
  • Counting DNA Nucleotides/统计ATCG数
    • Problem
    • Sample Dataset
    • Sample Output
  • Transcribing DNA into RNA /DNA转录RNA
    • Problem
    • Sample Dataset
    • Sample Output
  • Complementing a Strand of DNA/DNA的反向互补链
    • Problem
    • Sample Dataset
    • Sample Output
  • Rabbits and Recurrence Relations/斐波那契数列
    • Problem
    • Sample Dataset
    • Sample Output
  • Computing GC Content/计算序列GC含量
    • Problem
    • Sample Dataset
    • Sample Output

Counting DNA Nucleotides/统计ATCG数


A string is simply an ordered collection of symbols selected from some alphabet and formed into a word; the length of a string is the number of symbols that it contains.

An example of a length 21 DNA string (whose alphabet contains the symbols ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘G’, and ‘T’) is “ATGCTTCAGAAAGGTCTTACG.”

Given: A DNA string of length at most 1000 nt.

Return: Four integers (separated by spaces) counting the respective number of times that the symbols ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘G’, and ‘T’ occur in .

Sample Dataset


Sample Output

20 12 17 21

symbols = 'ACGT'
symbols = 'ACGT'
print (' '.join(map(str, counts)))
20 12 17 21

Transcribing DNA into RNA /DNA转录RNA


An RNA string is a string formed from the alphabet containing ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘G’, and ‘U’.

Given a DNA string
corresponding to a coding strand, its transcribed RNA string is formed by replacing all occurrences of ‘T’ in with ‘U’ in


Given: A DNA string

having length at most 1000 nt.

Return: The transcribed RNA string of


Sample Dataset


Sample Output


print(sequence.replace('T', 'U'))

Complementing a Strand of DNA/DNA的反向互补链


In DNA strings, symbols ‘A’ and ‘T’ are complements of each other, as are ‘C’ and ‘G’.

The reverse complement of a DNA string
is the string formed by reversing the symbols of

, then taking the complement of each symbol (e.g., the reverse complement of “GTCA” is “TGAC”).

Given: A DNA string

of length at most 1000 bp.

Return: The reverse complement


Sample Dataset


Sample Output


def reverse_complement(seq):"""生成反向互补序列:param seq::return:revComSeq"""ATCG_dict = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'a': 't', 't': 'a', 'c': 'g', 'g': 'c','N':'N'}revSeqList = list(reversed(seq))revComSeqList = [ATCG_dict[k] for k in revSeqList]revComSeq = ''.join(revComSeqList)return revComSeqseq = 'AAAACCCGGT'
output = reverse_complement(seq)
def reverseComplement(seq):"""生成反向互补序列:param seq::return:revComSeq"""ATCG_dict = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'a': 't', 't': 'a', 'c': 'g', 'g': 'c', 'N': 'N'}revComSeq = ''for i in seq:revComSeq =  ATCG_dict[i] + revComSeqreturn revComSeqseq = 'AAAACCCGGT'
output = reverseComplement(seq)

Rabbits and Recurrence Relations/斐波那契数列


A sequence is an ordered collection of objects (usually numbers), which are allowed to repeat. Sequences can be finite or infinite. Two examples are the finite sequence(π,2,0,π)(\pi,\sqrt2,0,\pi)(π,2​,0,π) and the infinite sequence of odd numbers(1,3,5,7,...)(1,3,5,7,...)(1,3,5,7,...) We use the notation ana_nan​ to represent the nnn-th term of a sequence.

A recurrence relation is a way of defining the terms of a sequence with respect to the values of previous terms. In the case of Fibonacci’s rabbits from the introduction, any given month will contain the rabbits that were alive the previous month, plus any new offspring. A key observation is that the number of offspring in any month is equal to the number of rabbits that were alive two months prior. As a result, if FnF_nFn​ represents the number of rabbit pairs alive after the nnn-th month, then we obtain the Fibonacci sequence having terms FnF_nFn​ that are defined by the recurrence relation Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}Fn​=Fn−1​+Fn−2​(with F1=F2=1F_1 = F_2 = 1F1​=F2​=1 to initiate the sequence). Although the sequence bears Fibonacci’s name, it was known to Indian mathematicians over two millennia ago.

When finding the
-th term of a sequence defined by a recurrence relation, we can simply use the recurrence relation to generate terms for progressively larger values of nnn

. This problem introduces us to the computational technique of dynamic programming, which successively builds up solutions by using the answers to smaller cases.

Given: Positive integer n&lt;=40n&lt;= 40n<=40 and k&lt;=5k &lt;= 5k<=5

Return: The total number of rabbit pairs that will be present after nnn months, if we begin with 1 pair and in each generation, every pair of reproduction-age rabbits produces a litter of kkk rabbit pairs (instead of only 1 pair).


F1=1,F2=1,F3=F2+F1F_1 = 1, F_2 = 1, F_3 = F_2 + F_1 F1​=1,F2​=1,F3​=F2​+F1​

月份 1 2 3 4 5 6
兔子个数(对) 1 1 2 3 5 8

F1=1,F2=1,F3=F2+F1×3F_1 = 1, F_2 = 1, F_3 = F_2 + F_1 \times 3 F1​=1,F2​=1,F3​=F2​+F1​×3

月份 1 2 3 4 5 6
兔子个数(对) 1 1 4 7 19 40

Sample Dataset

5 3

Sample Output


def fibonacciRabbits(n, k):F = [1, 1]generation = 2while generation < n:F.append(F[generation - 1] + F[generation - 2] * k)generation += 1return F[n-1]print(fibonacciRabbits(5, 3))
def fibonacciRabbits(n, k):if n <= 2:return 1else:return fibonacciRabbits(n-1, k) + fibonacciRabbits(n-2, k) * kprint(fibonacciRabbits(5, 3))
def fibonacciRabbits(n, k):generation, a, b = 2, 1, 1while generation <= n:yield ba, b = b, a*k+bgeneration += 1return 'well done'fib = fibonacciRabbits(5, 3)

Computing GC Content/计算序列GC含量


The GC-content of a DNA string is given by the percentage of symbols in the string that are ‘C’ or ‘G’. For example, the GC-content of “AGCTATAG” is 37.5%. Note that the reverse complement of any DNA string has the same GC-content.

DNA strings must be labeled when they are consolidated into a database. A commonly used method of string labeling is called FASTA format. In this format, the string is introduced by a line that begins with ‘>’, followed by some labeling information. Subsequent lines contain the string itself; the first line to begin with ‘>’ indicates the label of the next string.

In Rosalind’s implementation, a string in FASTA format will be labeled by the ID “Rosalind_xxxx”, where “xxxx” denotes a four-digit code between 0000 and 9999.

Given: At most 10 DNA strings in FASTA format (of length at most 1 kbp each).

Return: The ID of the string having the highest GC-content, followed by the GC-content of that string. Rosalind allows for a default error of 0.001 in all decimal answers unless otherwise stated; please see the note on absolute error below.

Sample Dataset


Sample Output


def gc_content(seq):"""GC含量:param seq: 序列:return:"""GC = (seq.upper().count('G') + seq.upper().count('C')) / len(seq) * 100return GCdef read_fasta(fastaFile):"""读取fasta文件"""aDict = {} for line in open(fastaFile,'r', encoding='utf-8'): if line[0] == '>': key = line.split()[0][1:] aDict[key] = [] else: aDict[key].append(line.strip())return aDictif __name__ == '__main__':seqName = 'Rosalind_0808'fastaFile = "./data/test3.fa"   fastaSeq = read_fasta(fastaFile)[seqName]GC = gc_content(''.join(fastaSeq))print(seqName)print('%.6f' % GC)     


from operator import itemgetterdef gc_content(seq):"""GC含量:param seq: 序列:return:"""GC = (seq.upper().count('G') + seq.upper().count('C'))/len(seq)*100return GCdef read_fasta(fastaFile):"""读取fasta文件"""seqDict = {} for line in open(fastaFile,'r', encoding='utf-8'): if line[0] == '>': key = line.split()[0][1:] seqDict[key] = [] else: seqDict[key].append(line.strip())return seqDictif __name__ == '__main__':gcDict ={}fastaFile = "./data/test3.fa"   seqDict = read_fasta(fastaFile)for key, val in seqDict.items():gcDict[key] = gc_content(''.join(val))gcDictSort = sorted(gcDict.items(), key = itemgetter(1), reverse = True)name = gcDictSort[0][0]largeGC = gcDictSort[0][1]print(gcDictSort)print('%s : %.6f' % (name,largeGC))    
[('Rosalind_0808', 60.91954022988506), ('Rosalind_6404', 53.75), ('Rosalind_5959', 53.57142857142857)]
Rosalind_0808 : 60.919540



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