/*** optional,default '7za'* you can specify the 7za path yourself, it will overwrite the zipArtifact value*/
//        path = "/usr/local/bin/7za"}}List<String> flavors = new ArrayList<>();project.android.productFlavors.each { flavor ->flavors.add(flavor.name)}boolean hasFlavors = flavors.size() > 0def date = new Date().format("MMdd-HH-mm-ss")/*** bak apk and mapping*/android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->/*** task type, you want to bak*/def taskName = variant.nametasks.all {if ("assemble${taskName.capitalize()}".equalsIgnoreCase(it.name)) {it.doLast {copy {def fileNamePrefix = "${project.name}-${variant.baseName}"def newFileNamePrefix = hasFlavors ? "${fileNamePrefix}" : "${fileNamePrefix}-${date}"def destPath = hasFlavors ? file("${bakPath}/${project.name}-${date}/${variant.flavorName}") : bakPathfrom variant.outputs.outputFileinto destPathrename { String fileName ->fileName.replace("${fileNamePrefix}.apk", "${newFileNamePrefix}.apk")}from "${buildDir}/outputs/mapping/${variant.dirName}/mapping.txt"into destPathrename { String fileName ->fileName.replace("mapping.txt", "${newFileNamePrefix}-mapping.txt")}from "${buildDir}/intermediates/symbols/${variant.dirName}/R.txt"into destPathrename { String fileName ->fileName.replace("R.txt", "${newFileNamePrefix}-R.txt")}}}}}}project.afterEvaluate {//sample use for build all flavor for one timeif (hasFlavors) {task(tinkerPatchAllFlavorRelease) {group = 'tinker'def originOldPath = getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory()for (String flavor : flavors) {def tinkerTask = tasks.getByName("tinkerPatch${flavor.capitalize()}Release")dependsOn tinkerTaskdef preAssembleTask = tasks.getByName("process${flavor.capitalize()}ReleaseManifest")preAssembleTask.doFirst {String flavorName = preAssembleTask.name.substring(7, 8).toLowerCase() + preAssembleTask.name.substring(8, preAssembleTask.name.length() - 15)project.tinkerPatch.oldApk = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release.apk"project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release-mapping.txt"project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyResourceMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-release-R.txt"}}}task(tinkerPatchAllFlavorDebug) {group = 'tinker'def originOldPath = getTinkerBuildFlavorDirectory()for (String flavor : flavors) {def tinkerTask = tasks.getByName("tinkerPatch${flavor.capitalize()}Debug")dependsOn tinkerTaskdef preAssembleTask = tasks.getByName("process${flavor.capitalize()}DebugManifest")preAssembleTask.doFirst {String flavorName = preAssembleTask.name.substring(7, 8).toLowerCase() + preAssembleTask.name.substring(8, preAssembleTask.name.length() - 13)project.tinkerPatch.oldApk = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug.apk"project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug-mapping.txt"project.tinkerPatch.buildConfig.applyResourceMapping = "${originOldPath}/${flavorName}/${project.name}-${flavorName}-debug-R.txt"}}}}}





/*** Created by Administrator on 2017/7/25 0025.*/
@DefaultLifeCycle(application = "com.millet.myapplication.SampleApplication", flags = ShareConstants.TINKER_ENABLE_ALL, loadVerifyFlag = false)
public class SampleApplicationLike extends DefaultApplicationLike {public SampleApplicationLike(Application application, int tinkerFlags, boolean tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, long applicationStartElapsedTime, long applicationStartMillisTime, Intent tinkerResultIntent) {super(application, tinkerFlags, tinkerLoadVerifyFlag, applicationStartElapsedTime, applicationStartMillisTime, tinkerResultIntent);}@Overridepublic void onCreate() {super.onCreate();}/*** install multiDex before install tinker* so we don't need to put the tinker lib classes in the main dex** @param base*/@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH)@Overridepublic void onBaseContextAttached(Context base) {super.onBaseContextAttached(base);//you must install multiDex whatever tinker is installed!MultiDex.install(base);//初始化TinkerTinkerInstaller.install(this);}@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH)public void registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks callback) {getApplication().registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(callback);}}



问题1:tinkerId is not set ,这个问题是因为用户没有设置tinkerId,我这边使用的是return hasProperty("TINKER_ID") ? TINKER_ID : android.defaultConfig.versionCode//这里使用versionCode来作为tinkerId

signingConfigs {release {try {storeFile file("./keystore/mi.jks")storePassword "qazwsx"keyAlias "qazwsx"keyPassword "qazwsx"} catch (ex) {throw new InvalidUserDataException(ex.toString())}}debug {storeFile file("./keystore/mi.jks")storePassword "qazwsx"keyAlias "qazwsx"keyPassword "qazwsx"}}buildTypes {release {minifyEnabled truesigningConfig signingConfigs.releaseproguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'}debug {debuggable trueminifyEnabled falsesigningConfig signingConfigs.debugproguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'}}








String patchPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/patch_signed_7zip.apk";
TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(getApplicationContext(), patchPath);


 String patchPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/patch_signed_7zip.apk";File file = new File(patchPath);boolean is = file.exists();Toast.makeText(this, "是否存在:" + is + "地址是:" + patchPath, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();if (file.exists()) {Log.v(TAG, "补丁文件存在");TinkerInstaller.onReceiveUpgradePatch(getApplicationContext(), patchPath);} else {Log.v(TAG, "补丁文件不存在");}


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