纯代码开发c# ui

Do you ever find that the UI screens that we see in blockbuster movies, television, and games are so much more fun than the UIs we might build at work? Here’s your chance to code something fun and maybe even win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

您是否发现我们在大片的电影,电视和游戏中看到的UI屏幕比我们在工作中可能创建的UI有趣得多? 这是您编写有趣的代码的机会,甚至可能赢得$ 100的Amazon礼品卡。

Starting from today, we’ve got 4 quick fortnightly UI coding challenges to test your skills and problem-solving abilities. You get the chance to show off your skills while maybe learning a trick or two from others. There is no single ‘correct’ way to tackle these challenges.

从今天开始,我们每两周会进行4次快速的UI编码挑战,以测试您的技能和解决问题的能力。 您有机会炫耀自己的技能,同时可以从他人那里学习一两个技巧。 没有单一的“正确”方法来应对这些挑战。

At the end of the week (next Wednesday) we’ll publish a post on the best solutions submitted and pick our all-around favorite for the prize. That winner will receive:

在本周结束时(下一个星期三),我们将发布有关最佳解决方案的帖子,并选择我们最喜欢的解决方案。 该优胜者将获得:

  • The glory of being adjudged our favorite solution被裁定为我们最喜​​欢的解决方案的荣耀
  • A $100 Amazon gift card价值100美元的亚马逊礼品卡

We’ll also give away 2 Premium memberships and some highly-sought-after SitePoint t-shirts to runners-up.

我们还将向亚军赠送2个高级会员和一些备受追捧的SitePoint T恤。

Let’s get the first challenge started!


挑战1:创建ECG / EKG *心率UI动画 (Challenge #1: Create an ECG/EKG* Heart Rate UI Animation)

Clockwise from top left: Luke Cage (S01E10), Cabin in the Woods (2012), Oblivion (2013), & Casino Royale (2006).

左上角顺时针方向:卢克·凯奇( S01E10 ),树林小屋( 2012 ),遗忘( 2013 )和皇家赌场( 2006 )。

We’ve all seen this common movie, television, and games trope – the ‘real-time heart rate monitor/electrocardiograph’. Sometimes it’s a plot point in a contemporary medical drama (i.e. Grey’s Anatomy, ER, etc). More often we see it as cutting-edge technology for elite super-spies (e.g. James Bond or Mission Impossible) or the far-future bio-monitoring of sci-fi space-marines (e.g Aliens or Oblivion). Design teams spend thousands of hours crafting these FUIs (Future/Fantasy/Fictional User Interfaces) to look as authentic and believable as possible. Now it’s your turn.

我们都已经看过这种常见的电影,电视和游戏机,即“实时心率监测器/心电图仪”。 有时,这是当代医学戏剧中的情节(例如,《灰色解剖学》,《 ER》等)。 我们更经常将其视为精英超级间谍(例如James Bond或不可能的任务)的尖端技术或科幻太空船的远距离生物监控(例如Aliens或Oblivion)。 设计团队花费数千小时来制作这些FUI (未来/幻想/虚构用户界面),以使其看起来尽可能真实可信。 现在轮到你了。

任务 (The Task)

Your task – should you choose to accept it – is to create an animated ECG/EKG bio-monitor display panel. You can use whatever technologies you like – as long as you can present your solution as a CodePen. That includes but isn’t limited to:

您的任务( 如果您选择接受的话 )是创建一个动画的ECG / EKG生物监测器显示面板。 您可以使用任何喜欢的技术- 只要您可以将解决方案显示为CodePen即可 。 这包括但不限于:

  • Canvas帆布
  • WebGLWebGL
  • D3D3
  • Any other web technology任何其他网络技术

Generally, these UI screens are shown in ‘dark mode’ and dominated by at least one (but often more) left-to-right-looping graph lines tracing out a heart rate. Feel free to expand the UI to include other cool elements (core temperature, blood pressure, etc), but the squiggly, beating graph line/s is the core element we’re interested in.

通常,这些UI屏幕以“暗模式”显示,并以至少一条 (但经常是更多条)从左到右循环显示心率的图形线控制。 随意扩展用户界面以包括其他很酷的元素(核心温度,血压等),但是曲折,跳动的图形线是我们感兴趣的核心元素。

In the CodePen below, I’ve dropped in a temporary animated GIF as a rough visual guide, but please take your inspiration from whatever movies, TV shows, or games you like.


分叉此Codepen开始 (Fork this Codepen to Start)

See the Pen Machine that goes Ping! by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

看到去Ping的制笔机! 通过SitePoint( @SitePoint上) CodePen 。

注意事项... (Things to keep in mind…)

  1. Humans are NOT perfect clockwork machines – we need your line to show authentic organic, random-looking variation.

    人类不是完美的发条机–我们需要您的产品线来展示真实的, 随机的有机变化。

  2. Typically the line is written to screen sharp but then fades to black before being overwritten on the next pass.通常,该行会被清晰地写入屏幕,但是在下一次遍历被覆盖之前会逐渐变黑。
  3. No GIF animation, video or After Effects – we’re looking for a code solution.没有GIF动画,视频或After Effects –我们正在寻找代码解决方案。
  4. Solutions should be a fork of the CodePen above (so we can keep track of solutions). Feel free to add/change/remove whatever you like from the fork.解决方案应该是上述CodePen的分支(因此我们可以跟踪解决方案)。 随意从叉中添加/更改/删除任何内容。

我该如何输入? (How do I enter?)

Easy. Just post a link to your CodePen.io fork in the comments below with a short explanation of what you did and why. If you’ve got more than one idea, you can enter more than once. For simplicity, don’t enter more than one variation on the same idea.

简单。 只需在下面的评论中发布指向您的CodePen.io分支的链接,并简要说明您所做的事情和原因。 如果您有多个主意,则可以输入多个。 为简单起见,请不要在同一创意上输入多个变形。

您将如何挑选获胜者? (How will you pick the winner?)

We’ll be picking the winner based on three criteria:


  1. Code elegance and effectiveness: Fewer files is better. Fewer characters is better. Simplicity and code readability is rated highly.

    代码优雅而有效:文件越少越好。 字符越少越好。 简单性和代码可读性得到很高的评价。

  2. Look and feel: The more ‘movie authentic’ your UI looks the better


  3. Cleverness/inventiveness: This is pure X-factor stuff we haven’t thought of. Scriptability, audio, 3D, whatever…

    聪明/创造力:这是我们从未想到过的纯粹X因子的东西。 脚本性,音频,3D等

There’s no pure mathematical formula for picking the winner, so it will come down to what Kishen, Joel and I agree on.


您什么时候判断? (When will you judge it?)

The Challenge opens for entries on Wednesday 5th June at 9:00 am PST and closes a week later (Wednesday 12th June 9:00 am PST).

挑战赛将于6月5日 ( 星期三) 太平洋标准时间上午9:00开放,而一周后( 6月12日 ( 星期三 ) 太平洋标准时间上午9:00 )结束。

Best of luck. We’re looking forward to what you can come up with.

祝你好运。 我们期待您能提供什么。

在此处发布您的条目 (Post your entry here )

(* ECG / EKG: 心电图 ) ((* ECG/EKG: Electrocardiography))

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ui-code-challenge-1-heartbeats/

纯代码开发c# ui

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