
A while back I posted on How To: Use Google Earth or Virtual Earth to Visualize a New House Lot - Part 1. We took a PDF that the builder gave us of a house lot, made it transparent, sized it and overlaid it on the empty lot we found on Google Earth and then even better Helicopter Flyover imagery we found on Virtual Earth.

不久前,我在“如何:使用Google Earth或Virtual Earth可视化新房子地块-第1部分”上发表了文章。 我们制作了一份PDF文件,该文件是由建造商提供给我们的房屋,将其透明化,调整大小并覆盖在我们在Google Earth上找到的空地上,然后再复制我们在Virtual Earth上找到的更好的Hewlopter Flyover影像。

(Disclosure: This is an example location. It's not where we moved.)


The next step, of course, was to work with the builder and design the house. Ordinarily one works with an architect, and we had one, but we also took the basic 2D PDF plans and used them as an overlay in Google SketchIt Up and "traced them" in 3D.

当然,下一步是与建筑商合作并设计房屋。 通常,一个与建筑师一起工作,而我们只有一个,但是我们还采用了基本的2D PDF计划,并将其用作Google SketchIt Up的叠加层,并在3D中“追踪”它们。

I taught our Real Estate Agent how to use SketchItUp in a few sessions and he went nuts - in the very best way. Turns out he has a knack for these things and we work well together.

我在几节课中教过我们的房地产经纪人如何使用SketchItUp,他发疯了-以最好的方式。 事实证明,他对这些事情有一定的了解,我们共同努力。

First, he modeled the house, floor by floor as seen below, including the roof.


Then he assembled the house by snapping the floors together. Here's cut-out view with the house cut in half diorama style next to the house in X-ray style.

然后,他通过将地板拼凑在一起来组装房子。 这是在X射线样式房屋旁边将房屋切成一半透视图样式的房屋的剖视图。

Next, I textured the house with our paint colors, cedar shake and exterior choices, etc.


Fast forward and now the house is finished. It finished this week actually and we're moving in slowly over the next month.

快进,现在房子完工了。 实际上,这已在本周完成,下个月我们将慢慢进行。

Just to prove that this was a useful exercise, here's the virtual house exported and placed in Google Earth on the actual lot, next to a picture of the real house in the same orientation, Notice the big hill behind us in both the Google Earth and in Reality. The circular shape on the ground in the Google Earth shot became our cul-de-sac.

只是为了证明这一个有用的练习,这是导出并放置在Google Earth中实际位置上的虚拟房屋,旁边是相同方向的真实房屋图片,请注意Google Earth和事实上。 Google Earth镜头中地面上的圆形形状成为我们的死路。

This wasn't very hard to do, and just required in total about two days of amateur 3D modeling by the agent (who was having a blast) along with two hours of modeling by me and two hours of texture mapping and placement by me. This helped Mo and I visualize what our big empty lot would look like, what our paints, floors and carpets would look like. I'm sure if we knew what we were doing as far as 3D is concerned it'd be even better. We didn't even scratch the surface with the potential textures, furniture, etc that we could have done.

这并不是一件很难的事,只需要代理人(爆炸发生)总共进行大约两天的业余3D建模,以及我两个小时的建模和两个小时的纹理贴图和放置。 这帮助了Mo和我形象地看到了我们的大空地的样子,油漆,地板和地毯的样子。 我敢肯定,如果我们了解3D方面的工作,那就更好了。 我们什至没有用可能要做的潜在纹理,家具等刮擦表面。

Tools used:


  • Google Earth


  • Paint.NET (or any editor that does the PNG format with transparency)

    Paint.NET (或任何具有PNG格式且透明的编辑器)

  • WinSnap or WindowClippings (or ALT-Printscreen) to do screenshots

    WinSnap或WindowClippings (或ALT-Printscreen)来做屏幕截图

  • Possibly Acrobat Reader

    可能是Acrobat Reader

  • Google SketchUp (for Part 2). Follow it's tutorials, use it's forums and understand its relationship with Google Earth.

    Google SketchUp (第2部分)。 遵循其教程,使用其论坛并了解其与Google Earth的关系。





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