
The total number of confirmed cases in Illinois has now surpassed 700,000, with 7,759 new cases reported in one day yesterday (Thanksgiving Black Friday) and 150,000 new cases in the last two weeks, showing that the overall situation is not optimistic and even tends to worsen. But is this really the case? I don’t think we can generalize, but what we need to do is to further refine the data so that we can see more of the information behind it.
Taking a first look at the total number of confirmed cases by region by county, you can see that the Northeast and South regions show more dense data (shown by the size of the circles in the figure).

本人目前位于zipcode 61874地区,总确诊人数311人,并且没有死亡病例。但也不要高兴的太早,我们应该关注的是各个区域的患病比例高低,而不是人数的多少。zipcode61874区域2018年人口统计近8150人,这样算来患病率约3.7%。
Next, take a look at the visualization of the results by zip code area, which is more detailed than the map above. At this glance, Chicago and the surrounding areas are undoubtedly the most severely affected (darker) areas of the state, followed by Southwest St. Louis and the surrounding areas. The rest of the state, when broken down in this way, clearly feels relatively mild.
I am currently located in zipcode 61874 with a total of 311 confirmed cases and no fatalities. But don’t get too excited, we should be focusing on the percentage of cases in each region, not the number of people. zipcode 61874 has a 2018 population of nearly 8,150, which works out to a prevalence rate of about 3.7%.

As shown in the chart below, Illinois has the highest number of diagnosed cases in the 20-29 year old age group, with a similar number in the younger 20 and 30-59 year old age groups, and a relatively low number of diagnosed cases in the 70+ year old age group.

Turning now to the performance of the data on the number of deaths, we can see that middle-aged and older adults are significantly more likely to die than any other age group. I think this is the main reason why young people are less aware of the need to take precautions and may see the new coronavirus as a common infectious disease. It is also true that in public places where masks are mandatory, people are more likely to follow the rules, but outdoors or in areas where masks are not mandatory, people mostly do not wear them.

最后看看按照人种和性别分类的数据表现。抛开未填写人种信息的约三分之一数据(Left Blank的绿色部分),白色人种和西班牙裔占比明显较高,其次是黑色人种,而亚裔仅仅排到倒数第二位(甚至低于“其他”的分类标签)。而在性别方面,比例比较平均,女性略微高于男性。
A final look at the performance of the data by race and gender. Leaving aside about a third of the data where ethnicity information is not filled out (Left Blank’s green section), whites and Hispanics are significantly overrepresented, followed by blacks, while Asians are only in second to last place (even below the “Other” category label). In terms of gender, the percentages are more evenly split, with slightly more women than men.


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