
1、great changes in my hometownGreat Changes in My HometownI used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simp。

2、le life.Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more 。

3、serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.Changes in My HometownI am very happy for my hometown.Because my hometown are becoming more and more beautiful.In the past,many people were poor.Even through,they couldnt get enough food.People have lived in a low 。

4、house.They had no money to buy farm machines,so they plant crops with the help of farm animals.Children study in an old school.But now,with the development of China,the living conditions have improved a lot.People live in a tall building and they plant crops with the help of farm machines.And childr。

5、en in a modern school.I believe my hometown will become more beautiful.My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a drastic change. Take my family for instance. Previously, we do not have a computer at home. Dad was the engineer. Before Dad hands painting drawing, painting with the rul。

6、ers, not used correctly attached. Black will be careful not to rub the drawing, painting slowly, and had to keep cutting pencil. The lines do not paint beautiful. Spend one or two days drawings drawings. Also drawings, and printing of plans to eventually create engineering drawings. A total needs th。

7、ree days. Now, I bought a home computer. He can use a computer drawing, no trace; Just one little click of the mouse to point, Instead of doing everything we can. A picture works better if some time. An unfinished print of a direct, clear and beautiful. With computer. I have an article on a computer。

8、 to help their mother. I also used folders, saved a cartoon, diaries, essays and other. I also use it as literature. I also use it to learn English, the software installed, use it to fight game : : Mama system testing, fighting words. I brought a lot of convenience to the home computer. This summer,。

9、 Tim, we also have a refrigerator. Before, during the summer, often a bad thing, a bad throw on the more unfortunate. Now refrigerators can be frozen foods, no bad foods freezer. I can give it to produce ice. I makeup back, I let my thirst ice on a frozen. DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me.。

10、 Last year, we also have to buy an air conditioner. Previously, in the winter without air conditioning, get up clothes, I always behind the blanket. Now, with air-conditioning, and the cold would not dressed up. No air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the doldrums, not activit。

11、ies. Now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, and water wind, he feels very cool. in a cool place like the same forest. Recently, our county appeared to the Internet, most of the computers on the home network Inter. Previously, no Internet, or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can vote on upswing the letter sent out. We have to bring the convenience of the Internet. ! We really big changes in home。


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