
The term IPTV isn’t that well-known outside the world of media and streaming. However, it’s most people have likely used it without even knowing what it is– and they’re likely to use it even more in the future.

IPTV一词在媒体和流媒体世界之外并不是众所周知的。 但是,大多数人甚至可能在不知道它是什么的情况下就使用了它-并且他们将来可能会更多地使用它。

IPTV is a huge part of the paradigm shift from traditional modes of broadcasting, including cable TV and radio, to internet-based streaming. It is growing at a steady rate in today’s internet-friendly landscape, with newer, better services and providers mushrooming every day.

IPTV是从传统广播模式(包括有线电视和广播)到基于Internet的流传输模式转变的重要组成部分。 在当今互联网友好的环境中,它正在以稳定的速度增长,每天都有更新,更好的服务和提供商出现。

Here’s everything you need to know about this concept, from the definition of IPTV to how to create your own IPTV service.


什么是IPTV? (What is IPTV?)

IPTV is Internet Protocol Television, a system by which the internet is used as a messenger for delivering video content online either live or on-demand. Digital TV services are made available to a subscriber through Internet protocol technology, which uses your internet connection as a medium.

IPTV是Internet协议电视,该系统将Internet用作使在线或点播在线视频内容的信使。 数字电视服务通过Internet协议技术提供给订户,该协议使用您的Internet连接作为媒介。

IPTV shares similarities with both traditional TV and digital video platforms such as YouTube, but there are some significant differences. In the case of IPTV, Tv programmes are sent via the internet to a user’s set-top box. Unlike traditional TV, where viewers have to tune in to whatever is being broadcast on a channel at that time, IPTV allows viewers to choose what they want to watch because video content is stored on the transmitting end to be played on demand. In just this way, its similar to Netflix and YouTube.

IPTV与传统的电视和数字视频平台(例如YouTube)具有相似之处,但存在一些显着差异。 对于IPTV,电视节目通过互联网发送到用户的机顶盒。 与传统电视不同,在传统电视中,观众必须收看当时频道上正在播放的内容,而IPTV则允许观众选择想要观看的内容,因为视频内容存储在发送端,可以按需播放。 就这样,它类似于Netflix和YouTube。

IPTV如何工作? (How does IPTV Work?)

In simple terms, whenever a viewer requests to see a video, that video is split into different data packets and relayed through the internet and fibre-optic connections to the user’s set-top box.


There are two types of IPTV service structures, the deployment of which depends on the network structure of the IPTV service provider. They are:

IPTV服务结构有两种类型,其部署取决于IPTV服务提供商的网络结构。 他们是:

集中式架构 (Centralised Architecture)

In centralised architecture, all video content is stored on centralised servers. This means content distribution happens from the same server, which translates to not needing a dedicated content distribution system. While scaleable, it is recommended mainly for networks with smaller VOD service deployment and a seamless content delivery network.

在集中式体系结构中,所有视频内容都存储在集中式服务器上。 这意味着内容分发来自同一服务器,这意味着不需要专用的内容分发系统。 虽然可扩展,但主要推荐用于具有较小VOD服务部署和无缝内容交付网络的网络。

分布式架构 (Distributed Architecture)

This structure has essential features that make it possible to manage large server networks. It needs more complex content distribution technologies, especially when deploying a relatively massive system. It’s ideal for companies who have to deal with a large number of video and multimedia content and has distinct advantages such as better system management.

这种结构具有必不可少的功能,可以管理大型服务器网络。 它需要更复杂的内容分发技术,尤其是在部署相对大型的系统时。 对于必须处理大量视频和多媒体内容并且具有明显优势(例如更好的系统管理)的公司而言,它是理想的选择。

IPTV服务类型 (Types of IPTV Services)

IPTV is beneficial in distributing traditional TV programmes over the internet through a set-top box. However, an IPTV solution is just as useful when it comes to the following services:

IPTV有助于通过机顶盒在Internet上分发传统电视节目。 但是,IPTV解决方案在涉及以下服务时同样有用:

时移观看 (Time-shifted viewing)

This service allows users to view live broadcasts such that they can pause and resume playbacks at their convenience. Sometimes, these may also feature the option to rewind a programme– something that’s not possible on traditional TV programmes.

该服务允许用户观看实时广播,以便他们可以在方便时暂停和继续播放。 有时,这些功能还可能带有倒带节目的选项-这是传统电视节目无法实现的。

视频点播(VoD) (Video on Demand (VoD))

This feature is individualistic in that it delivers single video content pieces to each subscriber. Viewers may choose any movie or video content they want to watch from the VOD library.

此功能具有个人特色,因为它向每个订户提供单个视频内容。 观众可以从VOD库中选择要观看的任何电影或视频内容。

近点播视频(nVoD) (Near Video on Demand (nVoD))

This is a pay-per-view service that operates according to a pre-set content broadcasting schedule. Viewers can look through the schedule and tune in to what they want to watch at the right time.

这是一种按次计费的服务,它根据预设的内容广播时间表运行。 观众可以浏览时间表,并在合适的时间收看想要观看的节目。

电视点播(TVoD (TV on Demand (TVoD)

Viewers can make use of this feature by selecting pre-recorded TV programmes to watch whenever it is convenient for them.


IPTV的未来 (The Future of IPTV)

Currently, the total number of subscribers who make use of IPTV features has crossed 130 million. The global IPTV market will reach USD 93.59 billion in value by 2021– a massive climb from 34.67 billion in 2015. IPTV networks have spread to many major world players, including Russia, China, India, Sweden and Germany, and the rest of the world is fast catching up.

目前,使用IPTV功能的订户总数已超过1.3亿。 到2021年,全球IPTV市场规模将达到935.9亿美元,比2015年的346.7亿美元大幅增长。IPTV网络已经扩展到许多主要的全球参与者,包括俄罗斯,中国,印度,瑞典和德国,以及世界其他地区赶上了。

Sports seems to be an industry that’s seeing the most growth in IPTV– this is fuelled by the number of popular TV service providers who now stream live and VOD matches through the internet onto any device connected. IPTV has made it that much easier to catch an India-England match or a crucial Real Madrid vs Barcelona game.

体育似乎是IPTV增长最快的行业-这是由受欢迎的电视服务提供商推动的,这些提供商现在可以通过互联网将直播和VOD比赛流式传输到所连接的任何设备上。 IPTV使观看印度-英格兰比赛或关键的皇马对巴塞罗那的比赛变得容易得多。

Pre-recorded and catch-up TV is also fast catching up. Household names such as NBC, FOX and CBS in the US have apps that you can download to watch the shows you’ve missed without having to record the shows yourself. In the UK, the BBC iPlayer is a similar service.

预先录制和追赶的电视也正在Swift赶上。 在美国,诸如NBC,FOX和CBS这样的家喻户晓的名字都有可以下载的应用程序,您可以观看错过的节目,而无需自己录制节目。 在英国,BBC iPlayer是类似的服务。

Several new names are also being added to the list of IPTV platform providers across the world, each offering their perks and preferential rates. Over the next few years, the world will continue to see a rise in these numbers, as well as better features for viewers who make the switch from traditional TV to IPTV.

全球IPTV平台提供商列表中也添加了几个新名称,每个名称都提供了特权和优惠价格。 在接下来的几年中,世界范围内的数字将继续增长,同时,从传统电视转向IPTV的观众也将拥有更好的功能。

启动您自己的IPTV服务 (Starting Your Own IPTV Service)

Now that the answer to the question “what is an IPTV service” is all laid out, it’s appropriate to jump into how to start your own IPTV business or service.


The quickest and most cost-effective way to begin is to connect your business with a popular IPTV service provider in your country. The best ones have the capacity and the bandwidth you’ll need to distribute your content; they’ll also be well-versed in walking you through the process and helping you overcome any hiccups you may face.

最快,最经济高效的开始方式是将您的业务与您所在国家的知名IPTV服务提供商联系起来。 最好的具有发布内容所需的容量和带宽。 他们也会精通这些流程,帮助您克服可能遇到的麻烦。

Before you select an IPTV provider, you’ll want to identify your niche, content type, schedule, frequency and target audience. You’ll also need to look into the future to see how much scalability and content distribution technologies matter to your business plan– this will enable you to choose the type of architecture that is best suited for your end goals.

在选择IPTV提供商之前,您需要确定自己的细分市场,内容类型,时间表,频率和目标受众。 您还需要展望未来,以了解可伸缩性和内容分发技术对您的业务计划有多重要-这将使您能够选择最适合最终目标的体系结构类型。

结论 (Conclusion)

IPTV is gaining steam in the world of video content and broadcasting, so now is better than never to hop on the bandwagon and make your waves!


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/513182/



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