raodsgw-admin --help



  storage-policy list        list all storage policystorage-policy get         get storage policystorage-policy set         set storage policystorage-policy rm          delete storage policy


  user create                create a new useruser modify                modify useruser info                  get user infouser rm                    remove useruser suspend               suspend a useruser enable                re-enable user after suspensionuser check                 check user infouser stats                 show user stats as accounted by quota subsystemuser list                  list users
  caps add                   add user capabilitiescaps rm                    remove user capabilitiessubuser create             create a new subusersubuser modify             modify subusersubuser rm                 remove subuserkey create                 create access keykey rm                     remove access key


bucket list                list buckets (specify --allow-unordered forfaster, unsorted listing)
bucket limit check         show bucket sharding stats
bucket link                link bucket to specified user
bucket unlink              unlink bucket from specified user
bucket stats               returns bucket statistics
bucket rm                  remove bucket
bucket check               check bucket index
bucket reshard             reshard bucket
bucket rewrite             rewrite all objects in the specified bucket
bucket sync disable        disable bucket sync
bucket sync enable         enable bucket sync
bucket storage-policy get  get bucket storage policy
bucket storage-policy set  set bucket storage policy
bucket storage-policy rm   delete bucket storage policy
  bi get                     retrieve bucket index object entriesbi put                     store bucket index object entriesbi list                    list raw bucket index entriesbi purge                   purge bucket index entries


  object rm                  remove objectobject put                 put objectobject stat                stat an object for its metadataobject unlink              unlink object from bucket indexobject rewrite             rewrite the specified objectobject transition          transition the specified objectobjects expire             run expired objects cleanupobjects expire-stale list  list stale expired objects (caused by reshard)objects expire-stale rm    remove stale expired objects
period rm                  remove a period
period get                 get period info
period get-current         get current period info
period pull                pull a period
period push                push a period
period list                list all periods
period update              update the staging period
period commit              commit the staging period
quota set                  set quota params
quota enable               enable quota
quota disable              disable quota
global quota get           view global quota params
global quota set           set global quota params
global quota enable        enable a global quota
global quota disable       disable a global quota
realm create               create a new realm
realm rm                   remove a realm
realm get                  show realm info
realm get-default          get default realm name
realm list                 list realms
realm list-periods         list all realm periods
realm rename               rename a realm
realm set                  set realm info (requires infile)
realm default              set realm as default
realm pull                 pull a realm and its current period
zonegroup add              add a zone to a zonegroup
zonegroup create           create a new zone group info
zonegroup default          set default zone group
zonegroup rm               remove a zone group info
zonegroup get              show zone group info
zonegroup modify           modify an existing zonegroup
zonegroup set              set zone group info (requires infile)
zonegroup rm               remove a zone from a zonegroup
zonegroup rename           rename a zone group
zonegroup list             list all zone groups set on this cluster
zonegroup placement list   list zonegroup's placement targets
zonegroup placement get    get a placement target of a specific zonegroup
zonegroup placement add    add a placement target id to a zonegroup
zonegroup placement modify modify a placement target of a specific zonegroup
zonegroup placement rm     remove a placement target from a zonegroup
zonegroup placement default  set a zonegroup's default placement target
zone create                create a new zone
zone rm                    remove a zone
zone get                   show zone cluster params
zone modify                modify an existing zone
zone set                   set zone cluster params (requires infile)
zone list                  list all zones set on this cluster
zone rename                rename a zone
zone placement list        list zone's placement targets
zone placement get         get a zone placement target
zone placement add         add a zone placement target
zone placement modify      modify a zone placement target
zone placement rm          remove a zone placement target
metadata sync status       get metadata sync status
metadata sync init         init metadata sync
metadata sync run          run metadata sync
data sync status           get data sync status of the specified source zone
data sync init             init data sync for the specified source zone
data sync run              run data sync for the specified source zone
pool add                   add an existing pool for data placement
pool rm                    remove an existing pool from data placement set
pools list                 list placement active set
policy                     read bucket/object policy
log list                   list log objects
log show                   dump a log from specific object or (bucket + date+ bucket-id)(NOTE: required to specify formatting of dateto "YYYY-MM-DD-hh")
log rm                     remove log object
usage show                 show usage (by user, date range, network, bucket)
usage trim                 trim usage (by user, date range, network, bucket)
usage list-network         list usage network
usage clear                reset all the usage stats for the cluster
gc list                    dump expired garbage collection objects (specify--include-all to list all entries, including unexpired)--pool  --shard_id
gc process                 manually process garbage (specify--include-all to process all entries, including unexpired)--pool  --shard_id  --num_shards
lc list                    list all bucket lifecycle progress
lc get                     get a lifecycle bucket configuration
lc process                 manually process lifecycle
lc reshard fix             fix LC for a resharded bucket
bl list                    list all bucket logging deliver progress
bl process                 deliver bucket logging manually
metadata get               get metadata info
metadata put               put metadata info
metadata rm                remove metadata info
metadata list              list metadata info
mdlog list                 list metadata log
mdlog trim                 trim metadata log (use start-date, end-date orstart-marker, end-marker)
mdlog status               read metadata log status
bilog list                 list bucket index log
bilog trim                 trim bucket index log (use start-marker, end-marker)
datalog list               list data log
datalog trim               trim data log
datalog status             read data log status
orphans find               init and run search for leaked rados objects (use job-id, pool)
orphans finish             clean up search for leaked rados objects
orphans list-jobs          list the current job-ids for orphans search
role create                create a AWS role for use with STS
role rm                    remove a role
role get                   get a role
role list                  list roles with specified path prefix
role modify                modify the assume role policy of an existing role
role-policy put            add/update permission policy to role
role-policy list           list policies attached to a role
role-policy get            get the specified inline policy document embedded with the given role
role-policy rm             remove policy attached to a role
reshard add                schedule a resharding of a bucket
reshard list               list all bucket resharding or scheduled to be resharded
reshard status             read bucket resharding status
reshard process            process of scheduled reshard jobs
reshard cancel             cancel resharding a bucket
reshard stale-instances list list stale-instances from bucket resharding
reshard stale-instances rm   cleanup stale-instances from bucket resharding
sync error list            list sync error
sync error trim            trim sync error
mfa create                 create a new MFA TOTP token
mfa list                   list MFA TOTP tokens
mfa get                    show MFA TOTP token
mfa remove                 delete MFA TOTP token
mfa check                  check MFA TOTP token
mfa resync                 re-sync MFA TOTP token


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