



我在去年x实践中担任队长,实现xx的项目。在该项目中,使用vue、Springboot 作为前后端框架、实现了多项功能,通过x算法实现音乐推荐。提高了我工程开发以及快速学习的能力,增强了团队合作中协作意识。




Good morning/afternoon, dear professors.

I’m very happy and honor to be here. My name is xx and I come from Shandong Province. I am currently a senior student studying in xx university majoring in xx.My GPA is in the top x of my grade.What’s more,I have passed CET(College English Test level 4 or level 6)with decent scores.

During the three years of study,I have won the National Scholarship,University-level first-class scholarshipas well as various awards for my excellent performance in school work and extra-curricular activities.As a monitor ,I work hard and gain good comments from teachers and classmates.as the vice minister of sports in the Student Union of Nankai University,I was responsible for organizing several university-level activities.

During my college years, I participated in some projects to enrich my understanding and application of professional knowledge.

I participated in the laboratory project “x” to detect the xx. I got in touch with the basic process of scientific research, enhanced my ability of research and reading English papers.

Thank you for listening my introduction.


最喜欢的课程 为什么?




My hometown—XX— is located in the southwest part of (Shandong) Province. It is a (small) city with honest and kind-hearted people. The most unique characteristic of my hometown is the peony.When it comes to peony, you will feel the warm beauty and fragrance of the country.So, if you get a chance to come to XXX, it’s my pleasure to be your guide.


My family is warm and harmonious, my parents are both kind and hard-working. They teach me how to tell right from wrong and how to be independent and persistent. Especially, My parents told me that I must work hard and be diligent.During my preparation for this interview, my parents’ support has always been the source of my power.



I also enjoy reading because it can cultivate my critical thinking, diversify my knowledge and enrich my mind.


我认为我最大的优点是能够执着地把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。 同时,我还有比较好的自我管理和自主学习能力。

I feel that my strongest advantage is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. At the same time, I also have good self-management and self-learning ability.

5.学校 Why do you choose to study in our university?


The academic atmosphere in the university is very good and the students are very friendly. There are many excellent teachers here, all of whom have strong scientific research ability. The school has a good reputation in the field I am interested in and a good prospect for development.

6. 研究生计划


During the postgraduate period, I will actively learn professional knowledge, assist my supervisor to complete various tasks, and play my role in the research team. Find the topic you want to study as early as possible, and strive to research results.



During the past three years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. It is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.




I give priority to my professional study and take part in competitions in my spare time

参加微信小程序大赛,我获得了全国三等奖。 我们设计了拍照识别植物和摇一摇等功能

I won the third prize in wechat Small program competition. We designed features such as taking photos to identify plants and shaking them


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