iphone 日历 灰色

I usually use iPhone in the English language. However, I find the iPhone calendar app includes a US holiday calendar subscribed while I am not in US and displaying US holidays in the iPhone calendar is no use and kind of annoying to me.

我通常以英语使用iPhone 。 但是,我发现iPhone 日历应用程序包含我不在美国时订阅的美国假期日历,并且在iPhone日历中显示美国假期是没有用的,并且有点烦人。

After some investigation, I find the way to set the iPhone holiday calendar to the local or specific one. The reason why the “US holiday” calendar appears is that the region in the iPhone is set to “United States”. The key to choose the iPhone holiday calendar is to choose the region.

经过一番调查,我找到了将iPhone假期日历设置为本地或特定日历的方法。 出现“美国假期”日历的原因是iPhone中的区域设置为“美国”。 选择iPhone假期日历的关键是选择地区。

Now, let’s look at how to change the iPhone holiday calendar.


In the “Settings” -> “General” -> “Language & Region”, you can see my original region is “United States”.


To set to another one, I just choose the desired region. In this example, I use “Hong Kong”.

要设置为另一个,我只选择所需的区域。 在此示例中,我使用“香港”。

After selecting the region, go back to the iPhone calendar app and open the “Calendars”. Pull it down and it will refresh the calendars. After the iPhone calendars are refreshed, the desired local iPhone holiday calendar will appear. You can see now it is “HK Holidays” subscribed.

选择区域后,返回iPhone日历应用程序并打开“日历”。 往下拉,它将刷新日历。 刷新iPhone日历后,将出现所需的本地iPhone假期日历。 您现在可以看到已订阅“香港假期”。

The only drawback I found is that the date and time format is also changed to the ones used in the selected region as the iPhone holiday calendar.


翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/changing-iphone-holiday-calendar-local-one/

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