
In the rapidly evolving landscape of connected devices, responsive web design continues to be crucial in web development.


Not long ago the term "responsive web design" was non-existent. But today, most of us have had to adopt it to some extent.

不久前,“响应式网页设计”一词不复存在。 但是今天,我们大多数人不得不在某种程度上采用它。

According to Statistica, as of 2019, 61% of all Google search visits take place on a mobile device. In September of 2020 Google will change its search algorithm to prioritize mobile friendly websites.

根据Statistica的数据 ,截至2019年,所有Google搜索访问中有61%发生在移动设备上。 2020年9月, Google将更改其搜索算法,以优先考虑移动友好型网站。

In this post I'll cover the following:


  • What is responsive web design?
  • The viewport meta tag and what it does
  • Effective techniques used in responsive web design to accommodate mobile and tablet devices
  • Tools to help simulate and monitor mobile and tablet user experience

什么是响应式网页设计? (后退) (What is Responsive Web Design? (RWD))

Responsive web design is an approach that focuses on a website user’s environment. The user's environment will depend on which device they have connected to the internet.

响应式网页设计是一种专注于网站用户环境的方法。 用户的环境将取决于他们连接到互联网的设备。

There are many device characteristics that provide opportunities for user-centric focus. Some of these include:

有许多设备特性为以用户为中心的关注提供了机会。 其中一些包括:

  • network connection
  • screen size
  • type of interaction (touch screens, track pads)
  • graphic resolution.

Before responsive web design was popular, many companies managed an entirely separate website that received traffic forwarded based on the user-agent.


But in responsive web design the server always sends the same HTML code to all devices, and CSS is used to alter the rendering of the page on the device.


Regardless of the two strategies above, the first step in creating a website for phone or tablet is to ensure the browser knows the intention. This is where the viewport meta tag comes into play.

无论采用上述两种策略,创建用于手机或平板电脑的网站的第一步都是要确保浏览器知道意图。 这是视口meta标签起作用的地方。

视口元标记可识别移动网站 (The Viewport Meta Tag to Identify a Mobile Website)

The meta viewport tag instructs the browser how to adjust the page to the width of each device.


When the meta viewport element is absent, mobile browsers will display web pages with default desktop settings. This results in a seemingly zoomed out, unresponsive experience.

缺少meta视口元素时,移动浏览器将显示具有默认桌面设置的网页。 这导致看似缩小,无响应的体验。

Below is a standard implementation:


Now that the browser knows what's going, we can utilize popular techniques to make our website responsive.


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