
You can make an interactive dashboard in Excel, even if you can't use macros, or prefer to avoid them. Select a chart or chart data from a drop down list, and the selected item will instantly appear on the dashboard – no macros required.

您可以在Excel中制作一个交互式仪表板,即使您不能使用宏,也可以避免使用宏。 从下拉列表中选择一个图表或图表数据,所选项目将立即显示在仪表板上-无需宏。

See how to build this dashboard, watch the video, and download the sample file to see the completed version.


命名范围 (Name That Range)

In the screen shot above, "Chart Data – East" is selected in the drop down list, and that data will appear on the dashboard, replacing the current data.


There are 4 choices in the drop down, and on a separate worksheet (ChartInfo), there are four matching ranges, shown below.


  • ChartData 图表数据
  • EastData 东数据
  • ChartRange 图表范围
  • ChartEast 东图

The contents of the selected range will appear on the dashboard.


下拉列表项目 (Items for the Drop Down List)

The list items for the drop down are stored in a range named ShowList, on the ChartInfo sheet.


Then, on the dashboard sheet, a data validation list is based on the ShowList name.

然后,在仪表板上, 数据验证列表基于ShowList名称。

创建一个查询表 (Create a Lookup Table)

In the column to the right of the drop down list items, the matching range names for each item are entered.


Above the lookup table, cell P5 is named SelRange, and it has an INDEX/MATCH formula that returns the range name for the item selected in the drop down list:

在查找表上方,单元格P5名为SelRange,它具有INDEX / MATCH公式 ,该公式返回下拉列表中所选项目的范围名称:


= IFERROR(INDEX(P7:P10,MATCH(O5,ShowList,0)),P7)

The Chart Data – East item was selected, and its range is named EastData

选择了“ 图表数据–东”项目,其范围名为“ 东数据”

添加链接图片 (Add a Linked Picture)

Next, a named formula -- ShowChart was created. It uses the INDIRECT function to return the range from the SelRange cell:

接下来,创建了一个命名公式-ShowChart。 它使用INDIRECT函数从SelRange单元格返回范围:


= INDIRECT(SelRange)

Finally, on the dashboard sheet, a linked picture was added, and its link was set to ShowChart. Now, when you select an item from the drop down list, the linked picture changes, to show the range that matches the selected item.

最后,在仪表板上,添加了链接的图片,并将其链接设置为ShowChart。 现在,当您从下拉列表中选择一个项目时,链接的图片会更改,以显示与所选项目匹配的范围。

In the screen shot below, Chart Date – East was selected, so the EastData range is shown.

在下面的屏幕快照中,选择了Chart Date – East ,因此显示了EastData范围。

视频:从下拉列表中选择仪表板项目 (Video: Choose Dashboard Items from Drop Down List)

This example is an update of an earlier workbook, in which you could choose between 2 items – a chart, or the chart's data. The video below shows how to set up that version.

本示例是早期工作簿的更新,您可以在其中两个项目之间进行选择–图表或图表数据。 以下视频显示了如何设置该版本。

The steps are similar for the new 4-item version, with the differences noted in the instructions above. Download the sample file (link below), to follow along with the video.

新的4项版本的步骤相似,不同之处在于上述说明。 下载示例文件(下面的链接),并随视频一起进行。


Or watch on YouTube: Show Excel Chart or Data on Dashboard With No Macros

或在YouTube上观看: 在无宏的仪表板上显示Excel图表或数据

免费的Excel仪表板网络研讨会 (Free Excel Dashboard Webinars)

If you'd like to learn more about building Excel dashboards, Mynda Treacy is offering two free one-hour webinars. Get the details, and sign up for a date and time that is convenient for you.

如果您想了解有关构建Excel仪表板的更多信息,Mynda Treacy提供了两个免费的一小时在线研讨会 。 获取详细信息,并注册一个方便的日期和时间 。

  1. How to Build Excel Dashboards 如何建立Excel资讯主页
  2. Dashboards with Power Query and Power Pivot. 具有Power Query和Power Pivot的仪表板。

Mynda has also opened registration for her acclaimed Excel Dashboard course, and you'll get 20% off, if you sign up by today -- July 30th. The dashboard course is a great investment, and you can read my review for the highlights, and more information.

Mynda还开放了她备受赞誉的Excel Dashboard课程的注册,如果您在今天(7月30日)之前注册 ,您将获得20%的折扣 。 仪表板课程是一项巨大的投资,您可以阅读我的评论以了解重点内容以及更多信息。

下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

To see how the interactive dashboard works, you can download the sample file from the Excel Sample Files page on my Contextures website. In the Charts and Graphics section, look for CH0002 – Show or Hide Excel Chart. There are 3 versions of the file, so download the ones that you need:

若要查看交互式仪表板如何工作,可以从Contextures网站上的“ Excel Sample Files”页面下载示例文件。 在“图表和图形”部分中,查找CH0002 –显示或隐藏Excel图表 。 该文件有3个版本,因此请下载所需的版本:

  1. Excel 2003, Excel 2003,
  2. Excel 2010 (2 item drop down) Excel 2010(下拉2项)
  3. Excel 2010 (multi-item drop down) Excel 2010(多项目下拉列表)

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/07/30/choose-excel-dashboard-chart-in-drop-down-list/




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