1. 引入

2020年8月,在DEFCON 28大会上(参考3),发布了一个开源的"Android malware analysis engine",名字叫quark-engine(参考1)。这是台湾“財團法人電信技術中心”(参考2)开发的一个工具。该项目的开发者列表见参考7,目前主要活跃的开发者(负责人)是JunWei Song(参考3,参考5)。


  1. scoring system,能直接给出恶意度得分
  2. neglect certain cases of obfuscation,对特定的一些混淆有抗混淆能力
  3. 方便使用,windows和linux平台都兼容。目前是基于androguard实现的


2. 安装

安装系统为64位的 windows 10 。

  1. 用conda新建虚拟python3.8环境
conda create --name env_quark_py38 python=3.8
  1. 安装quark-engine
pip install -U quark-engine
  1. 安装graphviz
  • 在https://graphviz.org/download/,下载 stable_windows_10_cmake_Release_x64_graphviz-install-2.46.1-win64.exe
  • 双击exe安装
  • 运行命令 : conda install -c anaconda graphviz


3. 功能1:给出apk分析概述报告

用一条命令,就可以给出summary report

quark -a xxx.apk -s


[!] WARNING: Moderate Risk
[*] Total Score: 153
| Rule                                                                      | Confidence | Score | Weight |
| Initialize bitmap object and compress data (e.g. JPEG) into bitmap object | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Open the camera and take picture                                          | 20%        | 1     | 0.0625 |
| Put the compressed bitmap data into JSON object                           | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Get filename and put it to JSON object                                    | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Get absolute path of file and put it to JSON object                       | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Scheduling recording task                                                 | 40%        | 1     | 0.125  |
| Use absolute path of directory for the output media file path             | 40%        | 1     | 0.125  |
| Check if successfully sending out SMS                                     | 40%        | 1     | 0.125  |
| Put data in cursor to JSON object                                         | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Read sensitive data(SMS, CALLLOG) and put it into JSON object             | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Query data from URI (SMS, CALLLOGS)                                       | 100%       | 1     | 1.0    |
| Read data and put it into a buffer stream                                 | 100%       | 1     | 1.0    |
| Read file and put it into a stream                                        | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Read file into a stream and put it into a JSON object                     | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |
| Put buffer stream (data) to JSON object                                   | 40%        | 1     | 0.125  |
| Get location info of the device and put it to JSON object                 | 100%       | 1     | 1.0    |
| Get Location of the device and append this info to a string               | 100%       | 1     | 1.0    |
| Get JSON object prepared and fill in location info                        | 60%        | 1     | 0.25   |



  • Risk的等级,比如这里是"Moderate Risk"
  • Risk得分,比如这里是 153
  • 匹配上的各条rule,以及 Confidence 和 这条规则的权重Weight

4. 功能2:给出apk分析详细报告(静态规则匹配)

用一条命令,就可以给出summary report

quark -a xxx.apk -d


C:\xxx/.quark-engine/quark-rules\00017.jsonConfidence: 100%[✓]1.Permission Request[✓]2.Native API Usage(Landroid/location/Location;, getLatitude)(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;, append)[✓]3.Native API Combination(Landroid/location/Location;, getLatitude)(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;, append)[✓]4.Native API SequenceSequence show up in:Lorg/wikipedia/util/GeoUtil; sendGeoIntent (Landroid/app/Activity; Landroid/location/Location; Ljava/lang/String;)V[✓]5.Native API Use Same ParameterLorg/wikipedia/util/GeoUtil; sendGeoIntent (Landroid/app/Activity; Landroid/location/Location; Ljava/lang/String;)V
[+] DONE: OK


{"crime": "Get Location of the device and append this info to a string","x1_permission": [],"x2n3n4_comb": [{"class": "Landroid/location/Location;","method": "getLatitude","descriptor": "()D"},{"class": "Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;","method": "append","descriptor": "(D)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;"}],"yscore": 1,"label": ["location","collection"]


  • API定义
  • 规则含义:“Get Location of the device and append this info to a string”
  • 规则的权重:yscore,行为越恶意,则yscore值越高(通过SMS泄露地理位置的yscore是4)



5. 功能3:给出静态行为对应的代码位置


quark -a xxx.apk -s -c


| Parent Function   | Lnet/hockeyapp/android/PaintActivity;determineFilename |
| Crime Description | * Read sensitive data(SMS, CALLLOG, etc)               |


6. 功能4:画出CFG图

用一条命令,就可以画出call graph

quark -a xxx.apk -s -g



png图片的文件名,也指定了这个CFG对应的行为,比如 sendGeoIntent_getLatitude_append.png。

7. 功能5:python支持


  1. pip安装quark-engine
pip install -U quark-engine==21.3.2
  1. 下载quark-rules


  1. 使用如下py代码
from quark.report import ReportAPK_PATH = "xxx.apk"
RULE_PATH = "quark-rules-master/"report = Report()'''
RULE_PATH can be a directory with multiple rules inside
EX: "rules/"
OR special json rule file, such as "sendLocation_SMS.json"
report.analysis(APK_PATH, RULE_PATH)
json_report = report.get_report("json")


{'md5': 'xxx','apk_filename': 'xxx.apk','size_bytes': 22842706,'threat_level': 'Moderate Risk','total_score': 153,'crimes': [{'crime': 'Initialize bitmap object and compress data (e.g. JPEG) into bitmap object','score': 1,'weight': 0.25,'confidence': '60%','permissions': [],'native_api': [{'class': 'Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory;','method': 'decodeByteArray'}, {'class': 'Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;','method': 'compress'}],'combination': [{'class': 'Landroid/graphics/BitmapFactory;','method': 'decodeByteArray','descriptor': '([B I I)Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;'}, {'class': 'Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;','method': 'compress','descriptor': '(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat; I Ljava/io/OutputStream;)Z'}],'sequence': [],'register': []}, {'crime': 'Open the camera and take picture','score': 1,'weight': 0.0625,'confidence': '20%','permissions': [],'native_api': [],'combination': [],'sequence': [],'register': []}, {'crime': 'Put the compressed bitmap data into JSON object','score': 1,'weight': 0.25,'confidence': '60%','permissions': [],'native_api': [{'class': 'Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;','method': 'compress'}, {'class': 'Lorg/json/JSONObject;','method': 'put'}],'combination': [{'class': 'Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;','method': 'compress','descriptor': '(Landroid/graphics/Bitmap$CompressFormat; I Ljava/io/OutputStream;)Z'}, {'class': 'Lorg/json/JSONObject;','method': 'put','descriptor': '(Ljava/lang/String; Z)Lorg/json/JSONObject;'}],'sequence': [],'register': []}, {'crime': 'Send binary data over HTTP','score': 1,'weight': 0,'confidence': '0%','permissions': [],'native_api': [],'combination': [],'sequence': [],'register': []}]


8. 参考

  1. https://github.com/quark-engine/quark-engine
  2. https://www.ttc.org.tw/mobile/index.php?apps=news&action=more&id=367
  3. https://forum.defcon.org/node/234086
  4. https://github.com/quark-engine/quark-rules
  5. https://krnick.github.io/about/
  6. https://quark-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/integration.html
  7. https://quark-engine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contribution.html
  8. https://github.com/quark-engine/quark-engine/issues/145


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