今一个react 中使用mobx 老是提示Cannot read property 'type' of undefined Occurred while linting **\index.jsx:1

头疼起初是认为是 @observable的问题,于是修改了整个js


export default class AppState {@observable count = 1@observable name = 'jack'@computed get msg() {return `${this.name} say count is ${this.count}`}@action add() {this.count += 1}}


const AppState = observable({// observable 属性:name: 'John',count: 42,showAge: false,// @computed 计算属性:get msg() {return `${this.name} say count is ${this.count}`;},// @action 动作:add() {this.count += 1;},


最后在 “Cannot read property ‘type’ of undefined” after upgrading to 4.14.0 #9767

"babel-eslint": "^7.2.3",升级为"babel-eslint": "^8.1.1", 这下终于没提示了

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