关于编译WebRTC Linux/Android版源码的说明





IOS只能在Mac OS X上编译(编译工具必须使用Xcode 5或者以上版本,建议使用最新版Xcode)



Once you have checked out the code, run build/install-build-deps.sh The script only supports current releases as listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases. This script is used to set up the canonical builders, and as such is the most up to date reference for the required prerequisites.


Follow the Ubuntu instructions above. If you want to install the build-deps manually, note that the original packages are for Ubuntu. Here are the Debian equivalents:
•libexpat-dev -> libexpat1-dev
•freetype-dev -> libfreetype6-dev
•libbzip2-dev -> libbz2-dev
•libcupsys2-dev -> libcups2-dev

Additionally, if you‘re building Chromium components for Android, you’ll need to install the package: lib32z1


For openSUSE 11.0 and later, see Linux openSUSE Build Instructions.


Recent systems:
su -c 'yum install subversion pkgconfig python perl gcc-c++ bison flex \
gperf nss-devel nspr-devel gtk2-devel glib2-devel freetype-devel atk-devel \
pango-devel cairo-devel fontconfig-devel GConf2-devel dbus-devel \
alsa-lib-devel libX11-devel expat-devel bzip2-devel dbus-glib-devel \
elfutils-libelf-devel libjpeg-devel mesa-libGLU-devel libXScrnSaver-devel \
libgnome-keyring-devel cups-devel libXtst-devel libXt-devel pam-devel httpd \
mod_ssl php php-cli wdiff'

The msttcorefonts packages can be obtained by following the instructions present here. For the optional packages:
•php-cgi is provided by the php-cli package
•wdiff doesn't exist in Fedora repositories, a possible alternative would be dwdiff
•sun-java6-fonts doesn't exist in Fedora repositories, needs investigating

Arch Linux

Most of these packages are probably already installed since they're often used, and the parameter --needed ensures that packages up to date are not reinstalled.
sudo pacman -S --needed python perl gcc gcc-libs bison flex gperf pkgconfig \
nss alsa-lib gconf glib2 gtk2 nspr ttf-ms-fonts freetype2 cairo dbus \

For the optional packages on Arch Linux:
•php-cgi is provided with pacman
•wdiff is not in the main repository but dwdiff is. You can get wdiff in AUR/yaourt
•sun-java6-fonts do not seem to be in main repository or AUR.


urpmi lib64fontconfig-devel lib64alsa2-devel lib64dbus-1-devel \
lib64GConf2-devel lib64freetype6-devel lib64atk1.0-devel lib64gtk+2.0_0-devel \
lib64pango1.0-devel lib64cairo-devel lib64nss-devel lib64nspr-devel g++ python \
perl bison flex subversion gperf

•msttcorefonts are not available, you will need to build your own (see instructions, not hard to do, see mandriva_msttcorefonts.md) or use drakfont to import the fonts from a windows installation
•These packages are for 64 bit, to download the 32 bit packages, substitute lib64 with lib
•Some of these packages might not be explicitly necessary as they come as dependencies, there is no harm in including them however.


emerge www-client/chromium

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