
  Flattening 翻译为压扁、拉平、扁平化的意思,可以理解为使原有复杂的结构变得简化,我们先看下领域模型和DTO代码:

 1     public class Order
 2     {
 3         private readonly IList<OrderLineItem> _orderLineItems = new List<OrderLineItem>();
 4         public Customer Customer { get; set; }
 5         public OrderLineItem[] GetOrderLineItems()
 6         {
 7             return _orderLineItems.ToArray();
 8         }
 9         public void AddOrderLineItem(Product product, int quantity)
10         {
11             _orderLineItems.Add(new OrderLineItem(product, quantity));
12         }
13         public decimal GetTotal()
14         {
15             return _orderLineItems.Sum(li => li.GetTotal());
16         }
17     }
19     public class Product
20     {
21         public decimal Price { get; set; }
22         public string Name { get; set; }
23     }
25     public class OrderLineItem
26     {
27         public OrderLineItem(Product product, int quantity)
28         {
29             Product = product;
30             Quantity = quantity;
31         }
32         public Product Product { get; private set; }
33         public int Quantity { get; private set; }
34         public decimal GetTotal()
35         {
36             return Quantity * Product.Price;
37         }
38     }
40     public class Customer
41     {
42         public string Name { get; set; }
43     }
45     public class OrderDto
46     {
47         public string CustomerName { get; set; }
48         public decimal Total { get; set; }
49     }

  可以看到领域模型 Order 是很复杂的,但是对于业务场景中的OrderDto却很简单,只有 CustomerName和Total两个属性,AutoMapper配置代码:

 1         public void Example()
 2         {
 3             var customer = new Customer
 4             {
 5                 Name = "George Costanza"
 6             };
 7             var order = new Order
 8             {
 9                 Customer = customer
10             };
11             var bosco = new Product
12             {
13                 Name = "Bosco",
14                 Price = 4.99m
15             };
16             order.AddOrderLineItem(bosco, 15);
17             // 配置 AutoMapper
18             Mapper.CreateMap<Order, OrderDto>();
19             // 执行 mapping
20             OrderDto dto = Mapper.Map<Order, OrderDto>(order);
21             Console.WriteLine("CustomerName:" + dto.CustomerName);
22             Console.WriteLine("Total:" + dto.Total);
23         }





  Projection 翻译为投影,Flattening是由复杂结构简化,Projection正好相反,投影可以理解为由原始结构千变万化,我们看下两种转换结构:

 1     public class CalendarEvent
 2     {
 3         public DateTime EventDate { get; set; }
 4         public string Title { get; set; }
 5     }
 7     public class CalendarEventForm
 8     {
 9         public DateTime EventDate { get; set; }
10         public int EventHour { get; set; }
11         public int EventMinute { get; set; }
12         public string Title { get; set; }
13     }


 1         public void Example()
 2         {
 3             var calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent
 4             {
 5                 EventDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 15, 20, 30, 0),
 6                 Title = "Company Holiday Party"
 7             };
 9             // 配置 AutoMapper
10             Mapper.CreateMap<CalendarEvent, CalendarEventForm>()
11                 .ForMember(dest => dest.EventDate, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.EventDate.Date))//定义映射规则
12                 .ForMember(dest => dest.EventHour, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.EventDate.Hour))//定义映射规则
13                 .ForMember(dest => dest.EventMinute, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.EventDate.Minute));//定义映射规则
15             // 执行 mapping
16             CalendarEventForm form = Mapper.Map<CalendarEvent, CalendarEventForm>(calendarEvent);
18             Console.WriteLine("EventDate:"+form.EventDate);
19             Console.WriteLine("EventHour:" + form.EventHour);
20             Console.WriteLine("EventMinute:" + form.EventMinute);
21             Console.WriteLine("Title:" + form.Title);
22         }



Configuration Validation-配置验证


1         public class Source
2         {
3             public int SomeValue { get; set; }
4         }
6         public class Destination
7         {
8             public int SomeValuefff { get; set; }
9         }



1             Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
2                 .ForMember(dest => dest.SomeValuefff, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.SomeValue));


1             Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
2                 .ForMember(dest => dest.SomeValuefff, opt => opt.Ignore());

Lists and Array-集合和数组


 1             public void Example()
 2             {
 3                 var sources = new[]
 4                     {
 5                         new Source {Value = 5},
 6                         new Source {Value = 6},
 7                         new Source {Value = 7}
 8                     };
 9                 //配置AutoMapper
10                 Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
11                 {
12                     cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>();
13                 });
14                 //配置和执行映射
15                 IEnumerable<Destination> ienumerableDest = Mapper.Map<Source[], IEnumerable<Destination>>(sources);
16                 ICollection<Destination> icollectionDest = Mapper.Map<Source[], ICollection<Destination>>(sources);
17                 IList<Destination> ilistDest = Mapper.Map<Source[], IList<Destination>>(sources);
18                 List<Destination> listDest = Mapper.Map<Source[], List<Destination>>(sources);
20                 Console.WriteLine("ienumerableDest.Count:" + ienumerableDest.Count());
21                 Console.WriteLine("icollectionDest.Count:" + icollectionDest.Count());
22                 Console.WriteLine("ilistDest.Count:" + ilistDest.Count());
23                 Console.WriteLine("listDest.Count:" + listDest.Count());
24             }



  • IEnumerable
  • IEnumerable<T>
  • ICollection
  • ICollection<T>
  • IList
  • IList<T>
  • List<T>
  • Arrays


1                 IEnumerable<Destination> ienumerableDest = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Destination>>(sources);
2                 ICollection<Destination> icollectionDest = Mapper.Map<ICollection<Destination>>(sources);
3                 IList<Destination> ilistDest = Mapper.Map<IList<Destination>>(sources);
4                 List<Destination> listDest = Mapper.Map<List<Destination>>(sources);


 1             public class ParentSource
 2             {
 3                 public int Value1 { get; set; }
 4             }
 5             public class ChildSource : ParentSource
 6             {
 7                 public int Value2 { get; set; }
 8             }
 9             public class ParentDestination
10             {
11                 public int Value1 { get; set; }
12             }
13             public class ChildDestination : ParentDestination
14             {
15                 public int Value2 { get; set; }
16             }


 1             public void Example()
 2             {
 3                 var sources = new[]
 4                     {
 5                         new ParentSource(),
 6                         new ChildSource(),
 7                         new ParentSource()
 8                     };
 9                 //配置AutoMapper
10                 Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
11                 {
12                     cfg.CreateMap<ParentSource, ParentDestination>()
13                         .Include<ChildSource, ChildDestination>();
14                     cfg.CreateMap<ChildSource, ChildDestination>();
15                 });
16                 //配置和执行映射
17                 var destinations = Mapper.Map<ParentSource[], ParentDestination[]>(sources);
18                 Console.WriteLine("destinations[0] Type:" + destinations[0].GetType().ToString());
19                 Console.WriteLine("destinations[1] Type:" + destinations[1].GetType().ToString());
20                 Console.WriteLine("destinations[2] Type:" + destinations[2].GetType().ToString());
21             }


  注意在Initialize初始化CreateMap进行类型映射配置的时候有个Include泛型方法,签名为:“Include this configuration in derived types' maps”,大致意思为包含派生类型中配置,ChildSource是ParentSource的派生类,ChildDestination是ParentDestination的派生类,cfg.CreateMap<ParentSource, ParentDestination>().Include<ChildSource, ChildDestination>(); 这段代码只是说明ParentSource和ChildSource之间存在的关系,我们如果把这段代码注释掉,就会报上面“AutoMapperMappingException”类型指定不正确的异常错误,如果我们把下面这段代码:“cfg.CreateMap<ChildSource, ChildDestination>();”注释掉,转换结果为:


Nested mappings-嵌套映射


 1             public class OuterSource
 2             {
 3                 public int Value { get; set; }
 4                 public InnerSource Inner { get; set; }
 5             }
 6             public class InnerSource
 7             {
 8                 public int OtherValue { get; set; }
 9             }
10             public class OuterDest
11             {
12                 public int Value { get; set; }
13                 public InnerDest Inner { get; set; }
14             }
15             public class InnerDest
16             {
17                 public int OtherValue { get; set; }
18             }


 1             public void Example()
 2             {
 3                 var source = new OuterSource
 4                 {
 5                     Value = 5,
 6                     Inner = new InnerSource { OtherValue = 15 }
 7                 };
 8                 //配置AutoMapper
 9                 Mapper.CreateMap<OuterSource, OuterDest>();
10                 Mapper.CreateMap<InnerSource, InnerDest>();
11                 //验证类型映射是否正确
12                 Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid();
13                 //执行映射
14                 var dest = Mapper.Map<OuterSource, OuterDest>(source);
15                 Console.WriteLine("dest.Value:" + dest.Value);
16                 Console.WriteLine("dest.Inner is null:" + (dest.Inner == null ? "true" : "false"));
17                 Console.WriteLine("dest.Inner.OtherValue:" + dest.Inner.OtherValue);
18             }


  上面代码中可以看出,对于嵌套映射,我们不需要配置什么,只要指定下类型映射关系和嵌套类型映射关系就可以了,也就是这段代码:“Mapper.CreateMap<InnerSource, InnerDest>();” 其实我们在验证类型映射的时候加上Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); 这段代码看是不是抛出“AutoMapperMappingException”异常来判断类型映射是否正确,因为AssertConfigurationIsValid方法没有返回值,只能在catch中捕获了,个人感觉AutoMapper可以提供个bool类型的返回值,验证成功则返回true。


DTO与Domin Model相互转换(上)相关推荐

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  2. 【AutoMapper官方文档】DTO与Domin Model相互转换(中)

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