
◇ The D.VA Pong é um jogo retro do Pong numa versão atualizada e individual com o contexto da personagem D.VA do jogo Overwatch.

◇ O Pong teve seu lançamento inicial no Atari em 1972, desenvolvido pelo Engenheiro Allan Alcorn. A versão inicial é em dupla, o The D.VA Pong é individual desenvolvido por um grupo de engenheiros da PUC-PR para um projeto na matéria de Concepção de Soluções Baseadas em Aplicativos.

◇ O objetivo do jogo é utilizar a paleta para rebater a bola, ao longo do tempo a velocidade vai aumentando e você tem 3 vidas para marcar o máximo de pontos que conseguir.

☛ Atualizações de melhoria em breve!

◇ The D.VA Pong is a retro Pong game in an updated and individual version with the context of the character D.VA of the game Overwatch.

◇ The Pong had its initial launch in the Atari in 1972, developed by Engineer Allan Alcorn. The initial version is in double, The D.VA Pong is individual developed by a group of engineers of PUC-PR for a project in the matter of Conception of Solutions Based on Applications.

◇ The goal of the game is to use the palette to hit the ball and you have 3 lives to score as many points as you can.

☛ Improvement updates coming soon!

◇ The D.VA Pong is a retro Pong game in an updated and individual version with the context of the character D.VA of the game Overwatch.

◇ The Pong had its initial launch in the Atari in 1972, developed by Engineer Allan Alcorn. The initial version is in double, The D.VA Pong is individual developed by a group of engineers of PUC-PR for a project in the matter of Conception of Solutions Based on Applications.

◇ The objective of the game is to use the palette to hit the ball, over time the speed increases and you have 3 lives to score as many points as you can.

☛ Improvement updates coming soon!

◇ The D.VA Pong is a retro Pong game in an updated and individual version with the context of the character D.VA of the game Overwatch.

◇ The Pong had its initial launch in the Atari in 1972, developed by Engineer Allan Alcorn. The initial version is in double, The D.VA Pong is individual developed by a group of engineers of PUC-PR for a project in the matter of Conception of Solutions Based on Applications.

◇ The goal of the game is to use the palette to hit the ball and you have 3 lives to score as many points as you can.

☛ Improvement updates coming soon!


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