What's new in smush.it?


  • The old domain smushit.com now redirects to the new one smush.it, which is what we originally intended but the domain registration took a while and we quickly got smushit.com just in time for the Ajax Experience announcement of the tool

    现在,旧域名smushit.com重定向到了新的smush.it ,这是我们本来打算的,但是域名注册花了一段时间,我们很快就及时得到smushit.com,以便及时发布该工具的Ajax Experience。

  • There's a bookmarklet version of the Firefox extension so you can now run in IE or any other browser capable of bookmarkingFirefox扩展有一个书签版本,因此您现在可以在IE或任何其他具有书签功能的浏览器中运行
  • There's an FAQ


  • The API, while not really documented, is at least described in the FAQ该API虽然没有真正记录,但至少在FAQ中有描述
  • So is the privacy policy. People said we should have privacy policy, we're not lawyers, so we couldn't write something that sounds important. The policy is basically: 1) we won't use the images you upload in any way other than gathering aggregated optimization statistics (how much we save on average, how many files get smushed daily...). 2) Images will be deleted from the server, once we get around to writing some sort of stats script, so download the optimized zip asap, don't rely on it being there for long. 3) The images you upload are available to anyone who can guess the random URL smush.it creates, so don't upload images you want to keep private隐私政策也是如此。 人们说我们应该有隐私政策,我们不是律师,所以我们不能写听起来很重要的东西。 该政策基本上是:1)除了收集汇总的优化统计信息(我们平均节省多少,每天浪费多少文件...)以外,我们不会以其他任何方式使用您上传的图像。 2)一旦我们开始编写某种统计脚本,图像将从服务器中删除,因此请尽快下载优化的zip,不要长期依赖它。 3)任何可以猜测随机URL smush.it创建的人都可以使用您上传的图像,因此请勿上传要保密的图像
  • Flash 10 support, updated to YUI 2.6's flash uploader and sweated a lot to make the uploader work in the tightened flash 10 security, but that's a whole other blog post支持Flash 10,已更新为YUI 2.6的Flash上​​传器,并竭尽全力使上传器在严格的Flash 10安全性下工作,但这是其他博客文章
  • Smu contest! What's a Smu? We want to know too. Send us you idea of a Smu to smu at smush.it

    SMU比赛! 什么是Smu? 我们也想知道。 向我们发送关于smush.it上Smu到Smu的想法

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/smushit-update/


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