
  • Primitive
  • Entity
  • czml文件
  • GeoJson文件等






CesiumJS has a rich API for spatial data that can be split into two categories: a low-level Primitive API geared towards graphics developers, and a high-level Entity API for data-driven visualization.

The low-level Primitive API exposes the minimal amount of abstraction needed to perform the task at hand. It is structured to provide a flexible implementation for graphics developers, not for API consistency. Loading a model is different from creating a billboard, and both are radically different from creating a polygon. Each type of visualization is its own distinct feature. Furthermore, each has different performance characteristics and requires different best practices. While this approach is powerful and flexible, most applications are better served with a higher level of abstraction.

The Entity API exposes a set of consistently designed high-level objects that aggregate related visualization and information into a unified data structure, which we call an Entity. It lets us concentrate on the presentation of data rather than worrying about the underlying mechanism of visualization. It also provides constructs for easily building complex, time-dynamic visualization in a way that fits naturally alongside static data. While the Entity API actually uses the Primitive API under the hood, that’s an implementation detail we (almost) never have to concern ourselves with. By applying various heuristics to the data we give it, the Entity API is able to provide flexible, high-performance visualization while exposing a consistent, easy to learn, and easy to use interface.

上述文章大意是, Primitive接近底层,适合图形开发人员;而Entity是数据的抽象,使用方便。


下面是显示64,800 个点的 PointPrimitiveobjects 的代码示例,并且让所有点同时都运动起来

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
//  生成PointPrimitiveCollection对象
var pointCollection = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.PointPrimitiveCollection());//  生成64800个点,每个经度、纬度值各生成一个点,高度为0(贴地表)
//  每个点都添加到PointPrimitiveCollection对象中
for (var longitude = -180; longitude < 180; longitude++) {var color = Cesium.Color.PINK;if ((longitude % 2) === 0) {color = Cesium.Color.CYAN;}for (var latitude = -90; latitude < 90; latitude++) {pointCollection.add({position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude),color : color});}
}//  模拟每个点固定向外偏移(1km,1km,1km)(跟时间无关,每帧调用此函数)
function animatePoints() {var positionScratch = new Cesium.Cartesian3();var points = pointCollection._pointPrimitives;var length = points.length;for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {var point = points[i];Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(point.position, positionScratch);Cesium.Cartesian3.add(positionScratch,new Cesium.Cartesian3(1000, 1000, 1000),positionScratch);point.position = positionScratch;}
}//  scene中的render 方法,每一帧都被会调用,用于场景的重绘
//  此处的preRender在render方法之前执行,也是每一帧被调用
//  由于每一帧调用animatePoints方法时,方法内部都将每个点
//    的位移向外移动1km,因此所有点就都运动起来了

通过scene.primitives.add方法加载一个 PointPrimitiveCollection对象,然后往这个PointPrimitiveCollection对象里不断加载单个Primitive对象,目前每个Primitive对象只赋值两个参数:position和color,更多的参数请参考帮助文档。




  • pixelSize,每个点越小时,
  • scaleByDistance,当相机离点更远时,
  • translucencyByDistance ,完全半透明



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