The Mamba Mentality


    • If I wanted to implement something new into my game, I’d see it and try incorporating it immediately.
    • I wasn’t scared of missing, looking bad, or being embarrassed.
    • I always focused on the fact that I had to try something to get it, and once I got it, I’d have another tool in my arsenal [ˈɑːsənl].
    • I would see something I liked in person or on film, go practice it immediately, practice it more the next day, and then go out and use it.
    • By the time I reached the league, I had a short learning curve. I could see something, download it, and have it down pat.
    • I never needed any external forces to motivate me.
    • I didn’t need that extra push to be great,though. From day one, I wanted to dominate.
    • My mindset was: I’m going to figure you out. Whether it was AI, Tracy, Vince—or, if I were coming up today, LeBron, Russ, Steph—my goal was to figure you out.

    • When I say lift, I mean heavy, hard, can’t-feel-your-arms type of lift. After that, I would go into the gym and shoot.
    • If something has worked for other greats before you, and if something is working for you, why change it up and embrace some new fad? Stick with what works, even if it’s unpopular.
    • By starting earlier, I set myself up for an extra workout each day.
    • Starting early helped me balance basketball and life. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my game, but I also wasn’t willing to sacrifice my family time. So I decided to sacrifice sleep.

    • By reading,by paying attention in class and in practice, by working, I strengthened my focus. By doing all of that, I strengthened my ability to be present and not have a wandering mind.
    • Just as important as reading was cultivating relationships with the greats who’d come before me.
    • Those guys( Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, MagicJohnson, Jerry West, James Worthy ) taught me the lessons that gave me an edge over my competition. That’s why I think it’s so important to have those mentors, those north stars, who you learn from and look up to.

    • If I needed to get keyed up, for example, I listened to hardmusic. If I needed to soothe myself, I might play the same soundtrack I listened to on the bus in high school to put me back in that place.
    • Some games required more intensity, so I would need to get my character and mind in an animated zone.
    • Other games, I needed calm. In that situation,I wouldn’t listen to music. Sometimes, even, I would sit in total silence.
    • The key, though, is being aware of how you’re feeling and how you need to be feeling. It all starts with awareness.
    • A lot of people say they want to be great, but they’re not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness. They have other concerns, whether important or not, and they spread themselves out. That’s totally fine. After all, greatness is not for everybody.
    • Greatness isn’t easy to achieve. It requires a lot of time, a lot of sacrifices. It requires a lot of tough choices. It requires your loved ones to sacrifice, too, so you have to have an understanding circle of family and friends.
    • You can’t achieve greatness by walking a straight line.
    • Respect to those who do achieve greatness, and respect to those who are chasing that elusive feeling.
    • I never had a set routine, an ironclad formula that I practiced night after night. I listened to my body and let it inform my warmup, because there are always variables. That’s the best advice I can give: listen to your body, and warm up with purpose.
    • When I jogged out of the tunnel and the fans were screaming and it’s loud, the noise didn’t impact me. Mentally, I was able to remember the stillness of the earlier moment and carry that with me.

    • A lot of people appreciated my curiosity and passion. They appreciate

      that I wasn’t just asking to ask, I was genuinely thirsty to hear their answers and glean new info.

    • My approach always was that I’d rather risk embarrassment now than be embarrassed later,when I’ve won zero titles.


    • I never thought about my daily preparation. It wasn’t a matter of whether it was an option or not. It was, if I want to play, this is what I have to do, so I’d just show up and do it.

    • Sometimes, as part of that, I’d be so tired I’d need a quick nap at some

      point during the day. Whether before practice or a Finals game, on the

      bus or trainer’s table, five hours before tip or 60 minutes, if I was tired I

      would doze off. I always found that short 15-minute catnaps gave me all the energy I’d need for peak performance.


    • I never felt outside pressure. I knew what I wanted to accomplish, and I knew how much work it took to achieve those goals. I then put in the work and trusted in it. Besides, the expectations I placed on myself were higher than what anyone expected from me.

    • This was right after I hurt my finger on December 11, 2009. Gary was assessing, trying to gauge how bad it was. Pretty much right away, we went back into the bowels of the arena, had it X-rayed, and Gary told me it was fractured. I said, “Alright, cool, now get me back out there.”
    • Gary looked at me like I was crazy.I asked him, “Is it going to get better?” He said no. I said, “Exactly,there’s nothing we can do about it now and it can’t get worse, so tape it up and let’s go.”

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