

Alexandra Serebrennikova,Nimbus全球市场总监





1、Recently, UNI and SUSHI have made outstanding achievements in the DEFI field. What kind of layout will NBU have?

Unlike many other tokens on the market, NBU has a very wide spectrum of use-cases which clearly makes it stand out.

The Nimbus NBU token in its best form, is one of the most diverse functionalities of our Platform. NBU acts as a single key to all Nimbus functionalities and enables users to access 4 dApps, which is in total more than 10 pools with diverse reward generation mechanics. Moreover, it opens the doors for anyone willing to get our Governance Tokens. Moreover, in order to access it all, NBU has to be staked, thus driving demand for it.

It has only been a few days after the launch of NBU along with the official Nimbus Platform, but the prospects shine better than ever. And considering that we are merely tapping into just a fraction of NBU’s true potential, the market capitalization reached $35.000.000 in just 2 days!

Last but not least, without a doubt, things would not be the same without our members; they represent the true force behind the phenomenal wave of Nimbus and invariably of DeFi.


最佳形式的Nimbus NBU代币是我们平台最多样化的功能之一。 NBU是所有Nimbus功能的单一键,使用户能够访问4个DAPP,该应用程序总共有10多个资金池,具有各种奖励生成机制。此外,它为任何希望获得我们治理代币的人敞开了大门。此外,为了访问所有内容,必须对NBU进行放样,从而推动对此的需求。

NBU与官方的Nimbus平台一起推出仅几天后,但前景比以往任何时候都更好。考虑到我们仅利用了NBU真正潜力的一小部分,市值在上线短两天内达到了$ 35.000.000!



2、Give us some insider details on the Nimbus Team?

Considering our rapid growth following NBU and Nimbus Platform launch, our team keeps expanding all the time.

At the moment, there are more than 20 people involved with Nimbus on a daily basis - both as full-time employees and as contractors. Both in the Global market, the Spanish-speaking market and the Chinese market.

We also have numerous partners that help us establish all the right conditions for the Nimbus Platform to grow and develop: liaise with media, crypto exchanges and so on.

Finally, we have more than 10 Ambassadors that are also helping us spread the word about Nimbus every day and we’re very glad to have them with us. And

All in all, Nimbus is represented by a diverse, and synergetic international team of experts who garnered quite a name in their respective fields - including ex-managers of some of the most heralded global corporations present day, such as Huawei.

The team behind Nimbus is structured to pitch for all the critical areas of operation, including Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, DeFi, AI/ML, Financing, and cybersecurity. The Nimbus squad is the perfect representation of a wholesome, balanced, and intuitive force required for the foundation of a holistic ecosystem.

You can see more detail here: https://nimbusplatform.io/#team





Nimbus背后的团队旨在为所有关键运营领域提供服务,包括加密货币,区块链,DeFi,AI / ML,融资和网络安全。 Nimbus团队完美地代表了建立整体生态系统所需的健康,平衡和直观的力量。



3、Nimbus has a lot of community activities recently, are there essential benefits to be released?

We are thrilled with the recent developments regarding the Nimbus platform and the NBU token and we want all our users to try it themselves!

That’s why we are about to launch several interactive campaigns for our community members where they can even further enhance their rewards from interacting with the Platform! Keep an eye on our official chats and join to win rewards!

And while we are at it, we are offering you a chance to enhance your benefits from NBU with functionalities like:

  1. the Referral Program https://app.nimbusplatform.io/a/#/referral

  2. 3 types of NBU Staking https://app.nimbusplatform.io/a/#/staking

  3. becoming a liquidity provider with an opportunity to receive up to 100% APY on your liquidity: https://app.nimbusplatform.io/a/#/lp-staking


因此,我们将为社区成员发起几个互动式广告系列,使他们可以通过与平台的互动来进一步提高他们的收益! 随时关注我们的官方聊天并加入以获得奖励!






4、How can non-crypto friendly people utilize your services?

This is a very important topic for Nimbus, actually.

We strongly believe that the DeFi space needs a strong influx of simpler, real-world use-cases for it to grow into a mature sector. At Nimbus, we are very particular about bringing the platform to people who need it the most. From the very beginning, our goal was to open a channel of equal opportunities and truly beneficial mechanisms for value generation. As of now, we have made it so that the Nimbus Platform’s interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate for our users who are just discovering the realm of crypto.

We are also developing user-guides on all functionalities of our platform. Here is our first guide on how to swap NBU - it’s very easy to understand! https://news.huoxing24.com/20210129224434641848.html

Moreover, since our NBU token acts as a single access key to all Nimbus functionalities, it is easy to navigate between different offerings. Remember, we are not just emerging into the crypto world but also with those opportunities that are associated with fiat money, such as IPOs and start-up financing.

So all in all, we make sure that the platform is extremely accessible for both crypto enthusiasts and newbie members.



我们还在开发有关平台所有功能的用户指南。这是我们有关如何交换NBU的第一本指南,非常容易理解! https://news.huoxing24.com/20210129224434641848.html



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