现在用到的cuckoo hash算法比较多,下面具体分析在dpdk代码中cuckoo实现,在lib/librte_hash/下有其他若干种hash就不一一介绍了,比较简单,先文字介绍下bloom filter和cuckoo hash。

bloom filter:“似于bitmap这样的hashset,所以空间利用率很高。其独特的地方在于它使用多个哈希函数来避免哈希碰撞”,“带来的问题:一个是误报(false positives),在查询时能提供“一定不存在”,但只能提供“可能存在”,因为存在其它元素被映射到部分相同bit位上,导致该位置1,那么一个不存在的元素可能会被误报成存在;另一个是漏报(false nagatives),同样道理,如果删除了某个元素,导致该映射bit位被置0,那么本来存在的元素会被漏报成不存在。由于后者问题严重得多,所以bloom filter必须确保“definitely no”从而容忍“probably yes”,不允许元素的删除。”


 44 class CBloomFilter45 {46 private:47     std::vector<unsigned char> vData;48     bool isFull;49     bool isEmpty;50     unsigned int nHashFuncs;51     unsigned int nTweak;52     unsigned char nFlags;

cuckoo hash:“哈希函数是成对的,每一个元素都有两个,分别映射到两个位置,一个是记录的位置,另一个是备用位置。这个备用位置是处理碰撞时用的。cuckoo hashing处理碰撞的方法,就是把原来占用位置的这个元素踢走,被踢出去的元素有一个备用位置可以安置,如果备用位置上还有元素,再把它踢走,如此往复。直到被踢的次数达到一个上限,才确认哈希表已满,并执行rehash操作。” 下面开始真正分析源码中的实现。


 66 /** Signature of key that is stored internally. */67 typedef uint32_t hash_sig_t;68 69 /** Type of function that can be used for calculating the hash value. */70 typedef uint32_t (*rte_hash_function)(const void *key, uint32_t key_len, uint32_t init_val);7273 /** Type of function used to compare the hash key. */74 typedef int (*rte_hash_cmp_eq_t)(const void *key1, const void *key2, size_t key_len);183 /** A hash table structure. */
184 struct rte_hash {
185     char name[RTE_HASH_NAMESIZE];   /**< Name of the hash. */
186     uint32_t entries;               /**< Total table entries. */
187     uint32_t num_buckets;           /**< Number of buckets in table. */
188     uint32_t key_len;               /**< Length of hash key. */
189     rte_hash_function hash_func;    /**< Function used to calculate hash. */
190     uint32_t hash_func_init_val;    /**< Init value used by hash_func. */
191     rte_hash_cmp_eq_t rte_hash_custom_cmp_eq;
192     /**< Custom function used to compare keys. */
193     enum cmp_jump_table_case cmp_jump_table_idx;
194     /**< Indicates which compare function to use. */
195     uint32_t bucket_bitmask;        /**< Bitmask for getting bucket index
196                         from hash signature. */
197     uint32_t key_entry_size;         /**< Size of each key entry. */
199     struct rte_ring *free_slots;    /**< Ring that stores all indexes
200                         of the free slots in the key table */
201     void *key_store;                /**< Table storing all keys and data */
202     struct rte_hash_bucket *buckets;    /**< Table with buckets storing all the
203                             hash values and key indexes
204                             to the key table*/
212 } __rte_cache_aligned;165 /* Structure that stores key-value pair */
166 struct rte_hash_key {
167     union {
168         uintptr_t idata;
169         void *pdata;
170     };
171     /* Variable key size */
172     char key[0];
173 } __attribute__((aligned(KEY_ALIGNMENT)));154 /* Structure storing both primary and secondary hashes */
155 struct rte_hash_signatures {
156     union {
157         struct {
158             hash_sig_t current;
159             hash_sig_t alt;
160         };
161         uint64_t sig;
162     };
163 };175 /** Bucket structure */
176 struct rte_hash_bucket {
177     struct rte_hash_signatures signatures[RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES];
178     /* Includes dummy key index that always contains index 0 */
179     uint32_t key_idx[RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES + 1];
180     uint8_t flag[RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES];
181 } __rte_cache_aligned;


 72  * based on the key size and custom function.73  */74 enum cmp_jump_table_case {75     KEY_CUSTOM = 0,76     KEY_16_BYTES,77     KEY_32_BYTES,78     //more86 };87 88 /*89  * Table storing all different key compare functions90  * (multi-process supported)91  */92 const rte_hash_cmp_eq_t cmp_jump_table[NUM_KEY_CMP_CASES] = {93     NULL,94     rte_hash_k16_cmp_eq,95     rte_hash_k32_cmp_eq,96     //more 97 };34 /* Functions to compare multiple of 16 byte keys (up to 128 bytes) */35 static int36 rte_hash_k16_cmp_eq(const void *key1, const void *key2,37             size_t key_len __rte_unused)38 {39     uint64_t x0, x1, y0, y1;40 41     asm volatile(42         "ldp %x[x1], %x[x0], [%x[p1]]"43         : [x1]"=r"(x1), [x0]"=r"(x0)44         : [p1]"r"(key1)45         );46     asm volatile(47         "ldp %x[y1], %x[y0], [%x[p2]]"48         : [y1]"=r"(y1), [y0]"=r"(y0)49         : [p2]"r"(key2)50         );51     x0 ^= y0;52     x1 ^= y1;53     return !(x0 == 0 && x1 == 0);54 }55 56 static int57 rte_hash_k32_cmp_eq(const void *key1, const void *key2, size_t key_len)58 {59     return rte_hash_k16_cmp_eq(key1, key2, key_len) ||60         rte_hash_k16_cmp_eq((const char *) key1 + 16,61                 (const char *) key2 + 16, key_len);62 }



 113 struct rte_hash *114 rte_hash_create(const struct rte_hash_parameters *params)115 {116     struct rte_hash *h = NULL;117     struct rte_tailq_entry *te = NULL;118     struct rte_hash_list *hash_list;119     struct rte_ring *r = NULL;120     char hash_name[RTE_HASH_NAMESIZE];121     void *k = NULL;122     void *buckets = NULL;123     char ring_name[RTE_RING_NAMESIZE];124     unsigned num_key_slots;125     unsigned hw_trans_mem_support = 0;126     unsigned i;127 128     hash_list = RTE_TAILQ_CAST(rte_hash_tailq.head, rte_hash_list);159     num_key_slots = params->entries + 1;160 161     snprintf(ring_name, sizeof(ring_name), "HT_%s", params->name);162     /* Create ring (Dummy slot index is not enqueued) */163     r = rte_ring_create(ring_name, rte_align32pow2(num_key_slots - 1),164             params->socket_id, 0);165     if (r == NULL) {166         RTE_LOG(ERR, HASH, "memory allocation failed\n");167         goto err;168     }169 170     snprintf(hash_name, sizeof(hash_name), "HT_%s", params->name);171 172     rte_rwlock_write_lock(RTE_EAL_TAILQ_RWLOCK);173 174     /* guarantee there's no existing: this is normally already checked175      * by ring creation above */176     TAILQ_FOREACH(te, hash_list, next) {177         h = (struct rte_hash *) te->data;178         if (strncmp(params->name, h->name, RTE_HASH_NAMESIZE) == 0)179             break;180     }181     h = NULL;182     if (te != NULL) {183         rte_errno = EEXIST;184         te = NULL;185         goto err_unlock;186     }187 188     te = rte_zmalloc("HASH_TAILQ_ENTRY", sizeof(*te), 0);189     if (te == NULL) {190         RTE_LOG(ERR, HASH, "tailq entry allocation failed\n");191         goto err_unlock;192     }193 194     h = (struct rte_hash *)rte_zmalloc_socket(hash_name, sizeof(struct rte_hash),195                     RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, params->socket_id);196 197     if (h == NULL) {198         RTE_LOG(ERR, HASH, "memory allocation failed\n");199         goto err_unlock;200     }201 202     const uint32_t num_buckets = rte_align32pow2(params->entries)203                     / RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES;204 205     buckets = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL,206                 num_buckets * sizeof(struct rte_hash_bucket),207                 RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, params->socket_id);208 209     if (buckets == NULL) {210         RTE_LOG(ERR, HASH, "memory allocation failed\n");211         goto err_unlock;212     }213 214     const uint32_t key_entry_size = sizeof(struct rte_hash_key) + params->key_len;215     const uint64_t key_tbl_size = (uint64_t) key_entry_size * num_key_slots;216 217     k = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, key_tbl_size,218             RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, params->socket_id);219 220     if (k == NULL) {221         RTE_LOG(ERR, HASH, "memory allocation failed\n");222         goto err_unlock;223     }270     /* Setup hash context */271     snprintf(h->name, sizeof(h->name), "%s", params->name);272     h->entries = params->entries;273     h->key_len = params->key_len;274     h->key_entry_size = key_entry_size;275     h->hash_func_init_val = params->hash_func_init_val;276 277     h->num_buckets = num_buckets;278     h->bucket_bitmask = h->num_buckets - 1;279     h->buckets = buckets;280     h->hash_func = (params->hash_func == NULL) ?281         DEFAULT_HASH_FUNC : params->hash_func;282     h->key_store = k;283     h->free_slots = r;302     /* Populate free slots ring. Entry zero is reserved for key misses. */303     for (i = 1; i < params->entries + 1; i++)304         rte_ring_sp_enqueue(r, (void *)((uintptr_t) i));305 306     te->data = (void *) h;307     TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(hash_list, te, next);308     rte_rwlock_write_unlock(RTE_EAL_TAILQ_RWLOCK);309 310     return h;320 }132 /** Number of items per bucket. */133 #define RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES     4

以上创建过程主要包括:设置key-value的个数num_key_slots;创建无锁环形buffer;加写锁先判断是否已存在名字一样的hash表,如果有的话则跳转至err_unlock,释放写锁和相关的资源[代码被省略],没有的话创建并关联hash表;每个桶可以容纳4个数据[至于为什么是4而不是其他值,会在最后说明],计算多少个桶并申请空间用于存储hash值和状态等信息;计算存储num_key_slots个key_entry_size 的空间用于存储key和value的指针[这里桶里并不存储实际的数据];最后给hash表各个变量关联;把hash表加入到全局hash_list中并释放写锁;


 698 static inline int32_t699 __rte_hash_lookup_with_hash(const struct rte_hash *h, const void *key,700                     hash_sig_t sig, void **data)701 {702     uint32_t bucket_idx;703     hash_sig_t alt_hash;704     unsigned i;705     struct rte_hash_bucket *bkt;706     struct rte_hash_key *k, *keys = h->key_store;707 708     bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask;709     bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx];710 711     /* Check if key is in primary location */712     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {713         if (bkt->signatures[i].current == sig &&714                 bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) {715             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +716                     bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);717             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {718                 if (data != NULL)719                     *data = k->pdata;720                 /*721                  * Return index where key is stored,722                  * substracting the first dummy index723                  */724                 return bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;725             }726         }727     }728 729     /* Calculate secondary hash */730     alt_hash = rte_hash_secondary_hash(sig);731     bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask;732     bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx];733 734     /* Check if key is in secondary location */735     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {736         if (bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash &&737                 bkt->signatures[i].alt == sig) {738             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +739                     bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);740             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {741                 if (data != NULL)742                     *data = k->pdata;743                 /*744                  * Return index where key is stored,745                  * substracting the first dummy index746                  */747                 return bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;748             }749         }750     }751 752     return -ENOENT;753 }

根据sig值[key的hash值]索引到可能在哪个桶,然后先在primary location试着查找,一共可能要比较RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES次,如果桶上的hash有效且等于该hash值,那么根据索引和key-value大小计算出该key-value位置,并对key的内容进行比较,相同的话则取得指向实际数据的指针;没有找到对sig再求hash,在secondary location位置上找,过程同上,找不到就返回-ENOENT;


 813 static inline int32_t814 __rte_hash_del_key_with_hash(const struct rte_hash *h, const void *key,815                         hash_sig_t sig)816 {817     uint32_t bucket_idx;818     hash_sig_t alt_hash;819     unsigned i;820     struct rte_hash_bucket *bkt;821     struct rte_hash_key *k, *keys = h->key_store;822     int32_t ret;823 824     bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask;825     bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx];826 827     /* Check if key is in primary location */828     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {829         if (bkt->signatures[i].current == sig &&830                 bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) {831             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +832                     bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);833             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {834                 remove_entry(h, bkt, i);835 836                 /*837                  * Return index where key is stored,838                  * substracting the first dummy index839                  */840                 ret = bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;841                 bkt->key_idx[i] = 0;842                 return ret;843             }844         }845     }846 847     /* Calculate secondary hash */848     alt_hash = rte_hash_secondary_hash(sig);849     bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask;850     bkt = &h->buckets[bucket_idx];851 852     /* Check if key is in secondary location */853     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {854         if (bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash &&855                 bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE) {856             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +857                     bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);858             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {859                 remove_entry(h, bkt, i);860 861                 /*862                  * Return index where key is stored,863                  * substracting the first dummy index864                  */865                 ret = bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;866                 bkt->key_idx[i] = 0;867                 return ret;868             }869         }870     }871 872     return -ENOENT;873 }785 static inline void786 remove_entry(const struct rte_hash *h, struct rte_hash_bucket *bkt, unsigned i)787 {808     rte_ring_sp_enqueue(h->free_slots,809             (void *)((uintptr_t)bkt->key_idx[i]));811 }

删除过程同查找有一大部分相同的,primary location找不到在secondary location上找,在找到对应的数据后,从桶中删除元素[并非删除指针指向的数据,交给用户自己处理];这里remove_entry把索引值强转成void *压入ring buffer,作用会在hash表插入过程中说明;


 493 static inline int32_t494 __rte_hash_add_key_with_hash(const struct rte_hash *h, const void *key,495                         hash_sig_t sig, void *data)496 {497     hash_sig_t alt_hash;498     uint32_t prim_bucket_idx, sec_bucket_idx;499     unsigned i;500     struct rte_hash_bucket *prim_bkt, *sec_bkt;501     struct rte_hash_key *new_k, *k, *keys = h->key_store;502     void *slot_id = NULL;503     uint32_t new_idx;504     int ret;505     unsigned n_slots;506     unsigned lcore_id;508 512     prim_bucket_idx = sig & h->bucket_bitmask;513     prim_bkt = &h->buckets[prim_bucket_idx];514     rte_prefetch0(prim_bkt);515 516     alt_hash = rte_hash_secondary_hash(sig);517     sec_bucket_idx = alt_hash & h->bucket_bitmask;518     sec_bkt = &h->buckets[sec_bucket_idx];519     rte_prefetch0(sec_bkt);540     if (rte_ring_sc_dequeue(h->free_slots, &slot_id) != 0)541          return -ENOSPC;544     new_k = RTE_PTR_ADD(keys, (uintptr_t)slot_id * h->key_entry_size);545     rte_prefetch0(new_k);546     new_idx = (uint32_t)((uintptr_t) slot_id);547 548     /* Check if key is already inserted in primary location */549     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {550         if (prim_bkt->signatures[i].current == sig &&551                 prim_bkt->signatures[i].alt == alt_hash) {552             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +553                     prim_bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);554             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {555                 /* Enqueue index of free slot back in the ring. */556                 enqueue_slot_back(h, cached_free_slots, slot_id);557                 /* Update data */558                 k->pdata = data;559                 /*560                  * Return index where key is stored,561                  * substracting the first dummy index562                  */563                 return prim_bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;564             }565         }566     }568     /* Check if key is already inserted in secondary location */569     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {570         if (sec_bkt->signatures[i].alt == sig &&571                 sec_bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash) {572             k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys +573                     sec_bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);574             if (rte_hash_cmp_eq(key, k->key, h) == 0) {575                 /* Enqueue index of free slot back in the ring. */576                 enqueue_slot_back(h, cached_free_slots, slot_id);577                 /* Update data */578                 k->pdata = data;579                 /*580                  * Return index where key is stored,581                  * substracting the first dummy index582                  */583                 return sec_bkt->key_idx[i] - 1;584             }585         }586     }587 588     /* Copy key */589     rte_memcpy(new_k->key, key, h->key_len);590     new_k->pdata = data;591 614         for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {615             /* Check if slot is available */616             if (likely(prim_bkt->signatures[i].sig == NULL_SIGNATURE)) {617                 prim_bkt->signatures[i].current = sig;618                 prim_bkt->signatures[i].alt = alt_hash;619                 prim_bkt->key_idx[i] = new_idx;620                 break;621             }622         }623 624         if (i != RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) {627             return new_idx - 1;628         }636         ret = make_space_bucket(h, prim_bkt);637         if (ret >= 0) {638             prim_bkt->signatures[ret].current = sig;639             prim_bkt->signatures[ret].alt = alt_hash;640             prim_bkt->key_idx[ret] = new_idx;643             return new_idx - 1;644         }648     /* Error in addition, store new slot back in the ring and return error */649     enqueue_slot_back(h, cached_free_slots, (void *)((uintptr_t) new_idx));653     return ret;654 }

以上代码删除了一些根据编译设置不同而相关的代码[对齐不太好办],应该不影响分析。这段代码先计算出primary和secondary桶,然后进行预取;然后检查free_slots是否还有空闲,对应着hash表结构的注释“Ring that stores all indexes of the free slots in the key table”,和删除一个元素后的操作remove_entry,只是把hash表key_idx的索引值压入buffer,后期插入的时候需要获得一个;然后查找主和备,如果存在key一样的则更新data,否则就拷贝key和保存data地址,行589〜590;以上查找primary location时的代码段和secondary location的判断条件:

if (prim_bkt->signatures[i].current == sig && prim_bkt->signatures[i].alt == alt_hash)
if (sec_bkt->signatures[i].current == alt_hash && sec_bkt->signatures[i].alt == sig)


 409 static inline int410 make_space_bucket(const struct rte_hash *h, struct rte_hash_bucket *bkt)411 {412     static unsigned int nr_pushes;413     unsigned i, j;414     int ret;415     uint32_t next_bucket_idx;416     struct rte_hash_bucket *next_bkt[RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES];417 418     /*419      * Push existing item (search for bucket with space in420      * alternative locations) to its alternative location421      */422     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) {423         /* Search for space in alternative locations */424         next_bucket_idx = bkt->signatures[i].alt & h->bucket_bitmask;425         next_bkt[i] = &h->buckets[next_bucket_idx];426         for (j = 0; j < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) {427             if (next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].sig == NULL_SIGNATURE)428                 break;429         }430 431         if (j != RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES)432             break;433     }435     /* Alternative location has spare room (end of recursive function) */436     if (i != RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES) {437         next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].alt = bkt->signatures[i].current;438         next_bkt[i]->signatures[j].current = bkt->signatures[i].alt;439         next_bkt[i]->key_idx[j] = bkt->key_idx[i];440         return i;441     }442 443     /* Pick entry that has not been pushed yet */444     for (i = 0; i < RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++)445         if (bkt->flag[i] == 0)446             break;447 448     /* All entries have been pushed, so entry cannot be added */449     if (i == RTE_HASH_BUCKET_ENTRIES || nr_pushes > RTE_HASH_MAX_PUSHES)450         return -ENOSPC;451 452     /* Set flag to indicate that this entry is going to be pushed */453     bkt->flag[i] = 1;454 455     nr_pushes++;456     /* Need room in alternative bucket to insert the pushed entry */457     ret = make_space_bucket(h, next_bkt[i]);458     /*459      * After recursive function.460      * Clear flags and insert the pushed entry461      * in its alternative location if successful,462      * or return error463      */464     bkt->flag[i] = 0;465     nr_pushes = 0;466     if (ret >= 0) {467         next_bkt[i]->signatures[ret].alt = bkt->signatures[i].current;468         next_bkt[i]->signatures[ret].current = bkt->signatures[i].alt;469         next_bkt[i]->key_idx[ret] = bkt->key_idx[i];470         return i;471     } else472         return ret;473 474 }

如果不能在primary location上插入的话,则尝试调用make_space_bucket在secondary location上进行首次插入(b);这个会引起refresh操作,即secondary location被占用了,然后相应的数据要被重新hash等,故会形成递归调用;以上实现大致是:422〜433行对该桶上的元数(a)的alt重新求索引到哪个桶,有空位置了break,为要插入的元素(b)让出位置;435〜441行更新(a)[由primary变成secondary,则secondary变成primary如此反复,即第一次插入是主,被踢一次变成备,再被踢一次变成主...],然后返回并更新(b);如果没有找到则要递归,在递归前需要标示什么时候hash表满了,返回-ENOSPC,444〜455行干了这个事;如果递归返回到464行清标示[要反返回成功要么-ENOSPC],并根据返回值进行更新(a),466〜470行干了这个事;最后结束,633〜644行更新(b);

在以上过程中refresh会在一定的条件下终止:nr_pushes > RTE_HASH_MAX_PUSHES[100]或某个桶上的slot都make_space_bucket过。


整个过程梳理一下,总结下hash表中有几个关键性成员变量的作用:由于实际的数据并不存在于hash表中,但会拷贝key的数据,由rte_hash_key中key表示,只是存储了该数据起始地址,和key的地址;故key_store用来存储key和value的address,但是我怎么知道rte_hash_key存在哪个地方呢?是由rte_hash_bucket结构中key_idx的索引值乘以一个偏移量key_entry_size来决定的;其实由可以看出来k = (struct rte_hash_key *) ((char *)keys + bkt->key_idx[i] * h->key_entry_size);buckets用于表明key有没有存在,在创建的时候作用也说明了if (bkt->signatures[i].current == sig && bkt->signatures[i].sig != NULL_SIGNATURE);free_slots用于存储key_store哪些是空着的,毕竟key_store有元素的时候不一定是连续占位的。


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