Last August Amazon launched their Flexible Payment System that allowed startups to take money using Amazon’s back end. At the time it was hailed as a PayPal competitor, and on some levels, it was — it was a merchant account replacement that could be co-branded and allow developers to take payments from their web site. However, it was far from a simple payment product. When it launched, Amazon’s Jeff Barr warned that using FPS wasn’t for the faint of heart. “Designed specifically for developers, the ‘F’ in FPS shouldn’t be taken lightly,” he said. “This is a very rich service — the API document is over 250 pages long.”

去年八月,亚马逊推出了他们的灵活支付系统,该系统允许初创企业使用亚马逊的后端来赚钱。 在当时,它被誉为PayPal竞争对手,在某种程度上,它是–可以是联合品牌的商家帐户替代品,并允许开发人员从其网站上付款。 但是,它远非简单的付款产品。 亚马逊的杰夫·巴尔(Jeff Barr)推出时警告说,使用FPS并非出于胆小。 他说:“ FPS中的'F'是专为开发人员设计的,不应掉以轻心。 “这是一项非常丰富的服务-API文档超过250页。”

Today, Amazon expanded their payments offerings with the launch of Simple Pay and Checkout. Both are available through Amazon’s Payments page and the new services are aimed at small businesses, but don’t require nearly as much developer knowledge.

今天,亚马逊通过推出简单付款和结帐功能扩展了他们的支付产品。 两者都可以通过亚马逊的“支付”页面获得 ,新服务针对的是小型企业,但是不需要那么多的开发人员知识。

Amazon published a comparison chart of their three business offerings. The main difference between FPS, Checkout and Simple Pay is that FPS requires “advanced programming skills using APIs” to get implemented, while the others require just HTML or scripting knowledge. There are further differences between Simple Pay and Checkout as well — Checkout is the more complete product in terms of how much of your ordering process Amazon takes care of, while Simple Pay handles payments only and offers more options for consumers in terms of how they can pay.

亚马逊发布了其三种业务产品的比较表 。 FPS,Checkout和Simple Pay之间的主要区别在于FPS需要“使用API​​的高级编程技能”才能实现,而其他FPS仅需要HTML或脚本知识。 有简单的收费和Google Checkout之间的进一步差异以及-结帐是亚马逊如何您的订购过程中多需要照顾的方面较为完整的产品,而只有简单的收费把手支付和提供了消费者更多的选择来讲他们如何能工资。

The fee structure for each is the same and is competitive with PayPal. For payments over $10, sellers will pay 2.9% + $0.30 with volume discounts starting at $3k in sales per month, and for payments under $10 the fee is %5 + $0.05 per transaction.

两者的费用结构相同,并且与PayPal竞争。 对于超过$ 10的付款,卖方将支付2.9%+ $ 0.30的折扣,起价为每月$ 3k,对于低于$ 10的付款,费用为每笔交易的%5 + $ 0.05。

The New York Times notes that many sellers may be wary of using Amazon’s payment services because they view Amazon as a competitor and don’t want the Seattle-based retail giant access to their sales data. “Many larger retailers express concern about partnering with Amazon because Amazon is one of their largest competitors and they don’t want Amazon to know their information,” Scot Wingo, CEO of ChannelAdvisor, told the New York Times. “On the other hand, eBay and PayPal aren’t going to use sales data to go source product themselves because they are not a retailer.”

《 纽约时报》指出 ,许多卖家可能会警惕使用亚马逊的支付服务,因为他们将亚马逊视为竞争对手,并且不希望西雅图的零售巨头访问其销售数据。 ChannelAdvisor首席执行官Scot Wingo告诉《纽约时报 》:“许多大型零售商都表示担心与亚马逊合作,因为亚马逊是其最大的竞争对手之一,他们不希望亚马逊知道其信息。” “另一方面,eBay和PayPal不会使用销售数据自行获取产品来源,因为它们不是零售商。”

But given eBay’s recent shift toward fixed-price goods, such as their broad partnership with earlier this year, sellers may become increasingly wary of them as well.

但是,鉴于eBay最近转向固定价格商品 ,例如今年早些时候与Buy.com的广泛合作关系,卖家也可能对它们越来越警惕。

Tell us, would you trust Amazon over or as much as PayPal to handle payments for you? Where does Google Checkout fit into this equation? Let us know in the comments.

告诉我们,您是否会信任Amazon或与PayPal一样多地为您处理付款? Google Checkout在哪里适合这个方程式? 让我们在评论中知道。



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