


1 链表的结点结构

2 链表初始化

3 链表打印

4  链表的增删查改

4.1 链表尾插

4.2 链表尾删

4.3 链表头插

4.4 链表头删

4.4 查找链表中的值

4.5  在对应位置前面插入

4.6 删除对应位置的结点

5 链表销毁

6 完整代码及运行结果

1 链表的结点结构

typedef struct DListNode
    struct DListNode* next;
    struct DListNode* prev;
    DLTDataType val;

细心的同学肯定会发现,这次链表中的结构相比于单链表多了一个prev的结构体指针,有了它的  存在就能实现双向的功能了!

2 链表初始化


DLTNode* BuyListNode(DLTDataType x)
{DLTNode* newnode = (DLTNode*)malloc(sizeof(DLTNode));if (newnode == NULL){perror("malloc fail");exit(-1);}newnode->val = x;newnode->next = NULL;newnode->prev = NULL;return newnode;


DLTNode* DLTInit()
{DLTNode* phead = BuyListNode(-1);phead->next = phead;phead->prev = phead;return phead;

这里要注意,因为我们的链表是循环的,所以链表最后是不指向空的,而是要循环回哨兵卫的头结点! 我们通过调试,也可以很清楚的看到他们的地址都是相同的。

3 链表打印

void DLTPrint(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){printf("%d ", cur->val);cur = cur->next;}printf("\n");


4  链表的增删查改

4.1 链表尾插

void DLTPushBack(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{//因为带哨兵卫的头结点,链表不可能为空,若为空就出错了assert(phead);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);//找到尾结点DLTNode* next = phead->prev;newnode->next = phead;phead->prev = newnode;next->next = newnode;newnode->prev = next;


4.2 链表尾删

void DLTPopBack(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);//哨兵卫头结点不能删除assert(phead->next != phead);//找到尾结点和尾结点的前一个结点DLTNode* next = phead->prev;DLTNode* nextPrev = next->prev;phead->prev = nextPrev;nextPrev->next = phead;free(next);


4.3 链表头插

void DLTPushFront(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;newnode->next = cur;cur->prev = newnode;phead->next = newnode;newnode->prev = phead;


4.4 链表头删

void DLTPopFront(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);assert(phead->next != phead);DLTNode* first = phead->next;DLTNode* second = first->next;phead->next = second;second->prev = phead;free(first);

4.4 查找链表中的值

DLTNode* DLTFind(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){if (cur->val == x){return cur;}cur = cur->next;}return NULL;

4.5  在对应位置前面插入

void DLTInsert(DLTNode* pos, DLTDataType x)
{assert(pos);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);DLTNode* posPrev = pos->prev;newnode->next = pos;pos->prev = newnode;posPrev->next = newnode;newnode->prev = posPrev;


4.6 删除对应位置的结点

void DLTErase(DLTNode* pos)
{assert(pos);DLTNode* posPrev = pos->prev;DLTNode* posNext = pos->next;posPrev->next = posNext;posNext->prev = posPrev;free(pos);

5 链表销毁

void DLTDestroy(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){DLTNode* next = cur->next;free(cur);cur = next;}free(phead);


6 完整代码及运行结果

//DList.h#pragma once
#include<stdlib.h>typedef int DLTDataType;typedef struct DListNode
{struct DListNode* next;struct DListNode* prev;DLTDataType val;
}DLTNode;DLTNode* BuyListNode(DLTDataType x);
DLTNode* DLTInit();//打印
void DLTPrint(DLTNode* phead);//尾插
void DLTPushBack(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x);
void DLTPopBack(DLTNode* phead);//头插
void DLTPushFront(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x);
void DLTPopFront(DLTNode* phead);//查找
DLTNode* DLTFind(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x);//在pos位置前插入
void DLTInsert(DLTNode* pos, DLTDataType x);//删除pos位置的结点
void DLTErase(DLTNode* pos);//链表销毁
void DLTDestroy(DLTNode* phead);
//DList.c#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1
#include"DList.h"DLTNode* BuyListNode(DLTDataType x)
{DLTNode* newnode = (DLTNode*)malloc(sizeof(DLTNode));if (newnode == NULL){perror("malloc fail");exit(-1);}newnode->val = x;newnode->next = NULL;newnode->prev = NULL;return newnode;
DLTNode* DLTInit()
{DLTNode* phead = BuyListNode(-1);phead->next = phead;phead->prev = phead;return phead;
void DLTPrint(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){printf("%d ", cur->val);cur = cur->next;}printf("\n");
void DLTPushBack(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{//因为带哨兵卫的头结点,链表不可能为空,若为空就出错了assert(phead);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);//找到尾结点DLTNode* next = phead->prev;newnode->next = phead;phead->prev = newnode;next->next = newnode;newnode->prev = next;
void DLTPopBack(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);//哨兵卫头结点不能删除assert(phead->next != phead);//找到尾结点和尾结点的前一个结点DLTNode* next = phead->prev;DLTNode* nextPrev = next->prev;phead->prev = nextPrev;nextPrev->next = phead;free(next);
void DLTPushFront(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;newnode->next = cur;cur->prev = newnode;phead->next = newnode;newnode->prev = phead;//DLTInsert(phead->next, x); //复用
void DLTPopFront(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);assert(phead->next != phead);DLTNode* first = phead->next;DLTNode* second = first->next;phead->next = second;second->prev = phead;free(first);
DLTNode* DLTFind(DLTNode* phead, DLTDataType x)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){if (cur->val == x){return cur;}cur = cur->next;}return NULL;
}//在pos位置前插入-- 注意pos位置不能是哨兵卫的头结点 C++中会改善这一点
void DLTInsert(DLTNode* pos, DLTDataType x)
{assert(pos);DLTNode* newnode = BuyListNode(x);DLTNode* posPrev = pos->prev;newnode->next = pos;pos->prev = newnode;posPrev->next = newnode;newnode->prev = posPrev;
}//删除pos位置的结点-- 注意pos位置不能是哨兵卫的头结点 C++中会改善这一点
void DLTErase(DLTNode* pos)
{assert(pos);DLTNode* posPrev = pos->prev;DLTNode* posNext = pos->next;posPrev->next = posNext;posNext->prev = posPrev;free(pos);
void DLTDestroy(DLTNode* phead)
{assert(phead);DLTNode* cur = phead->next;while (cur != phead){DLTNode* next = cur->next;free(cur);cur = next;}free(phead);


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