I. Mirrored String II


Note: this is a harder version of Mirrored string I.

The gorillas have recently discovered that the image on the surface of the water is actually a reflection of themselves. So, the next thing for them to discover is mirrored strings.

A mirrored string is a palindrome string that will not change if you view it on a mirror.

Examples of mirrored strings are “MOM”, “IOI” or “HUH”. Therefore, mirrored strings must contain only mirrored letters {A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y} and be a palindrome.

e.g. IWWI, MHHM are mirrored strings, while IWIW, TFC are not.

A palindrome is a string that is read the same forwards and backwards.

Given a string S of length N, help the gorillas by printing the length of the longest mirrored substring that can be made from string S.

A substring is a (possibly empty) string of characters that is contained in another string S. e.g. “Hell” is a substring of “Hello”.


The first line of input is T – the number of test cases.

Each test case contains a non-empty string S of maximum length 1000. The string contains only uppercase English letters.


For each test case, output on a line a single integer - the length of the longest mirrored substring that can be made from string S.






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