本文是OpenFOAM编程基础系列文章的第2篇,也是自己学习的笔记,将随着学习的深入逐渐更新。本文的内容是在开源项目Basic OpenFOAM Programming Tutorials的基础上改写而来。由于原项目只有源代码和英文注释,本系列文章计划将代码进行分解、添加更加详细的注释,即是分享,也是自己学习。



  1. 你可以按顺序阅读,理解代码之后再下载案例代码自己运行;或者
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#include "fvCFD.H"int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{// Initialise OF case#include "setRootCase.H"// These two create the time system (instance called runTime) and fvMesh (instance called mesh).#include "createTime.H"#include "createMesh.H"  // more code linesInfo<< "End\n" << endl;return 0;


cannot find file "/mnt/BasicOpenFOAMProgrammingTutorials-master/helloWorld/system/controlDict"

同样,第10行代码则检查./constant文件下的网格文件是否存在, 若不存在同样会报错并退出运行:

Cannot find file "points" in directory "polyMesh" in times "0" down to constantFrom function virtual Foam::IOobject Foam::fileOperation::findInstance(const Foam::IOobject&, Foam::scalar, const Foam::word&) constin file global/fileOperations/fileOperation/fileOperation.C at line 871.FOAM exiting


1. OpenFOAM格式的字典文件


{version     2.0;format      ascii;class       dictionary;location    "constant";object      transportProperties;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //someWord myWord;someScalar 0.01;someBool on;someList
(key0 (0 0 0)key1 (1 0 0)


    // Get access to a custom dictionarydictionary customDict;const word dictName("customProperties");// Create and input-output object - this holds the path to the dict and its nameIOobject dictIO(dictName, // name of the filemesh.time().constant(), // path to where the file is: ./constantmesh, // reference to the mesh needed by the constructorIOobject::MUST_READ // indicate that reading this dictionary is compulsory);


    // Check the if the dictionary is present and follows the OF formatif (!dictIO.typeHeaderOk<dictionary>(true))FatalErrorIn(args.executable()) << "Cannot open specified refinement dictionary "<< dictName << exit(FatalError);// Initialise the dictionary objectcustomDict = IOdictionary(dictIO);


    // Lookup which does not need to be told what type of variable we're looking for and// uses the standard C++ stringstream syntaxword someWord;customDict.lookup("someWord") >> someWord;


    // This template method needs to know the type of the variable and can provide// a default value if the entry is not found in the dictionaryscalar someScalar( customDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("someScalar", 1.0) );


    // A switch is a neat feature allowing boolean values to be read from a dict,// it supports the OpenFOAM yes/on/true/1 and no/off/false/0 values automatically.bool someBool ( customDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("someBool",true) );


    // Lists of values may also be read in the same wayList<scalar> someList ( customDict.lookup("someList") );// This type of container is particularly interesting - it associates entries with// given key values (here of word type but can be anything); useful when// associating things by indices in a list is less handyHashTable<vector,word> someHashTable ( customDict.lookup("someHashTable") );


    // Summarise what's been read and print in the consoleInfo << nl << "Read the following:" << nl << nl<< "someWord " << someWord << nl << nl<< "someScalar " << someScalar << nl << nl<< "someList " << someList << nl << nl<< "someHashTable " << someHashTable << nl << nl<< "someBool " << someBool << nl << nl<< endl;

2. 创建一个目录并写入一个输出文件


    // Create the output path directory; "Case/postProcessing"fileName outputDir = mesh.time().path()/"postProcessing"; // Creathe the directorymkDir(outputDir);// File pointer to direct the output toautoPtr<OFstream> outputFilePtr;// Open the file in the newly created directoryoutputFilePtr.reset(new OFstream(outputDir/"customOutputFile.dat"));


    // Write stuffoutputFilePtr() << "# This is a header" << endl;outputFilePtr() << "0 1 2 3 4 5" << endl;// Append to the imported hash table and wirte it toosomeHashTable.insert("newKey", vector(1., 0., 0.));outputFilePtr() << someHashTable << endl;

3 案例文件下载


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