Proxifier allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers to operate through a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy and chains.
2012.04.02 更新
New Features in v3.15
  • Failover (redundancy list) allows assigning any number of back up proxies. Timeout is configurable. Proxy failure is transparent for the client application if redundancy is enabled.
  • Automatic profile update from a remote web server. User’s proxy login details get preserved.
  • Proxifier can use Authentication URL to be authorized on the proxy server. This option can work with specific proxy servers like Blue Coat.
  • Each proxy can be assigned a short name (label) that can be conveniently used in other parts of Proxifier.
  • Check for updates on start. Proxifier will display a message if there is a new version available.
  • New proxy chain type: load balancing. Now you can automatically distribute connections between several proxy servers.
  • User can enter login details interactively if login/password is blank in the profile.
  • Proxifier re-asks login/password interactively if authentication on proxy fails.
  • An option to force profile password encryption via the system registry.
  • Miscellaneous UI improvements and tweaks.

Problems Fixed in v3.15

  • Traffic dumps for 64-bit applications.
  • GetSockName error 10022 fix.
  • Correct processing of "silent-load" command line parameter.
  • Improved logic for DNS over Proxy mode.
  • "Local authentication routines failed" error.
  • NTLM authentication on HTTPS proxy with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" response.
  • Automatic routines like DNS mode detection do not conflict with manual UI settings.
  • Manual connection closure may cause UI freeze.
  • Proxy Checker works with login details that contain spaces.
  • Proxifier UI hyperlink double-click problem.
  • Check for spaces at proxy server address.
  • A proper rendering of a large list of profiles at menu.
  • Miscellaneous small fixes and adjustments.


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