

  • 第 31 天: 整数矩阵及其运算
  • 第 32 天: 图的连通性检测
  • 第 33 天: 图的广度优先遍历
  • 第 34 天: 图的深度优先遍历
  • 第 35 天: 图的 m 着色问题
  • 第 36 天: 邻连表
  • 第 37 天: 十字链表
  • 第 38 天: Dijkstra 算法与 Prim 算法
  • 第 39 天: 关键路径
  • 第 40 天: 小结

第 31 天: 整数矩阵及其运算


1、用 this 调用其它的构造方法以减少冗余代码
2、Exception 的抛出与捕获机制:

1 异常的概念
2 基本异常
throws new NullPointerException();
3 如何捕获异常
4 异常处理程序


public IntMatrix(int paraRows, int paraColumns) {data = new int[paraRows][paraColumns];
public IntMatrix(int[][] paraMatrix) {data = new int[paraMatrix.length][paraMatrix[0].length];for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {data[i][j] = paraMatrix[i][j];}}
public IntMatrix(IntMatrix paraMatrix) {this(paraMatrix.getData());


public void add(IntMatrix paraMatrix) throws Exception {int[][] tempData = paraMatrix.getData();if (data.length != tempData.length) {throw new Exception("Cannot add matrices. Rows not match: " + data.length + " vs. "+ tempData.length + ".");}if (data[0].length != tempData[0].length) {throw new Exception("Cannot add matrices. Rows not match: " + data[0].length + " vs. "+ tempData[0].length + ".");}for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < data[0].length; j++) {data[i][j] += tempData[i][j];}}
}public static IntMatrix add(IntMatrix paraMatrix1, IntMatrix paraMatrix2) throws Exception {IntMatrix resultMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraMatrix1);resultMatrix.add(paraMatrix2);return resultMatrix;


public static IntMatrix multiply(IntMatrix paraMatrix1, IntMatrix paraMatrix2)throws Exception {int[][] tempData1 = paraMatrix1.getData();int[][] tempData2 = paraMatrix2.getData();if (tempData1[0].length != tempData2.length) {throw new Exception("Cannot multiply matrices: " + tempData1[0].length + " vs. "+ tempData2.length + ".");}int[][] resultData = new int[tempData1.length][tempData2[0].length];for (int i = 0; i < tempData1.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempData2[0].length; j++) {for (int k = 0; k < tempData1[0].length; k++) {resultData[i][j] += tempData1[i][k] * tempData2[k][j];}}} IntMatrix resultMatrix = new IntMatrix(resultData);return resultMatrix;


第 32 天: 图的连通性检测


package tu;
import tu.IntMatrix;public class Graph {IntMatrix connectivityMatrix;public Graph(int paraNumNodes) {connectivityMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraNumNodes, paraNumNodes);}public Graph(int[][] paraMatrix) {connectivityMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraMatrix);}public String toString() {String resultString = "This is the connectivity matrix of the graph.\r\n"+ connectivityMatrix;return resultString;}public boolean getConnectivity() throws Exception {//初始化单位矩阵IntMatrix tempConnectivityMatrix = IntMatrix.getIdentityMatrix(connectivityMatrix.getData().length);//初始化矩阵M1IntMatrix tempMultipliedMatrix = new IntMatrix(connectivityMatrix);//计算for (int i = 0; i < connectivityMatrix.getData().length - 1; i++) {// M_a = M_a + M^ktempConnectivityMatrix.add(tempMultipliedMatrix);// M^ktempMultipliedMatrix = IntMatrix.multiply(tempMultipliedMatrix, connectivityMatrix);}//检查连通性System.out.println("The connectivity matrix is: " + tempConnectivityMatrix);int[][] tempData = tempConnectivityMatrix.getData();for (int i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempData.length; j++) {if (tempData[i][j] == 0) {System.out.println("Node " + i + " cannot reach " + j);return false;}}}return true;}public static void getConnectivityTest() {//测试无向图int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 } };Graph tempGraph2 = new Graph(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tempGraph2);boolean tempConnected = false;try {tempConnected = tempGraph2.getConnectivity();} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);}System.out.println("Is the graph connected? " + tempConnected);//测试有向图//去掉一条弧形成有向图tempGraph2.connectivityMatrix.setValue(1, 0, 0);tempConnected = false;try {tempConnected = tempGraph2.getConnectivity();} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);}System.out.println("Is the graph connected? " + tempConnected);}public static void main(String args[]) {System.out.println("Hello!");Graph tempGraph = new Graph(3);System.out.println(tempGraph);getConnectivityTest();}


第 33 天: 图的广度优先遍历





public String breadthFirstTraversal(int paraStartIndex) {CircleObjectQueue tempQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();String resultString = "";int tempNumNodes = connectivityMatrix.getRows();boolean[] tempVisitedArray = new boolean[tempNumNodes];tempVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;//初始化队列tempVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;resultString += paraStartIndex;tempQueue.enqueue(new Integer(paraStartIndex));//从起点开始广度遍历图int tempIndex;Integer tempInteger = (Integer)tempQueue.dequeue();while (tempInteger != null) {tempIndex = tempInteger.intValue();//将所有未访问的相邻点入队for (int i = 0; i < tempNumNodes; i ++) {if (tempVisitedArray[i]) {continue; //已经访问过的不管}if (connectivityMatrix.getData()[tempIndex][i] == 0) {continue; //没有相连}//入队前访问点tempVisitedArray[i] = true;resultString += i;tempQueue.enqueue(new Integer(i));}//取出队首元素tempInteger = (Integer)tempQueue.dequeue();}return resultString;
}public static void breadthFirstTraversalTest() {//测试无向图int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1}, { 0, 1, 1, 0} };Graph tempGraph = new Graph(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tempGraph);String tempSequence = "";try {tempSequence = tempGraph.breadthFirstTraversal(2);} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);}System.out.println("The breadth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);


第 34 天: 图的深度优先遍历




public String depthFirstTraversal(int paraStartIndex) {ObjectStack tempStack = new ObjectStack();String resultString = "";int tempNumNodes = connectivityMatrix.getRows();boolean[] tempVisitedArray = new boolean[tempNumNodes];tempVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;//初始化栈tempVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;resultString += paraStartIndex;tempStack.push(new Integer(paraStartIndex));System.out.println("Push " + paraStartIndex);System.out.println("Visited " + resultString);//访问图中的其他点int tempIndex = paraStartIndex;int tempNext;Integer tempInteger;while (true){//找到一个未访问的邻点tempNext = -1;for (int i = 0; i < tempNumNodes; i ++) {if (tempVisitedArray[i]) {continue; //已访问过的跳过}if (connectivityMatrix.getData()[tempIndex][i] == 0) {continue; //不是相邻的}//Visit this one.tempVisitedArray[i] = true;resultString += i;tempStack.push(new Integer(i));System.out.println("Push " + i);tempNext = i;break;}if (tempNext == -1) {//没有未访问的邻点则回溯if (tempStack.isEmpty()) {break;}tempInteger = (Integer)tempStack.pop();System.out.println("Pop " + tempInteger);tempIndex = tempInteger.intValue();} else {tempIndex = tempNext;}}return resultString;
}public static void depthFirstTraversalTest() {//测试一个无向图int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 1, 0, 0} };Graph tempGraph = new Graph(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tempGraph);String tempSequence = "";try {tempSequence = tempGraph.depthFirstTraversal(0);} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);}System.out.println("The depth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);


第 35 天: 图的 m 着色问题


当涂完一条路线的颜色,回溯(return 返回上一层)

public void coloring(int paraNumColors) {//初始化int tempNumNodes = connectivityMatrix.getRows();int[] tempColorScheme = new int[tempNumNodes];Arrays.fill(tempColorScheme, -1);coloring(paraNumColors, 0, tempColorScheme);
}public void coloring(int paraNumColors, int paraCurrentNumNodes, int[] paraCurrentColoring) {//初始化int tempNumNodes = connectivityMatrix.getRows();System.out.println("coloring: paraNumColors = " + paraNumColors + ", paraCurrentNumNodes = "+ paraCurrentNumNodes + ", paraCurrentColoring" + Arrays.toString(paraCurrentColoring));//涂完了所有颜色,回溯if (paraCurrentNumNodes >= tempNumNodes) {System.out.println("Find one:" + Arrays.toString(paraCurrentColoring));return;}//尝试所有可能的颜色for (int i = 0; i < paraNumColors; i++) {paraCurrentColoring[paraCurrentNumNodes] = i;if (!colorConflict(paraCurrentNumNodes + 1, paraCurrentColoring)) {coloring(paraNumColors, paraCurrentNumNodes + 1, paraCurrentColoring);}}
}public boolean colorConflict(int paraCurrentNumNodes, int[] paraColoring) {for (int i = 0; i < paraCurrentNumNodes - 1; i++) {if (connectivityMatrix.getValue(paraCurrentNumNodes - 1, i) == 0) {continue;}if (paraColoring[paraCurrentNumNodes - 1] == paraColoring[i]) {return true;}}return false;
}public static void coloringTest() {int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 } };Graph tempGraph = new Graph(tempMatrix);tempGraph.coloring(3);

第 36 天: 邻连表





class NeighborNode {int data;NeighborNode next;public NeighborNode(int data) {this.data = data;next = null;}}int numNodes;NeighborNode[] headers;public NeighborList(int[][] paraMatrix) {numNodes = paraMatrix.length;NeighborNode tpNode;headers = new NeighborNode[numNodes];//连接每个节点的相邻点for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {headers[i] = new NeighborNode(i);tpNode = headers[i];for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (paraMatrix[i][j] == 0) {continue;}tpNode.next = new NeighborNode(j);tpNode = tpNode.next;}}}public String toString() {String resString = "NeighborList: \n";NeighborNode tpNode;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tpNode = headers[i];while (tpNode.next != null) {resString += tpNode.data + "->";tpNode = tpNode.next;}resString += tpNode.data + "\n";}return resString;}//bfspublic String breadthFirstTraversal(int paraStartIndex) {CircleObjectQueue tpQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();String resString = "";boolean[] tpVisitedArray = new boolean[numNodes];tpVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;resString += paraStartIndex;tpQueue.enqueue(paraStartIndex);//遍历节点int tpIndex;Integer tempInteger = (Integer) tpQueue.dequeue();NeighborNode tpNode;while (tempInteger != null) {tpIndex = tempInteger.intValue();tpNode = headers[tpIndex];while (tpNode.next != null) {tpNode = tpNode.next;if (tpVisitedArray[tpNode.data]) {continue;}tpQueue.enqueue(tpNode.data);tpVisitedArray[tpNode.data] = true;resString += tpNode.data;}tempInteger = (Integer) tpQueue.dequeue();}return resString;}public static void breadthFirstTraversalTest() {//测试无向图int[][] tempMatrix = {{0, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 0}};NeighborList tpNeighborList = new NeighborList(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tpNeighborList);String tempSequence = "";try {tempSequence = tpNeighborList.breadthFirstTraversal(2);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);}System.out.println("The breadth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);}//dfspublic String depthFirstTraversal(int paraStartIndex) {ObjectStack tpStack = new ObjectStack();String resString = "";boolean[] tpVisitedArray = new boolean[numNodes];tpVisitedArray[paraStartIndex] = true;NeighborNode tpNode = headers[paraStartIndex];resString += paraStartIndex;tpStack.push(tpNode);int num = 1;while (num < numNodes) {while (tpNode.next != null && tpVisitedArray[tpNode.next.data]) {tpNode = tpNode.next;}//回溯if (tpNode.next == null) {tpNode = (NeighborNode) tpStack.pop();continue;}resString += tpNode.next.data;tpStack.push(tpNode.next);tpVisitedArray[tpNode.next.data] = true;tpNode = headers[tpNode.next.data];num++;}return resString;}public static void depthFirstTraversalTest() {//测试无向图int[][] tempMatrix = {{0, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}};NeighborList tpNeighborList = new NeighborList(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tpNeighborList);String tempSequence = "";try {tempSequence = tpNeighborList.depthFirstTraversal(0);} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println(ee);}System.out.println("The depth first order of visit: " + tempSequence);}

第 37 天: 十字链表

十字链表(Orthogonal List)是有向图的另一种链式存储结构。该结构可以看成是将有向图的邻接表和逆邻接表结合起来得到的。用十字链表来存储有向图,可以达到高效的存取效果。

class OrthogonalNode {int row;int column;//出入节点OrthogonalNode nextOut;OrthogonalNode nextIn;public OrthogonalNode(int row, int column) {this.row = row;this.column = column;nextIn = null;nextOut = null;}
}int numNodes;
OrthogonalNode[] headers;public OrthogonalList(int[][] paraMatrix) {numNodes = paraMatrix.length; //初始化OrthogonalNode tpPreNode, tpNode;headers = new OrthogonalNode[numNodes];//连接出节点for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {headers[i] = new OrthogonalNode(i, -1);tpPreNode = headers[i];for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (paraMatrix[i][j] == 0) {continue;}tpNode = new OrthogonalNode(i, j);tpPreNode.nextOut = tpNode;tpPreNode = tpNode;}}//连接入节点OrthogonalNode[] tpColumnNodes = new OrthogonalNode[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tpColumnNodes[i] = headers[i];}for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tpNode = headers[i].nextOut;while(tpNode!=null){tpColumnNodes[tpNode.column].nextIn = tpNode;tpColumnNodes[tpNode.column] = tpNode;tpNode = tpNode.nextOut;}}
}public String toString() {String resultString = "Out arcs: \n";OrthogonalNode tempNode;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextOut;while (tempNode != null) {resultString += " (" + tempNode.row + ", " + tempNode.column + ")";tempNode = tempNode.nextOut;}resultString += "\r\n";}resultString += "\r\nIn arcs: \n";for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempNode = headers[i].nextIn;while (tempNode != null) {resultString += " (" + tempNode.row + ", " + tempNode.column + ")";tempNode = tempNode.nextIn;}resultString += "\r\n";}return resultString;
}public static void main(String args[]) {int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 1, 0 } };OrthogonalList tempList = new OrthogonalList(tempMatrix);System.out.println("The data are:\r\n" + tempList);

第 38 天: Dijkstra 算法与 Prim 算法


1.指定一个节点,例如要计算 ‘A’ 到其他节点的最短路径
2.引入两个集合(S、U),S集合包含已求出的最短路径的点(以及相应的最短长度),U集合包含未求出最短路径的点(以及A到该点的路径,如上图所示,A->C由于没有直接相连 初始时为∞)
3.初始化两个集合,S集合初始时 只有当前要计算的节点,A->A = 0
4.U集合初始时为 A->B = 4, A->C = ∞, A->D = 2, A->E = ∞
从U集合中找出路径最短的点,加入S集合,例如 A->D = 2
5.更新U集合路径,if ( ‘D 到 B,C,E 的距离’ + ‘AD 距离’ < ‘A 到 B,C,E 的距离’ ) 则更新U
6.循环执行 4、5 两步骤,直至遍历结束,得到A 到其他节点的最短路径

2.初始化:Vnew = {x},其中x为集合V中的任一节点(起始点),Enew = {},为空;
3.重复下列操作,直到Vnew = V:
a.在集合E中选取权值最小的边<u, v>,其中u为集合Vnew中的元素,而v不在Vnew集合当中,并且v∈V(如果存在有多条满足前述条件即具有相同权值的边,则可任意选取其中之一);
b.将v加入集合Vnew中,将<u, v>边加入集合Enew中;


public class Net {public static final int MAX_DISTANCE = 10000;int numNodes;IntMatrix weightMatrix;public Net(int paraNumNodes) {numNodes = paraNumNodes;weightMatrix = new IntMatrix(numNodes, numNodes);for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {Arrays.fill(weightMatrix.getData()[i], MAX_DISTANCE);}}public Net(int[][] paraMatrix) {weightMatrix = new IntMatrix(paraMatrix);numNodes = weightMatrix.getRows();}public String toString() {String resultString = "This is the weight matrix of the graph.\r\n" + weightMatrix;return resultString;}public int[] shortestPath(int paraSource) {//初始化int[] tempDistanceArray = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempDistanceArray[i] = weightMatrix.getValue(paraSource, i);}int[] tempParentArray = new int[numNodes];Arrays.fill(tempParentArray, paraSource);//-1表示没有父结点tempParentArray[paraSource] = -1;//已访问的节点不考虑boolean[] tempVisitedArray = new boolean[numNodes];tempVisitedArray[paraSource] = true;//主循环int tempMinDistance;int tempBestNode = -1;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++) {//找出最佳节点tempMinDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {// 节点被访问if (tempVisitedArray[j]) {continue;}if (tempMinDistance > tempDistanceArray[j]) {tempMinDistance = tempDistanceArray[j];tempBestNode = j;}}tempVisitedArray[tempBestNode] = true;//准备下一轮循环for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {//节点不能到达if (tempVisitedArray[j]) {continue;}//节点不能到达if (weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j) >= MAX_DISTANCE) {continue;}if (tempDistanceArray[j] > tempDistanceArray[tempBestNode]+ weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j)) {//改变距离tempDistanceArray[j] = tempDistanceArray[tempBestNode]+ weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j);//改变父结点tempParentArray[j] = tempBestNode;}}//测试System.out.println("The distance to each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempDistanceArray));System.out.println("The parent of each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempParentArray));}//输出System.out.println("Finally");System.out.println("The distance to each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempDistanceArray));System.out.println("The parent of each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempParentArray));return tempDistanceArray;}public int prim() {//初始化,任何节点都可以是七点int tempSource = 0;int[] tempDistanceArray = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempDistanceArray[i] = weightMatrix.getValue(tempSource, i);}int[] tempParentArray = new int[numNodes];Arrays.fill(tempParentArray, tempSource);//-1表示没有父结点tempParentArray[tempSource] = -1;//已访问的节点不考虑boolean[] tempVisitedArray = new boolean[numNodes];tempVisitedArray[tempSource] = true;//主循环int tempMinDistance;int tempBestNode = -1;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++) {//找出一个最佳节点tempMinDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {//节点被访问if (tempVisitedArray[j]) {continue;}if (tempMinDistance > tempDistanceArray[j]) {tempMinDistance = tempDistanceArray[j];tempBestNode = j;}}tempVisitedArray[tempBestNode] = true;//准备下一轮for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {//节点被访问if (tempVisitedArray[j]) {continue;}//节点不能到达if (weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j) >= MAX_DISTANCE) {continue;}if (tempDistanceArray[j] > weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j)) {//改变距离tempDistanceArray[j] = weightMatrix.getValue(tempBestNode, j);//改变父结点tempParentArray[j] = tempBestNode;}}//测试System.out.println("The selected distance for each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempDistanceArray));System.out.println("The parent of each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempParentArray));}int resultCost = 0;for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {resultCost += tempDistanceArray[i];}//输出System.out.println("Finally");System.out.println("The parent of each node: " + Arrays.toString(tempParentArray));System.out.println("The total cost: " + resultCost);return resultCost;}public static void main(String args[]) {Net tempNet = new Net(3);System.out.println(tempNet);int[][] tempMatrix = { { 0, 9, 3, 6 }, { 5, 0, 2, 4 }, { 3, 2, 0, 1 }, { 2, 8, 7, 0 } };tempNet = new Net(tempMatrix);System.out.println(tempNet);tempNet.shortestPath(1);//需要无向图tempNet.prim();}

第 39 天: 关键路径

AOE网:在一个表示工程的带权有向图中,用顶点表示事件(如V0),用有向边表示活动(如<v0,v1> = a0),边上的权值表示活动的持续时间,称这样的有向图为边表示的活动的网,简称AOE网(activity on edge network)


根据AOE网的性质,只有进入Vk的所有活动<Vj, Vk>都结束,Vk代表的事件才能发生,而活动<Vj, Vk>的最早结束时间为ve[j]+len<Vj, Vk>。所以,计算Vk的最早发生时间的方法为:
ve[0] = 0
ve[k] = max(ve[j] + len<Vj, Vk>)


vl[k]是指在不推迟整个工期的前提下,事件Vk允许的最迟发生时间。根据AOE网的性质,只有顶点Vk代表的事件发生,从Vk出发的活动<Vk, Vj>才能开始,而活动<Vk, Vj>的最晚开始时间为vl[j] - len<Vk, Vj>。


ve[0] = 0
ve[1] = ve[0] + a0 = 0 + 4 = 4
ve[2] = max( ve[0] + a1, ve[1] + a2 ) = max(0 + 3, 4 + 2 = 6
ve[3] = max(ve[1] + a4, ve[2] + a3) = max(4 + 6, 3 + 4) = 10
vl[3] = ve[3] = 10
vl[2] = vl[3] - a3 = 10 - 4 = 6
vl[1] = min(vl[3] - a4, vl[2] - a2) = min(10-6, 6-2) = 4
vl[0] = min(vl[2] - a1, vl[1] - a0) = min(4-4, 4-2) = 0


(正向拓扑算每个节点的最早开始时间, 逆向拓扑算每个节点的最晚开始时间)

public boolean[] criticalPath() {int tempValue;//算每个节点入度int[] tempInDegrees = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (weightMatrix.getValue(i, j) != -1) {tempInDegrees[j]++;}} } System.out.println("In-degree of nodes: " + Arrays.toString(tempInDegrees));//拓扑排序int[] tempEarliestTimeArray = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {//节点不能移除if (tempInDegrees[i] > 0) {continue;}System.out.println("Removing " + i);for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (weightMatrix.getValue(i, j) != -1) {tempValue = tempEarliestTimeArray[i] + weightMatrix.getValue(i, j);if (tempEarliestTimeArray[j] < tempValue) {tempEarliestTimeArray[j] = tempValue;}tempInDegrees[j]--;} }}System.out.println("Earlest start time: " + Arrays.toString(tempEarliestTimeArray));//计算每个节点的出度int[] tempOutDegrees = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (weightMatrix.getValue(i, j) != -1) {tempOutDegrees[i]++;}}}System.out.println("Out-degree of nodes: " + Arrays.toString(tempOutDegrees));//逆向拓扑排序int[] tempLatestTimeArray = new int[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {tempLatestTimeArray[i] = tempEarliestTimeArray[numNodes - 1];}for (int i = numNodes - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// 该节点不能移除if (tempOutDegrees[i] > 0) {continue;}System.out.println("Removing " + i);for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++) {if (weightMatrix.getValue(j, i) != -1) {tempValue = tempLatestTimeArray[i] - weightMatrix.getValue(j, i);if (tempLatestTimeArray[j] > tempValue) {tempLatestTimeArray[j] = tempValue;tempOutDegrees[j]--;System.out.println("The out-degree of " + j + " decreases by 1.");}}System.out.println("Latest start time: " + Arrays.toString(tempLatestTimeArray));boolean[] resultCriticalArray = new boolean[numNodes];for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {if (tempEarliestTimeArray[i] == tempLatestTimeArray[i]) {resultCriticalArray[i] = true;}}System.out.println("Critical array: " + Arrays.toString(resultCriticalArray));System.out.print("Critical nodes: ");for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {if (resultCriticalArray[i]) {System.out.print(" " + i);}}System.out.println();return resultCriticalArray;

第 40 天: 小结

描述这 10 天的学习体会, 不少于 10 条.

1.复习了用 this 可以调用其它的构造方法以减少冗余代码,和Exception 的抛出与捕获的机制;


  1. Java学习日记:UI篇(6)--谢尔宾斯基地毯图

    Java学习日记:UI篇(6)–谢尔宾斯基地毯图 引言:谢尔宾斯基地毯是数学家谢尔宾斯基提出的一个分形图形,谢尔宾斯基地毯和谢尔宾斯基三角形基本类似,不同之处在于谢尔宾斯基地毯采用的是正方形进行分形构 ...

  2. Java学习日记-Day01

    Java学习日记-Day01 Java语言概述 比特(byte)与字节 内存 Java基础知识图解 人机交互方式 常用的DOS命令 常用快捷键 计算机编程语言介绍 第一代语言 第二代语言 第三代语言 ...

  3. 尚学堂Java学习日记Day3

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  4. Java学习日记1——基础认知

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  5. 尚学堂Java学习日记Day1

    尚学堂学习日记Day1 #今天开始写学习博客记录自己学习java的点滴成长历程,希望能成为学弟学妹们的前车之鉴. 先大概的自我介绍下,我原本从事的是网络工程师,学习的是Cisco(思科)并拥有CCNP ...

  6. 【日记】Java学习日记(第63天)持续无聊更新

    前言 Youtube上EJ Media(up主)的视频我依次学完了HTML.CSS.Javascript.Jquery.觉得他教得挺好的(短小精悍),就继续学他教的JAVA.感觉EJ教的都是些语法什么 ...

  7. Java学习日记8:文件上传工具类的实现和服务器给客户端发送图片

    文件上传的工具类: 每次文件上传要写很多东西,把这些封装成一个工具类,以后用起来就会方便很多. 先创建一个类存储上传文件的信息: package com.upload; /*** 每上传成功一个文件的 ...

  8. 暑期学习日记31:js实现轮播图

    本次学习了使用js实现轮播图效果,逻辑为: (1)通过函数autochange()将横向排列的图片列表定时左移,来达到自动轮播的效果. (2)通过imggo(n)函数通过改变marginleft样式移 ...

  9. 黑马程序员--Java学习日记之网络编程

     ------Java培训.Android培训.iOS培训..Net培训.期待与您交流! ------- 一.网络编程概述 1.计算机网络 计算机网络是指将地理位置不同的具有独立功能的多台计算机及 ...


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  3. python居中对齐代码end_Python tkinter.END属性代码示例
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  6. JavaScript优美的特性
  7. Flutter功能 设置Container背景色
  8. 常用PAM模块--完全笔记
  9. @PathVariable注解是什么?
  10. 了解函数式编程背后的属性:单子(Monad)
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  12. python 语法错误 和异常_Python基础知识:新手学Python时常见的语法错误和异常
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  14. 7 call和ret指令
  15. Nessus 扫描web服务
  16. UI设计教程分享:PS故障风海报制作教程
  17. 股市----别人的经验
  18. Lettuce(基于Python的BDD工具,中文编写自动化测试用例)
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  20. 智能小车项目之L9110前后左右控制小车


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  4. 微型计算机故障处理基本原则,微机故障处理的一般性原则和方法
  5. IEEE39+比利时20天然气节点+热网6节点的电气热综合能源系统,包含了CHP、EB、燃气轮机等
  6. Redis-Cluster 搭建实践
  7. tsc打印机android,使用热敏打印机Android打印条形码
  8. js 触发 change 事件
  9. influxdb查看数据库命令_02-命令行操作influx
  10. Android性能优化系列篇(三):崩溃优化+卡顿优化