
// A server for a multi-player tic tac toe game. Loosely based on an example in
// Deitel and Deitel’s “Java How to Program” book. For this project I created a
// new application-level protocol called TTTP (for Tic Tac Toe Protocol), which
// is entirely plain text. The messages of TTTP are:
// Client -> Server
//     MOVE <n>
//     QUIT
// Server -> Client
//     WELCOME <char>
//     VICTORY
//     DEFEAT
//     TIE
//     MESSAGE <text>const WebSocket = require('ws');const server = new WebSocket.Server({port: 58901});(() => {// When null, we are waiting for the first player to connect, after which we will// create a new game. After the second player connects, the game can be fully set// up and played, and this variable immediately set back to null so the future// connections make new games.let game = null;server.on('connection', (ws, req) => {console.log('Connection from', req.connection.remoteAddress);if (game === null) {game = new Game();game.playerX = new Player(game, ws, 'X');} else {game.playerO = new Player(game, ws, 'O');game = null;}});console.log('The Tic Tac Toe server is running...');
})();class Game {// A board has nine squares. Each square is either unowned or it is owned by a// player. So we use a simple array of player references. If null, the corresponding// square is unowned, otherwise the array cell stores a reference to the player that// owns it.constructor() {this.board = Array(9).fill(null);}hasWinner() {const b = this.board;const wins = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]];return wins.some(([x, y, z]) => b[x] != null && b[x] === b[y] && b[y] === b[z]);}boardFilledUp() {return this.board.every(square => square !== null);}move(location, player) {if (player !== this.currentPlayer) {throw new Error('Not your turn');} else if (!player.opponent) {throw new Error('You don’t have an opponent yet');} else if (this.board[location] !== null) {throw new Error('Cell already occupied');}this.board[location] = this.currentPlayer;this.currentPlayer = this.currentPlayer.opponent;}
}class Player {constructor(game, socket, mark) {Object.assign(this, {game, socket, mark});this.send(`WELCOME ${mark}`);if (mark === 'X') {game.currentPlayer = this;this.send('MESSAGE Waiting for opponent to connect');} else {this.opponent = game.playerX;this.opponent.opponent = this;this.send('MESSAGE Your opponent will move first');this.opponent.send('MESSAGE Your move');}socket.on('message', (buffer) => {const command = buffer.toString('utf-8').trim();console.log(`Received ${command}`);if (command === 'QUIT') {socket.close();} else if (/^MOVE \d+$/.test(command)) {const location = Number(command.substring(5));try {game.move(location, this);this.send(`VALID_MOVE ${location}`);this.opponent.send(`OPPONENT_MOVED ${location}`);if ( {this.send('VICTORY');this.opponent.send('DEFEAT');} else if ( {[this, this.opponent].forEach(p => p.send('TIE'));}} catch (e) {console.trace(e);this.send(`MESSAGE ${e.message}`);}}});socket.on('close', () => {try {this.opponent.send('OTHER_PLAYER_LEFT');} catch (e) {}});}send(message) {try {this.socket.send(`${message}\n`);} catch (e) {console.error(e);}}


<!DOCTYPE html>
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<html><head><title>Tic Tac Toe</title><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><link href='tictactoe.css' rel='stylesheet'></head><body><h1>Tic Tac Toe</h1><p id="info">Click the Join Game button when ready</p><section id="board"></section><footer><button id="join">Join Game at Server:</button><input id="serverIp"><button id="leave">Leave Game</button></footer><script src='tictactoe.js' type='text/javascript'></script></body>


section {display: grid;grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;grid-gap: 5px;height: 300px;width: 300px;background-color: black;
}section div {display: grid;justify-items: center;align-items: center;cursor: pointer;background-color: white;color: blue;font: bold 60px Arial;
}#leave {display: none;
}footer {margin-top: 20px;


const section = document.querySelector('section');
const messageArea = document.querySelector('#info');
const square = location => document.querySelector(`#s${location}`);
const joinButton = document.querySelector('#join');
const leaveButton = document.querySelector('#leave');
const serverTextField = document.querySelector('#serverIp');joinButton.addEventListener('click', joinGame);
leaveButton.addEventListener('click', () => leaveGame('Bye!'));let socket, mark, gameOver = false;addEventListener('load', () => {for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {const square = document.createElement('div');square.setAttribute('id', `s${i}`);square.addEventListener('click', () => {socket.send(`MOVE ${i}`);});section.appendChild(square);}
});function joinGame() {const host = serverTextField.value || 'localhost';gameOver = false;socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${host}:58901`);socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => {processCommand(;});document.querySelectorAll('section div').forEach(s => s.textContent = ''); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'inline';socket.onerror = () => leaveGame("Error: The server is probably down");
;function leaveGame(message) {messageArea.textContent = message || 'Game over';socket.send('QUIT');gameOver = true; = 'inline'; = 'inline'; = 'none';
;function processCommand(command) {if (command.startsWith('WELCOME')) {mark = command[8];opponentMark = mark === 'X' ? 'O' : 'X';} else if (command.startsWith('VALID_MOVE')) {square(command.substring(11)).textContent = mark;messageArea.textContent = 'Valid move, please wait';} else if (command.startsWith('OPPONENT_MOVED')) {square(command.substring(15)).textContent = opponentMark;messageArea.textContent = 'Opponent moved, your turn';} else if (command.startsWith('MESSAGE')) {messageArea.textContent = command.substring(8);} else if (command.startsWith('VICTORY')) {leaveGame('WINNER WINNER');} else if (command.startsWith('DEFEAT')) {leaveGame('Oh sorry you lost');} else if (command.startsWith('TIE')) {leaveGame('Tie game so boring');} else if (command.startsWith('OTHER_PLAYER_LEFT')) {leaveGame(!gameOver ? 'Woah your opponent bailed' : '');}


{"name": "capitalize","version": "1.0.0","keywords": ["util","functional","server","client","browser"],"author": "Administrator","contributors": [],"dependencies": {"ws": "~8.1.0"}

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