
Scala Collections are the containers that hold sequenced linear set of items like List, Set, Tuple, Option, Map etc. Collections may be strict or lazy. The memory is not allocated until they are accessed. Collections can be mutable or immutable.

Scala集合是保存序列线性项(如列表,集合,元组,选项,地图等)的容器。集合可能是严格的或惰性的。 直到访问它们才分配内存。 集合可以是可变的或不可变的。

In this article, let us understand List and Set.


Scala列表 (Scala List)

The elements of the list have same data type. Lists are similar to arrays with two differences that is Lists are immutable and list represents a linked list whereas arrays are flat.

列表中的元素具有相同的数据类型。 列表类似于数组,但有两个区别,即列表是不可变的,列表表示链表,而数组是平面。

List is represented as List[T] where T is the data-type of the elements.

List表示为List[T] ,其中T是元素的数据类型。

Consider an example;


val StudentNames[String] = List("Rohan", "Andreas", "Rob", "John")

Empty list can be created as


val em: List[Nothing] = List()

Two dimensional list can be created as


val twodim: List[List[Int]] =List(List(1, 0, 0),List(0, 1, 0),List(0, 0, 1))

Scala列表上的基本操作 (Basic Operations on Scala List)

The basic operations include;


head: returns first element in the list.

head :返回列表中的第一个元素。

tail: returns all the elements except the first element in the list.

tail :返回列表中第一个元素以外的所有元素。

isempty: returns true if the list is empty.

isempty :如果列表为空,则返回true。

Consider an example for these operations;


object Student {
def main(args:Array[String]) {val names= "Harry" :: ("Adam" :: ("Jill" :: Nil))val age = Nilprintln( "Head of names array : " + names.head )println( "Tail of names array : " + names.tail )println( "Check if names is empty : " + names.isEmpty )println( "Check if age is empty : " + age.isEmpty )}

We are creating student object with two lists – names and age. We are invoking the head, tail and empty method on the array names and age.

我们正在创建带有两个列表的学生对象-名称和年龄。 我们正在调用数组名称和年龄的head,tail和empty方法。

Run the output by typing Student.main(null) and you will see below output.


Head of names array : Harry
Tail of names array : List(Adam, Jill)
Check if names is empty : false
Check if age is empty : true

You can also save the above code in Student.scala file and run as


$scalac Student.scala
$scala Student
Head of names array : Harry
Tail of names array : List(Adam, Jill)
Check if names is empty : false
Check if age is empty : true

Scala串联列表 (Scala Concatenating lists)

To concatenate lists we use ::: or List.:::() or concat method to join two or more lists.

要连接列表,我们使用:::或List。:: :()或concat方法来连接两个或多个列表。

Consider an example of how to concatenate the lists


object Country {def main(args:Array[String]) {val country_1 =  List("India","SriLanka","Algeria")val country_2 = List("Austria","Belgium","Canada")val country = country_1 ::: country_2println( "country_1 ::: country_2 : " + country )val cont = country_1.:::(country_2)println( "country_1.:::(country_2) : " + cont )val con = List.concat(country_1, country_2)println( "List.concat(country_1, country_2) : " + con  )}

We have created two lists country_1 and country_2. We are concatenating two lists country_1 and country_2 into a single country list using ::: operator. In the second case we are using .::: operator to concat country_1 and country_2 into “cont” list and the second list country_2 data will be first inserted and then country_1 list data is displayed.

我们创建了两个列表country_1和country_2。 我们使用:::运算符将两个列表country_1和country_2连接到一个国家列表中。 在第二种情况下,我们使用。:::运算符将country_1和country_2合并到“连续”列表中,并且将首先插入第二个列表country_2数据,然后显示country_1列表数据。

Finally we use concat method to concatenate country_1 and country_2 into the list “con”.

最后,我们使用concat方法将country_1和country_2连接到列表“ con”中。

Run the above code by typing Country.main(null) and you will see below output.


country_1 ::: country_2 : List(India, SriLanka, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada)
country_1.:::(country_2) : List(Austria, Belgium, Canada, India, SriLanka, Algeria)
List.concat(country_1, country_2) : List(India, SriLanka, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada)

Scala反向列表顺序 (Scala Reverse List Order)

The List data structure provides List.reverse method to reverse all elements of the list.


Consider an example below.


object Country {def main(args:Array[String]) {val country = List("Denmark","Sweden","France")println("Country List before reversal :" + country)println("Country List after reversal :" + country.reverse)

Here we are using reverse method to reverse the elements of the country list.


Run the code by typing Country.main(null) and you will see below output.


Country List before reversal :List(Denmark, Sweden, France)
Country List after reversal :List(France, Sweden, Denmark)

Scala创建统一列表 (Scala Creating Uniform Lists)

The List.fill() method creates zero or more copies of the same element.


Consider an example;


object Student {def main(args: Array[String]) {val name = List.fill(6)("Rehan") println( "Name : " + name  )val id = List.fill(6)(12)         println( "Id : " + id  )}

Here we are using fill method and creating the name list with same name “Rehan” for six elements . The id list created with the same id 12 for all the six elements.

在这里,我们使用fill方法并为六个元素创建具有相同名称“ Rehan”的名称列表。 为所有六个元素使用相同的ID 12创建的ID列表。

scala>Student.main(null)Name : List(Rehan, Rehan, Rehan, Rehan, Rehan, Rehan)
Id : List(12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12)

Scala列表方法 (Scala List Methods)

Some of the other methods supported by List are;


def distinct: List[X] → Builds a new list from the list without any duplicate elements.

定义:List [X] →从列表中构建一个没有任何重复元素的新列表。

def indexOf(elem: X, from: Int): Int → Finds index of first occurrence of some value in the list after or at some start index.

def indexOf(elem:X,from:Int):Int →在某个起始索引之后或起始索引处查找列表中某个值首次出现的索引。

def length: Int → Returns the length of the list.

def length:Int →返回列表的长度。

def sorted[Y >: X]: List[X] → Sorts the list according to an Ordering.

def sorted [Y>:X]:列表[X] →根据顺序对列表进行排序。

def sum: A → Sums up the elements of this collection.

def sum:A →汇总此集合的元素。

def toString(): String → Converts the list to a string.

def toString():字符串 →将列表转换为字符串。

def min: A → Finds the smallest element.

def min:A →查找最小的元素。

def max A → Finds the largest element.

def max A →查找最大元素。

def lastIndexOf(elem: A, end: Int): Int → Finds index of last occurrence of some value in the list before or at a given end index.

def lastIndexOf(elem:A,end:Int):Int →查找在给定结束索引之前或之列的列表中最后一次出现某个值的索引。

def toMap[X, Y]: Map[X, Y] → Converts this list to a map.

def toMap [X,Y]:Map [X,Y] →将此列表转换为地图。

斯卡拉集 (Scala Set)

Set is a collection of unique elements of the same type. Unlike list Set does not contain duplicate elements. Sets can be mutable or immutable. When the object is immutable the object itself cannot be changed.

Set是相同类型的唯一元素的集合。 与列表不同,Set不包含重复的元素。 集可以是可变的或不可变的。 当对象是不可变的时,对象本身无法更改。

Scala uses immutable set by default. Import scala.collection.mutable.Set to use the mutable set explicitly.

Scala默认使用不可变集。 导入scala.collection.mutable.Set以显式使用可变集合。

For example;


val country = Set("Russia", "Denmark", "Sweden")

Set of Integer data type can be created as


var id : Set[Int] = Set(4,5,6,7,8,9)

Empty Set can be created as;


var age = Set()

Scala中集合的基本操作 (Basic Operation on Set in Scala)

The basic operations include;


head → returns first element of a set.

head →返回集合的第一个元素。

tail → returns all the elements except the first element in the set.

tail →返回集合中第一个元素以外的所有元素。

isempty → returns true if the set is empty else returns false.

isempty →如果集合为空,则返回true,否则返回false。

Consider an example;


object Student {def main(args: Array[String]) {val name = Set("Smith", "Brown", "Allen")val id: Set[Int] = Set()println( "Head of name : " + name.head )println( "Tail of name : " + name.tail )println( "Check if name is empty : " + name.isEmpty )println( "Check if id is empty : " + id.isEmpty )}

Here we are creating student object with two sets “names” and “id”. We are doing head, tail and empty operations on these arrays and printing the result.

在这里,我们用两个集合“名称”和“ id”创建学生对象。 我们正在对这些数组进行头,尾和空操作并打印结果。

scala>Student.main(null)Head of name : Smith
Tail of name : Set(Brown, Allen)
Check if name is empty : false
Check if id is empty : true

Scala连接集 (Scala Concatenating Sets)

To concatenate one or more sets use ++ operator or Set.++() method. While adding the sets duplicate items are removed.

要连接一个或多个集合,请使用++运算符或Set。++()方法。 在添加集合时,将删除重复项。

For example;


object Furniture {def main(args: Array[String]) {val furniture_1 = Set("Sofa", "Table", "chair")val furniture_2 = Set("Bed", "Door")var furniture = furniture_1 ++ furniture_2println( "furniture_1 ++ furniture_2 : " + furniture )var furn = furniture_1.++(furniture_2)println( "furniture_1.++(furniture_2) : " + furn )}

We are creating two sets furniture_1 and furniture_2 and concatenating these two sets into furniture and furn using ++ and Set.++ operators.


scala> Furniture.main(null)furniture_1 ++ furniture_2 : Set(Door, Sofa, Bed, Table, chair)
furniture_1.++(furniture_2) : Set(Door, Sofa, Bed, Table, chair)

一组通用值 (Common Values in a Set)

The Set.& method or Set.intersect method can be used to find the common elements in two or more sets.


Consider an example below.


object Numbers {def main(args: Array[String]) {val n1 = Set(11,45,67,78,89,86,90)val n2 = Set(10,20,45,67,34,78,98,89)println( "n1.&(n2) : " + n1.&(n2) )println( "n1.intersect(n2) : " + n1.intersect(n2) )}

We are creating two sets of numbers n1 and n2 and finding common elements present in both the sets.


scala> Numbers.main(null)n1.&(n2) : Set(78, 89, 45, 67)
n1.intersect(n2) : Set(78, 89, 45, 67)

一组中的最大和最小元素 (Maximum and Minimum elements in a Set)

The Set.min method is used to find out the minimum and Set.max method to find out the maximum amongst the elements available in a set.


Consider an example;


object Numbers {def main(args: Array[String]) {val num1 = Set(125,45,678,34,20,322,10)println( "Minimum  element in the Set is : " + num1.min )println( "Maximum  element in the Set is : " + num1.max )}

We are finding the minimum and maximum numbers in set “num1” using the min and max methods.

我们使用最小和最大方法在集合“ num1”中找到最小和最大数目。

scala> Numbers.main(null)Minimum  element in the Set is : 10
Maximum  element in the Set is : 678

其他有用的Scala设置方法 (Other useful Scala Set Methods)

Some of the Set methods in scala programming are;


def contains(elem: X): Boolean → Returns true if elem is contained in this set, else returns false.

def contains(elem:X):布尔值 →如果此集合中包含elem,则返回true,否则返回false。

def last: X → Returns the last element.

def last:X →返回最后一个元素。

def product: X → Returns the product of all elements of this immutable set with respect to the * operator in num

def product:X →返回相对于num中的*运算符,此不可变集的所有元素的乘积

def size: Int → Returns the number of elements in this immutable set.

def size:Int →返回此不可变集中的元素数。

def sum: X → Returns the sum of all elements of this immutable set with respect to the + operator in num.

def sum:X →返回相对于num的+运算符,此不可变集合的所有元素的总和。

def toList: List[X] → Returns a list containing all elements of this immutable set.

def toList:List [X] →返回包含此不可变集合的所有元素的列表。

def toSeq: Seq[X] → Returns a sequence containing all elements of this immutable set.

def toSeq:Seq [X] →返回一个包含此不可变集合的所有元素的序列。

def toArray: Array[X] → Returns an array containing all elements of this immutable set.

def toArray:Array [X] →返回包含此不可变集合的所有元素的数组。

def subsetOf(that: Set[X]): Boolean → Returns true if this set is a subset of that, i.e. if every element of this set is also an element of that.

def subsetOf(that:Set [X]):布尔值 →如果此集合是该集合的子集,即该集合的每个元素也是该集合的元素,则返回true。

def mkString: String → Displays all elements of this immutable set in a string.

def mkString:字符串 →在字符串中显示此不可变集合的所有元素。

That’s all for now, we will look into other Scala Collection classes in coming posts.

到此为止,我们将在以后的文章中探讨其他Scala Collection类。




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