
In order to achieve a very reputable Oracle Certified Associate, or OCA credential, an aspiring database administrator has to pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 certification exam. It’s true that Oracle Certified Associates are preferred by the hiring managers over the candidates without this certificate. The OCA certification acts as a document that shows that you have the fundamental skills and knowledge for dealing with the Oracle Database 11g. To get this credential, you have to pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 test, and only then you will be able to prove your skills over the Oracle Database 11g. If you are determined enough for getting the OCA certification as soon as possible, then you should start your preparation right now. This 1Z0-052 review from PrepAway will reveal the actual value of the Oracle OCA credential.

为了获得声誉卓著的Oracle认证助理或OCA认证,有抱负的数据库管理员必须通过Oracle 1Z0-052认证考试。 的确,与没有该证书的候选人相比,招聘经理更喜欢Oracle Certified Associates。 OCA认证可作为一个文档,向您证明您具有处理Oracle Database 11g的基本技能和知识。 要获得此证书,您必须通过Oracle 1Z0-052测试,然后您才能通过Oracle Database 11g证明自己的技能。 如果您有足够的决心尽快获得OCA认证,则应该立即开始准备工作。 PrepAway的1Z0-052评估将揭示Oracle OCA凭证的实际价值。

What’s the real value of the OCA certification?


Oracle is a big name in the IT sphere, and OCA professionals are preferred over the other candidates when it comes to hiring in this industry. If you want to improve your career, then you should pass the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam and get the OCA certification as soon as possible. The professionals holding this credential are always high in demand, and many businesses often look for such employees. Increase your chances of getting selected for a perfect job position as a professional database administrator in a reputed company by showing your OCA certification. The only thing between you and this credential is the exam itself that it is not so easy to pass. Therefore, let’s take a look at the details of the 1Z0-052 exam, its prerequisites, and preparation tips.

Oracle在IT领域是一个大牌,在该行业的招聘中,OCA专业人员胜于其他候选人。 如果您想改善自己的职业,则应该通过Oracle 1Z0-052考试并尽快获得OCA认证。 拥有此证书的专业人员总是有很高的需求,许多企业经常寻找这样的员工。 通过显示您的OCA认证,可以增加在知名公司担任专业数据库管理员的理想职位的机会。 您和该证书之间唯一的关系就是考试本身,它不那么容易通过。 因此,让我们看一下1Z0-052考试的详细信息 ,先决条件和准备技巧。

Who can take the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam?

谁可以参加Oracle 1Z0-052考试?

This certification test is mainly for the expert Oracle Database 11g administrators who want to improve their professional career in their respective organizations. The Oracle Database professionals can get more salary hikes simply by becoming certified by the company. As all database administrators are in demand, it is highly recommended that you obtain this credential to prove your skills in this particular area. The main prerequisite for becoming eligible for the OCA certification is passing the tough Oracle 1Z0-052 exam. This certificate will act as proof of your in-depth knowledge and skills for supporting different Oracle core products. Any database administrator will benefit from passing the1Z0-052 exam and getting the credential associated with it.

该认证测试主要针对希望改善各自组织的职业生涯的专家Oracle Database 11g管理员。 Oracle数据库专业人员只需通过公司认证即可获得更多加薪。 由于需要所有数据库管理员,因此强烈建议您获取此证书,以证明您在此特定领域的技能。 获得OCA认证的主要前提是要通过严格的Oracle 1Z0-052考试。 该证书将证明您支持各种Oracle核心产品的深入知识和技能。 任何数据库管理员都将从通过1Z0-052考试并获得与其关联的证书中受益。

The exam details that every candidate should know


Oracle 1Z0-052 test lasts for a total of 90 minutes. Usually, Oracle does not publicize the exact number of questions included in the exam, but according to the previous test takers, it usually does not exceed 70. The passing score for this exam is 66%. The candidates have to reach this score to be eligible for getting the certificate. All the questions included in the test are of the multiple-choice format. This means that every question is followed by a number of possible answers, usually four. While some questions have only one correct answer, the others may be trickier and include several answers, so you have to be really careful while taking the test. If you want to view the passing score policy for the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam, then you can visit the official website of Oracle, where you will get all the important information regarding this certification. Also, this platform may keep you updated with the help of notifications about the latest exam changes.

Oracle 1Z0-052测试总共持续90分钟。 通常,Oracle不会公布考试中包含的确切问题数量,但是根据以前的考生,通常不超过70。该考试的及格分数为66%。 候选人必须达到此分数才有资格获得证书。 测试中包括的所有问题均为多项选择题形式。 这意味着每个问题后都会有许多可能的答案,通常是四个。 虽然有些问题只有一个正确的答案,但其他的问题可能会比较棘手,包括几个答案,因此在参加考试时必须非常小心。 如果您想查看Oracle 1Z0-052考试的及格分数政策,则可以访问Oracle的官方网站,您将在这里获得有关此认证的所有重要信息。 另外,该平台可能会在有关最新考试更改的通知的帮助下使您保持最新状态。

Preparation tips for the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam

Oracle 1Z0-052考试的准备技巧

Is this your first certification exam? Through it may seem a little tough, you can pass it easily if you are well-prepared. The following preparation tips will be of great help by making you more confident and knowledgeable.

这是您的第一次认证考试吗? 通过它似乎有些困难,如果您准备充分,则可以轻松通过它。 以下准备技巧将使您更加自信和知识丰富,对您大有帮助。

  • Take practice tests online


It’s important that you put the same effort into practicing as you did while studying the exam topics from PrepAway Oracle 1Z0-052 practice test. As soon as your preparation, you are encouraged to start taking online practice tests. Also, keep looking for the answered questions of the previous exams. Believe it or not, but this PrepAway training will help you greatly in the actual certification test!

与在学习PrepAway Oracle 1Z0-052练习测试中的考试主题时所做的努力一样,进行练习非常重要。 一旦做好准备,我们鼓励您开始参加在线练习考试。 另外,请继续寻找以前考试的已回答问题。 信不信由你,但是这次PrepAway培训将在实际的认证测试中为您提供极大的帮助!

  • Checking the exam details first


Go to the official Oracle certification site and find all the necessary details regarding the Oracle 1Z0-052 exam. Before you start preparing for it, it’s very important that you know what to expect, how the test is conducted, and other potentially important information. Otherwise, you will have difficulties in obtaining the certificate.

转到Oracle官方认证网站,找到有关Oracle 1Z0-052考试的所有必要详细信息。 在开始准备之前,非常重要的是要知道期望什么,如何进行测试以及其他可能重要的信息。 否则,您将很难获得证书。

  • Go through the test topics thoroughly


You should know the exam topics before starting your preparation. Check them out in a detailed manner at official Oracle website and at PrepAway as well and try to understand what skills are required from you to tackle the questions. Study one exam topic at a time and proceed to the next one only when you are confident enough. Nevertheless, do not omit the topics that seem irrelevant to you, as you never know what questions will be included in the test.

开始准备前,您应该了解考试主题。 在Oracle官方网站和PrepAway上详细检查它们,并尝试了解您需要哪些技能来解决问题。 一次学习一个考试主题,只有在足够自信的情况下才继续学习下一个主题。 但是,不要忽略与您无关的主题,因为您永远不知道测试中将包括哪些问题。

  • Take notes while you prepare


You can plan the entire preparation stage and make a strict schedule to follow. While studying with PrepAway, you can take short notes, so that you can revise them before the actual exam day. This is the most preferred technique to complete your revision in the shortest possible time!

您可以计划整个准备阶段,并制定严格的时间表。 在使用PrepAway学习时,您可以记下简短笔记,以便您可以在实际考试日之前进行修改。 这是在最短的时间内完成您的修订的首选技术!

  • Don’t skip questions


The exam does not have negative scoring, so try not to leave a single question unanswered. Even if you don’t know the correct answer, make a blind guess, as this may help you in achieving the passing score. If you have no idea which option to choose, pick any at random and move on. PrepAway also strongly recommends not to waste your time while guessing and focus on completing the entire exam within the time limit. As there is no negative scoring, you should take advantage of it and answer each and every question!

考试没有负面评分,因此请不要遗漏单个问题。 即使您不知道正确的答案,也请盲目猜测,因为这可能有助于您获得及格分数。 如果您不知道要选择哪个选项,请随机选择任意一个,然后继续。 PrepAway还强烈建议您不要在猜测时浪费时间,而应集中精力在时限内完成整个考试。 由于没有负面评分,您应该利用它并回答每个问题!



The Oracle Certification Program is mainly for the database administrators. The OCA credential helps the hiring companies in identifying the best candidates, as it guarantees the individual’s skills and abilities to manage Oracle databases. The candidates of the 1Z0-052 exam should prepare well to get the Oracle Certified Associate certification. With a proper preparation, nothing is impossible!

Oracle认证计划主要面向数据库管理员。 OCA证书可帮助招聘公司确定最佳人选,因为它可以保证个人管理Oracle数据库的技能和能力。 1Z0-052考试的候选人应该为获得Oracle认证助理认证做好充分的准备。 经过适当的准备,一切皆有可能!




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