Unit8   Living in an Automobile Culture



One (1)answer  to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. That’s what several major automobile manufactures are trying to do. But building clean car is easier (2)said than (3)done. So far, progress has been slow. Another solution is to (4)eliminate  car fumes altogether by getting rid of the internalcombustion engine.

Inventors are now working on turbinepowered cars, as well as on cars (5) powered by steam and electricity. But most of us won’t be driving cars (6)run  on batteries or boiling water for a while. Many automakers believe that it will take years to develop (7)practical  models that are powered by electricity or steam.

To (8)rid  the world of pollution—pollution caused not just by cars, but by all of modern (9) industrial  life—many people believe we must make some (10) fundamental  changes in the way many of us live. Americans may, for example, have to  cut (11)down  on the number of privately owned cars and (12)depend  more on public (13)mass transit system.

Certainly the extensiveuse of new(14)transit systems could cut down on traffic (15) congestion  and air pollution. But these changes do not come easily. Sometimes they (16)clash   head on with other urgent problems. For example, if a factory (17)closes  down because it cannot meet government pollution, a large number of workers suddenly (18)find  themselves without jobs.

The questioning the quality of air they  (19) breathe  becomes less important than worrying about the next (20 ) paycheck.


There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent, and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China. Solitarily, with the indifference of nature herself, it crept up the mountain side and slipped down to the depth of the valley. Menacingly, the grim watchtowers, stark and foursquare, at due intervals stood at their posts.


Ruthlessly, for it was built at the cost of a million lives and each one of those great gray stones has been stained with the bloody tears of the captive and the outcast, it forged its dark way through a sea of rugged mountains.


Fearlessly, it went on its endless journey, league upon league to the furthermost regions of Asia, in utter solitude, mysterious like the great empire it guarded. There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent, and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China.



The fresh morning air, the singing of birds, the trees and flowers on the sides of the street, and the stars at night conspire to make you feel how beautiful the life is.


Some Chinese brands have nudged into the inter-national market on the back of competitive pricing. At the same time they haven’t ignored such strategies as product quality, an efficient distribution and after-sales service.


Several of her friends brainwashed my sister Mary into believing that her best friend Carol was saying nasty things about her behind her back. Mary was as sorry as she could be when she found out it wasn’t true.


A politician must project himself if he wants to win an election.

5、随着生活节奏的加快,人们感到时间的紧迫,驾车的速度越来越快。马路就像赛场跑道,高速行驶的汽车严重威胁到行人的安全。(race track; sorely)

With the quicken pace of life, people feel time presses and drive their cars faster and faster, which makes the roadway look like a race track. The automobiles running at a high speed sorely threaten the safety of pedestrians.

6、现如今人们对汽车的依赖性越来越强,即使时上下班只有1英里的路程,也要驱车前往。(a round trip to work; resort to)

Nowadays people become increasingly dependent on automobiles. Despite one mile round trip to work, they will resort to automobiles.

7、中国制造的商品以其物美价廉赢得了世界各国消费者的青睐。(win one’s heart)

Low in price and good in quality, the commodities made in China have won hearts of the consumers all over the world.

8、中国的汽车工业白手起家,逐渐发展到如今这样的规模。但是,它仍然处于初级阶段,对其设定过高的质量标准是不切合实际的。(from scratch)

Starting from scratch, Chinese automobile industry has gradually developed into what it is. But with it at the preliminary stage, it is impractical to set an exorbitant quality standard for it.

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