安装 docker-compose
grafana 官网


[root@k8s-master ~]# mkdir -p /home/monitor/prometheus/config/rules
[root@k8s-master ~]# mkdir -p /home/monitor/grafana/config
  1. 部署 Prometheus
  2. 部署 Alertmanager
  3. 与 Prometheus 建立连接
  4. 使用 Prometheus 配置报警规则
1.创建 docker-compose.yml 配置文件
[root@k8s-master monitor]# pwd
[root@k8s-master monitor]# cat > docker-compose.yml << eric
# 指定 docker-compose 编译版本,这个很重要
version: '2'
services:# 添加 普罗米修斯服务prometheus:# Docker Hub 镜像image: prom/prometheus:latest# 容器名称container_name: prometheus# 容器内部 hostnamehostname: prometheus# 容器支持自启动restart: always# 容器与宿主机 端口映射ports:- '9090:9090'# 将宿主机中的config文件夹,挂载到容器中/config文件夹volumes:- './prometheus/config:/config'- './prometheus/data/prometheus:/prometheus/data'# 指定容器中的配置文件command:- '--config.file=/config/prometheus.yml'# 支持热更新- '--web.enable-lifecycle'# 添加告警模块alertmanager:image: prom/alertmanager:latestcontainer_name: alertmanagerhostname: alertmanagerrestart: alwaysports:- '9093:9093'volumes:- './prometheus/config:/config'- './prometheus/data/alertmanager:/alertmanager/data'command:- '--config.file=/config/alertmanager.yml'# 添加监控可视化面板grafana:image: grafana/grafana:latestcontainer_name: grafanahostname: grafanarestart: alwaysports:- '3000:3000'volumes:# 配置grafana 邮件服务器- './grafana/config/grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini'- './grafana/data:/var/lib/grafana'
eric[root@k8s-master monitor]#
2.添加告警模块配置文件 alertmanager.yml
[root@k8s-master config]# pwd
[root@k8s-master config]# cat > alertmanager.yml << eric
global:resolve_timeout: 1m# The smarthost and SMTP sender used for mail notifications.#smtp_smarthost: ''#smtp_from: ''#smtp_auth_username: ''#smtp_auth_password: ''route:receiver: 'default-receiver'# The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example,# multiple alerts coming in for cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would# be batched into a single group.#group_by: ['alertname']# When a new group of alerts is created by an incoming alert, wait at# least 'group_wait' to send the initial notification.# This way ensures that you get multiple alerts for the same group that start# firing shortly after another are batched together on the first# notification.# group_wait: 5s# When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch# of new alerts that started firing for that group.# group_interval: 30s# If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to# resend them.repeat_interval: 1m
receivers:- name: 'default-receiver'
eric[root@k8s-master config]#
3.配置 普罗米修斯配置文件 prometheus.yml
[root@k8s-master config]# pwd
[root@k8s-master config]# cat > prometheus.yml << eric
# 全局配置文件(可替换)
global:# 指定Prometheus抓取应用程序数据的间隔为15秒。scrape_interval:     15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.# Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with# external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).external_labels:monitor: 'line-monitor'# 普罗米修斯 规则文件
rule_files:- "rules/*.yml"# prometheus自身的Alert功能是根据我们配置的 规则文件 进行触发的,但是它并没有告警发邮件的功能,发送邮件的这件事儿是由 Alertmanager来做的
alerting:alertmanagers:- scheme: httpstatic_configs:- targets:- "k8s.dev-share.top:9093"# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
scrape_configs:# The job name is added as a label \`job=<job_name>\` to any timeseries scraped from this config.- job_name: 'prometheus'# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'# scheme defaults to 'http'.static_configs:- targets: ['k8s.dev-share.top:9090']# 后期追加mysql监控- job_name: 'uat-mysql'static_configs:- targets: ['k8s.dev-share.top:9104']# 后期追加机器监控- job_name: 'node-monitor'static_configs:# 因为阿里云有安全组策略,所以这里使用了外网域名- targets: ['k8s.dev-share.top:9100']
eric[root@k8s-master config]#
4.添加 普罗米修斯 告警规则文件 mysql-rules.yml (mysql相关的监控规则)
[root@k8s-master rules]# pwd
[root@k8s-master rules]# cat > mysql-rules.yml << eric
groups:- name: SiteDownrules:- alert: 'MySql离线监控告警'# 如果 prometheus 抓取到的mysql_up为0时,则表示监控的mysql已经是离线状态# up{instance="k8s.dev-share.top:9104",job="mysql"} 这个语法是在 prometheus web页面中--> Graph 里面查到的,这个说法是可以获取到被监控的mysql在线的数据; 等于0为离线expr: up{instance="k8s.dev-share.top:9104",job="mysql"} == 0#for: 30sfor: 5sannotations:summary: "MySql离线监控告警 : {{.instance}}"description: "MySql离线监控告警 : {{.instance}}"custom: "mysql"- alert: 'Prometheus 离线监控告警'# 等于0时,将触发告警expr: up{instance="k8s.dev-share.top:9090",job="prometheus"} == 0for: 30sannotations:summary: "Prometheus 离线监控告警 : {{.instance}}"description: "Prometheus 离线监控告警 : {{.instance}}"custom: "prometheus"
eric[root@k8s-master rules]#
5.添加grafana配置文件 grafana.ini
[root@dev10 config]# pwd
[root@dev10 config]# cat > grafana.ini << eric
#################################### SMTP / Emailing ##########################
# 配置邮件服务器
enabled = true
# 发件服务器
host = smtp.exmail.qq.com:465
# smtp账号
user = gsk-portal@pharmeyes.com
# smtp 密码
password = smtp的密码
# 发信邮箱
from_address = gsk-portal@pharmeyes.com
# 发信人
from_name = Grafana
eric[root@dev10 config]#
[root@k8s-master monitor]# pwd
[root@k8s-master monitor]# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "monitor_default" with the default driver
Creating alertmanager ... done
Creating prometheus   ... done
Creating grafana      ... done
[root@k8s-master monitor]#
# 如果启动后,有挂载盘权限问题,解决如下:虽然此方法并不好,暂时还没有更好的办法
[root@k8s-master home]# chmod -R 777 monitor/

总结,alertmanager 是给 prometheus 本身的alert用的,它是用来告警后触发邮件;

而我们现在使用 Grafana 是在Grafana 的监控面板中 Alerts选项直接可以配置的告警语句的,告警的查询语句可以去 prometheus web页面 --> Graph中 查询

所以在部署使用的时候不要弄混, Alertmanager 与 grafana 中的 alert 它俩没有任何关系

Grafana 关联 普罗米修斯

Configuration --> Data Sources --> Add data source --> Prometheus

配置 Prometheus

key value
Name: Prometheus
URL: http://k8s.dev-share.top:9090
Access: Server(Default)
Whitelisted Cookies: Prometheus
HTTP Method: GET


K8S 监控面板 ID: 7532
MySQL 监控面板 ID: 7362
Blackbox 监控面板 ID: 9965
node 监控面板 ID: 9894

Grafana 安装插件 饼图
[root@k8s-master monitor]# docker exec grafana grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel[root@k8s-master monitor]# docker-compose restart grafana

Grafana 添加报警接收者

Alerting --> Notification channels --> Add channel


注意:Only POST or PUT requests allowed 只允许 POST 或 PUT 请求

[root@k8s-master ~]# curl -X POST http://k8s.dev-share.top:9090/-/reload

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