
If you’re constantly adjusting your computer’s volume while you watch videos or play music, there’s a better way. You can set a consistent volume level, either Windows-wide or in a specific program like VLC or your music player.

如果您在观看视频或播放音乐时不断调整计算机的音量,则有更好的方法。 您可以在Windows范围内或在特定程序(例如VLC或音乐播放器)中设置一致的音量级别。

Many applications have “volume normalization” or “loudness equalization” features built-in, including Windows itself. These features are often somewhat hidden and off the beaten path, so you won’t find them unless you go looking for them.

许多应用程序都内置了“音量标准化”或“响度均衡”功能,包括Windows本身。 这些功能通常都被隐藏起来,远离人迹罕至的地方,因此除非去寻找它们,否则您将找不到它们。

Windows响度均衡 (Windows Loudness Equalization)

Windows includes a build-in Loudness Equalization feature, although some sound drivers may not support it. The loudness equalizer keeps sound output from all applications on your computer within a consistent volume range.

Windows包括内置的响度均衡功能,尽管某些声音驱动程序可能不支持该功能。 响度均衡器将来自计算机上所有应用程序的声音输出保持在恒定的音量范围内。

To enable the loudness equalizer, right-click the speaker icon in your system tray and select Playback devices.


Select the sound device you want to enable the equalizer for – for example, your speakers or headphones – and click the Properties button.


Click over to the Enhancements tab and enable the Loudness Equalization check box in the list. If you don’t see the Enhancements tab, your sound hardware isn’t supported.

单击“增强”选项卡,然后启用列表中的“响度均衡”复选框。 如果没有看到“增强”选项卡,则不支持您的声音硬件。

If an application is currently playing sound, you may have to restart playback for the changes to take effect.


VLC音量标准化 (VLC Volume Normalization)

If your sound card doesn’t support the loudness equalizer or you’re using another platform, such as Linux, you can look for an application with a built-in volume normalization feature. This is also useful if you only want to even out the volume levels in a specific application – say, between different video files in a media player.

如果您的声卡不支持响度均衡器,或者您正在使用其他平台(例如Linux),则可以寻找具有内置音量标准化功能的应用程序。 如果您只想使特定应用程序中的音量均匀(例如,媒体播放器中不同视频文件之间的音量),这也很有用。

The popular VLC media player includes a built-in volume normalization audio filter. To enable it, click the Tools menu in VLC and select Preferences.

流行的VLC媒体播放器包括内置的音量标准化音频过滤器。 要启用它,请单击VLC中的“工具”菜单,然后选择“首选项”。

Click the All option under Show settings to view all VLC’s settings.


Open the Filters pane under Audio and enable the Volume normalizer filter.


You can tweak the volume level from the Volume normalizer pane, located under Filters. Click the Save button to save your settings after you’re done.

您可以从“过滤器”下的“音量标准化器”窗格调整音量级别。 完成后,单击“保存”按钮以保存设置。

You may have to restart VLC for your changes to take effect.


重播音乐增益 (ReplayGain for Music)

If you’ve got a local music collection on your computer, you can use ReplayGain to even out the volume levels of your music files. ReplayGain analyzes the volume levels of your music files and sets them all to a consistent volume.

如果您的计算机上有本地音乐收藏,则可以使用ReplayGain均衡音乐文件的音量。 ReplayGain分析音乐文件的音量并将其全部设置为一致的音量。

There are a few ways to do this. You can modify the music files themselves with a utility like MP3Gain. This ensures that the music files will play at about the same volume level everywhere, even on hardware devices and software music players without support for ReplayGain.

有几种方法可以做到这一点。 您可以使用MP3Gain之类的实用程序来修改音乐文件本身 。 这样可以确保音乐文件在任何地方都能以相同的音量播放,即使在不支持ReplayGain的硬件设备和软件音乐播放器上也是如此。

If you use the awesome Foobar2000 music player – or another music player that supports ReplayGain – you don’t have to modify the files themselves. Foobar2000 can scan your music files and determine their relative volumes. Instead of modifying the sound data, Foobar2000 adds a small bit of metadata to the files. When you play back a file with this metadata, Foobar2000 automatically adjusts its playback volume – think of it as your music player automatically adjusting its internal volume slider.

如果您使用了很棒的Foobar2000音乐播放器或其他支持ReplayGain的音乐播放器,则不必自己修改文件。 Foobar2000可以扫描您的音乐文件并确定它们的相对音量。 Foobar2000无需修改声音数据,而是向文件添加了少量的元数据。 当您使用此元数据播放文件时,Foobar2000会自动调整其播放音量-将其视为音乐播放器会自动调整其内部音量滑块。

How do you even out volume levels on your PC? Leave a comment and let us know if you’ve got another useful tip!

您如何均衡PC上的音量? 发表评论,让我们知道您是否还有其他有用的提示!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/115656/3-ways-to-normalize-sound-volume-on-your-pc/



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