
It’s 2020, and we’re in a brass knuckled fight for racial justice, truth, and science. We’re all locked in our homes, and our kids are fighting through Zoom fatigue to retain the right to get an education. A million more people lost their jobs last week, and no one cared.

到了2020年,我们正为争取种族正义,真理和科学而奋斗。 我们都被困在家里,我们的孩子正在为克服Zoom疲劳而斗争,以保留受教育的权利。 上周又有一百万人失业,而且没人照顾。

We lost one-third of the overall national economy last quarter. And more than 180,000 are dead from Covid — far more per capita than any other industrialized, wealthy nation. In San Francisco, some estimates are that more than 40% of small businesses have closed down in the last six months. Meantime, I woke up to air quality that is some of the worst in the world right now, as record breaking fires rage throughout our state. My brother left his home in Louisiana last week, as hurricanes bear down on the other side of America.

我们失去了整个国民经济升 AST季度的三分之一。 超过180,000人死于Covid,比其他任何工业化富裕国家的人均收入都要高得多。 据估计,在旧金山,过去六个月中有40%以上的小型企业倒闭。 同时,我惊醒了空气质量,这是目前世界上最糟糕的空气,因为整个州的破纪录大火正在蔓延。 由于飓风席卷美国的另一端,我的兄弟上周离开了他在路易斯安那州的家。

While it’s not remotely hitting everyone equally, it’s the closest thing the privileged and white people in this country have known as living in apocalyptic times.


It’s easy to point the finger at Donald Trump. But let’s be clear: It’s bigger than that. We are witnessing a full and complete breakdown of empathy and the social contract in this country. There are sociopaths in red states, sociopaths in blue states, sociopaths on the left and sociopaths on the right. Sociopaths are everywhere.

将矛头指向唐纳德·特朗普很容易。 但我们要清楚:它比那还大。 我们目睹了这个国家的同理心和社会契约的全面彻底破裂。 红色州有社交病,蓝色州有社交病,左侧有社交病,右侧有社交病。 社交无处不在。

Witness the latest horror from Uber, one of the most revered companies in Silicon Valley’s recent past, despite a 10-year history of doing horrible things. Of going after rape victims, of doxxing women doing their jobs, of stealing trade secrets, of breaking laws, of sexually harassing workers, of cozing up to murderous Saudi regimes. If you put all this in a novel about Silicon Valley ten years ago, it would have been rejected out of hand as too salacious and unrealistic. Now, we celebrate it, at worst, and turn a blind eye, at best.

见证Uber的最新恐怖,Uber是硅谷近代最受尊敬的公司之一,尽管做恐怖事情已有10年历史了 。 追捕强奸受害者,为妇女做工,窃取商业秘密,违反法律,性骚扰工人,镇压谋杀性沙特政权。 如果你把所有这些都写在十年前的一部关于硅谷的小说中,那本书会因为过于愚蠢和不切实际而遭到拒绝。 现在,我们在最坏的情况下庆祝它,在最好的情况下视而不见。

Uber, Lyft, Postmates, Doordash and Instacart are all implicated in this damning new story on CNet about Veena Dubal, an employment labor law professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law and a vocal critic of Uber and Lyft.


She’s been harassed in what many experts believe is a coordinated campaign because of her work on Proposition 22, the ballot initiative that would require Uber, Lyft and others to reclassify drivers as employees.

由于她在Proposition 22(提案计划)中的工作而受到骚扰,因为许多专家认为她是协调运动,这需要Uber,Lyft和其他人将司机重新分类为雇员。

A campaign that got her doxxed, in the middle of a pandemic. I’ve experienced the terror of a multi-billion dollar company coming after my family. The only time guns have ever been in my home is when we had armed guards go everywhere with us for two weeks as a result of Uber’s actions and the ripple effects of it. I cannot imagine the terror of those same threats with three small kids at home, in the middle of a pandemic, when you’re effectively a sitting duck. That’s what Dubal went through in March.

在一场大流行中,一场让她震惊的竞选活动。 我经历了一家市值数十亿美元的公司追随我的家人的恐怖事件 。 由于Uber的行动及其造成的连锁React,枪械一直在我家中唯一一次出现是,当我们有武装警卫人员陪伴我们到处走了两个星期时。 我无法想象在大流行期间,当您实际上是一只野鸭时,三个小孩在家中遭受同样威胁的恐怖。 这就是Dubal在三月份经历的事情。

From the piece:


“I kept thinking, ‘Oh my god, all of these crazy people on Twitter now have my home address and are going to do something horrible,’” Dubal says, still noticeably rattled several months later. “They know I’m at home. I’m a sitting target.”

“我一直在想,'天哪,Twitter上所有这些疯狂的人现在都有我的家庭住址,并且将要做的事情令人恐惧,'”杜巴尔说,几个月后仍然感到不安。 “他们知道我在家。 我是一个坐着的目标。”

What’s this about? Money. Just money. The money of people who are already mostly unspeakably rich. If Proposition 22 fails, it would be devastating to these companies, because they rely on exploiting gig labor in order to make their (already lousy) business models “work”.

什么事啊 钱。 只是钱。 已经几乎无法言喻的富人的钱。 如果提案22失败,对这些公司来说将是毁灭性的,因为它们依靠剥削工作来使他们的(已经很糟糕的)商业模型“运转”。

From the piece:


“Winning the Proposition 22 campaign is of dire importance to Uber and Lyft, according to filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. If the two companies are required to reclassify their drivers as employees in California, they’ll lose hundreds of millions of dollars on an annual basis, says an analysis by Barclays. DoorDash, Instacart and Postmates have also indicated that reclassifying their workers could hurt their businesses. Expenditures in the public records obtained by CNET show the five companies have employed at least 19 firms to do consulting work to help them wage their Proposition 22 battle. At least five of the firms named in the documents have worked on campaigns for big tobacco, big oil and big chemical companies, including Philip Morris, Chevron and Monsanto.”

“向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,赢得“提案22”运动对Uber和Lyft至关重要。 巴克莱(Barclays)的一项分析说,如果要求这两家公司将其司机重新分类为加利福尼亚的雇员,那么他们每年将损失数亿美元。 DoorDash,Instacart和Postmates还表示,对工人进行重新分类可能会损害他们的业务。 CNET获得的公开记录中的支出显示,这五家公司至少雇用了19家公司从事咨询工作,以帮助他们进行第22号提案的竞标。 文件中至少有五家公司参与了大型烟草,大型石油和大型化工公司的活动,包括菲利普·莫里斯,雪佛龙和孟山都。

That’s where we are with tech now. And we’ve all seen it coming for at least a decade. Big tech is no more high minded than big tobacco. It’s running the same playbook by the exact same actors.

那就是我们现在使用技术的地方。 我们都已经看到它至少出现了十年。 大型技术并不比大型烟草具有更高的胸怀。 它由完全相同的演员运行同一本剧本。

You know what’s really scary? No one cares anymore.

你知道什么真的很恐怖吗? 没人在乎了。

When Buzzfeed reported Uber’s plans to go after my family, it was a bombshell. I was in the national and international news for two full weeks, on every national newspaper, on countless TV channels. My work was brought up in UK’s Parliament as it mulled new laws to restrict ridesharing. Ashton Kutcher got dragged into it. It was even a bit on Seth Meyer’s show that week.

当Buzzfeed报道了Uber打算追捕我的家人时 ,这真是一个重磅炸弹。 在每家国家报纸的无数电视频道上,我都在国内和国际新闻领域呆了整整两个星期。 我的工作在英国国会审议,因为它制定了新的法律以限制乘车限制。 阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)陷入其中。 那个星期在塞思·迈耶(Seth Meyer)的表演中甚至还有些过。

When Susan Fowler published her experience at Uber, it similarly exploded, starting a series of events that led to co-founder and then CEO Travis Kalanick’s ouster and landed her on the cover of Time Magazine.

当苏珊·福勒(Susan Fowler)在优步(Uber)上发表自己的经历时,经历了类似的爆炸式发展,引发了一系列事件,导致联合创始人,首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)被罢免,并使她登上了《时代》杂志的封面。

But now, in 2020, the same playbook is run against Veena. Did you even hear about it before reading this?

但是现在,在2020年,同一本剧本将与Veena合作。 在阅读本文之前,您甚至听说过吗?

We’ve lost our ability to be shocked. We’ve accepted this is the world. The sociopaths have won.

我们已经失去了震惊的能力。 我们已经接受了这就是世界。 反社会的人赢了。

I’m scared for where we go from here, as a country and Silicon Valley as an ecosystem. As a teenage girl, I dreamed of going into politics. As an adult who has faced decades of harassment and threats, I would never run for office. I have done my twenty years as an investigative journalist and have very real trauma from doing nothing but my job. For doing my job incredibly well. Trauma and threats and hatred were my reward.

作为一个国家和作为生态系统的硅谷,我们感到害怕的是我要从这里走到哪里。 作为一个十几岁的女孩,我梦想着参政。 作为一个经历了数十年的骚扰和威胁的成年人,我永远不会竞选公职。 我已经完成了二十年的调查记者工作,除了工作以外,什么事情都给我造成了很大的创伤。 因为我的工作做得非常好 。 创伤,威胁和仇恨是我的奖赏。

I finished my fights, I sold my company and I would never go back to journalism. I hope neither of my kids want to go into journalism. It is no longer safe. And we’re not talking about being a war correspondent: We are talking about reporting on multi-billion dollar companies from the safety of Silicon Valley. Reviewing apps. You’ve got two choices: Be complicit or, eventually if you do a good job, be in danger and live in fear.

我完成了战斗, 卖掉了公司 ,我再也不会回到新闻界了。 我希望我的两个孩子都不想读新闻。 它不再安全。 而且,我们并不是在谈论成为一名战争通讯员:我们是在谈论从硅谷的安全来报道数十亿美元的公司。 正在审核应用。 您有两种选择:变得同谋,或者如果做得好,最终会处于危险之中并生活在恐惧中。

That’s it.


Especially if you are a woman. It was Paul Carr, not me, who was Pando’s loudest and earliest critic of Uber. But Paul wasn’t a woman with kids. Veena didn’t write AB5. But they picked a woman of color with young kids to be the target of the rightwing campaign of fear and intimidation. This isn’t a coincidence.

特别是如果您是女人。 是潘多(Pando)最响亮,最早的Uber评论家,是保罗·卡尔(Paul Carr),而不是我。 但是保罗不是一个有孩子的女人。 Veena没有写AB5。 但是他们选择了一个有小孩的有色女人作为右翼恐惧和恐吓运动的目标。 这不是巧合。

I am only weighing in now — and I realize doing so risks me becoming a target again — because I spoke with Veena a month ago, and all the terror of November 2014 came flooding back to me.


I do not scare easily. I’ve had constant fights with loved ones for taking too many risks in my career. I was held by vigilantes at machete point while pregnant and reporting in Nigeria. But when Uber came after me in November 2014 — that was the most scared I’ve ever been.

我不容易害怕。 我一直与亲人打架,因为我在职业生涯中承担了太多的风险。 在怀孕和在尼日利亚报道时,我是在大砍刀点被治安警察关押的。 但是当Uber在2014年11月追随我时,那是我有史以来最害怕的时候。

I don’t want to weigh back in on how evil Uber is — I really, really don’t. But someone has to care. Someone has to be outraged. I am so appreciative CNet dedicated resources to this story. Standing up to power isn’t easy for publications these days.

我不想重新审视Uber的邪恶程度- 我真的,真的不是 。 但是有人必须在意。 一定要激怒。 我非常感激CNet致力于这个故事。 如今,出版物要站得住脚并不容易。

I don’t love the gig worker bill that was passed in California starting this latest round of intimidation. It has a lot of bad unintended consequences for freelancers, and I know that a lot of gig workers want the flexibility that comes with these companies, and I hear that they’ll lose income immediately, and I don’t think it’s a bluff that these companies will close down in California if Prop 22 fails. I’ve covered Uber and Lyft since these companies’ inceptions and know the founders and their earliest investors. No one has to explain the business facts to me.

我不喜欢加州最近通过的零工工人法案,开始了最新一轮的恐吓。 对于自由职业者来说,这会带来很多不良后果,而且我知道许多演出工作人员都希望这些公司具有灵活性,而且我听说他们会立即失去收入,我认为这不是虚张声势如果22号提案失败,这些公司将在加利福尼亚关闭。 自这些公司成立以来,我已经介绍过Uber和Lyft,并且了解他们的创始人和最早的投资者。 没有人必须向我解释商业事实。

They were never great businesses, as I wrote for the last ten years, and their only hope was exploitation of a workforce to eek out a profit long enough until self-driving cars became a reality. I hate driving. I, personally, love the convenience of Lyft.

正如我在过去十年中写的那样,他们从来都不是伟大的企业,他们唯一的希望是利用劳动力来谋求足够长的利润,直到无人驾驶汽车成为现实。 我讨厌开车。 我个人很喜欢Lyft的便利。

But I’m voting against the interests of these companies, because I’m voting against sociopathic behavior, up and down the ballot in November.


翻译自: https://medium.com/chairmanmom/whats-really-scary-is-that-no-one-cares-anymore-cb77700335e5




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