


Once upon a time, I was a child have a naive idea. Once upon a time, I am a lovely child. Once upon a time, I am a crying child. Once upon a time, I am a childish, dont know what is right, what is wrong. Sometimes to a happy, and make some things is always in distress situation, but will not be mother scold done anything wrong. I like every child as a child, so his childhood must be the favorite of everyone.

When I was in primary school in grade one, my dream wish is to go to kindergarten, because in the kindergarten, can enjoy playing, in general there is a "playground", make you linger. And the primary school is on the contrary, homework more, is not free. If you want to return to the past that is impossible, so I must get rid of the original "bad habits" and the "heart of greed and play". But the boys will be boys, so I always cant adapt to the new life, in less than a new collective.

Time flies, the twinkling of an eye I became a will soon enter high school pupil, in five years, I met a lot of friends, also learned a lot of independent ability, for example: making rice, fold the quilt, boil water, etc., should be in the original, I am too lazy to begin! I not only learned self-reliance, but also learned how to make friends, how to tolerance friends, so my friends will be more and more.

People change thousands, so every day in change, of course I was no exception. Since the childhood, I not only is his name, other have changed, seems to "change" who also wont let go.

"Changes in fair was" the only thing in the world!

I have changed, what about you?








In 2000, I was born in grandmother home in the country, from then to now, great changes have taken place in my home.

Before, our house is built of bricks tiles, wall is full of dust. Go to the bathroom when feel very inconvenient, is built on the outside of the housing, and more mosquitoes and boring. Water power also is not very convenient, more get out of bed to turn off the lights when you go to sleep at night, take a shower also need water bucket. Room is very humble, sofa is made of wood. Every spring, when wet, furniture is easy to mold.

Now, my family has a big change. Is that I was in second grade, my father took me to xing-cheng xing east road, pointing to the construction site said: "my family bought a new house in this, can move in immediately". Sure enough, my family moved into the new soon, inside the walls of Snow White, the ground or the plank brick, on the toilet no longer ran out of the house, no mosquito and odourless, stretch out my hand to turn off the lights in bed at night. Very convenient also bought a water heater in the home, shower; Also bought a computer, often can there learning to play the game; Also bought a 32 inch LCD TV, very clear; Also bought a set of leather sofa, sit comfortably above to watch TV. When this family, I feel so happy.

Changes in my home, all because of the fruits of reform and opening up, of course also cannot leave mom and dad hard work results. I wish our motherland is getting stronger and stronger, I wish my family is more and more happiness.






"Home"! A familiar word, its where I grew up. It was a crisp autumn morning. My mother and I took the bus back to my grandmothers house. As soon as I got on the bus, my mind had already gone back to a few years ago - the potholed path, the grass on both sides of the road are dry and withered, the path winding, high and low, very scary. Sometimes there are a few dark damp mud huts on the side of the road, there are dunghill everywhere, the toilet flies fly about?? "Its time to get off." My mothers cry woke me from my thoughts.

Out of the car, ah! I couldnt believe my eyes. The dirt road was replaced by the tarmac, and the trees were planted along the road

Poplar trees and low mud huts have been transformed into stately buildings. Tree leaves dancing in the breeze, corn smile in the sun, birds chirp singing, grass in the dance, and the flowers on the ground grass, like a layer of color blanket,

For a while we came to the orchard with grandpa, red pingguo smiled bent waist, greedy my saliva DC?? I really want to keep the sun today, stay here for a while, see a few more of my hometown with a new look.


My hometown is in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, where it is particularly good, rich in products, people live happily every day. But there are also disadvantages, such as: no TV, no tall buildings, the network is not connected to......

However, in a few short years, the hometown produced earth-shaking changes. The bungalows became tall buildings, and the Internet was connected. DVD, TV, computer, color TV, refrigerator can be seen in the shopping mall, is full of beautiful things in eyes, let a person heart.

Beyond that, there are many changes. In the past, grandma could only go to the convenience store to buy things, which were not complete, and many things she wanted to buy could not be bought. However, in a short period of time, the people of Yingkou Gaizhou have built a "Xinglong Big Family" shopping mall through hard work. With the "Xinglong Big Family", it is very convenient for the common people to buy things. Many things can be found in Xinglong. Instead of buying vegetables in crowded markets, you can now buy seeds and plant them at home. In autumn, when the fruits are ripe, people can eat pesticide-free and pollution-free vegetables.

Life became rich, grandma and grandma no longer have to live in the poor house, no longer have to work as hard as before.

Ah! The changes in my hometown are really big!


Todays hometown has changed a lot, transportation, culture, living environment and so on are not the same as before.

When it comes to the improvement in peoples lives, the older generation may be impressed. In the past, a piece of clothing four seasons to wear, repair repair to wear, now have winter winter clothes, summer clothes, food is also nutritious. Milk, ice cream, steak, pizza, and so on, the old people dont say eat, even heard of. As for housing, the targeted poverty alleviation proposed by the state has helped farmers become rich. The former huts and tile-roofed houses have disappeared, while high-rise buildings have gone up. Families have moved into new houses, and the quality of life of the people has been greatly improved.

Of course, the traffic changes are not small. Expressways bring Zhaotongs specialties out of the mountains and into the world. Circumstances have also changed. "Clear water and green mountains are golden hills and silver mountains." The environment has become better and the ecology has become balanced. Formerly smelly and black river, after some rectification, the water becomes crystal clear, the two sides of the river are planted with trees, flowers often bloom in the four seasons. People go to the river for a walk when they are at leisure. Streets clean and tidy, the road on both sides of the tree-lined, but also built the sea floor park and the provincial ploughing park, every evening, the old people have to go to the square singing, dancing. The common people are living a happier life.

I love you, my hometown.


My hometown Taizhou is a great place.

There are all kinds of roads and places like the tall buildings in the city. I heard my grandfather said that before the reform and opening up, the traffic jam in the county, the streets were very narrow, the broken houses, the population was dense, and it was not lively, and the outside world mainly depended on a bumpy dirt road, if you want to go to other places almost have to wait for one or two hours before the car came.

My grandfather also told me that when he was young, he would travel far away on business trips by bus, and that cooking at home was done on a coal stove, and that it took a long time to cook a meal.

Now, the traffic has changed a lot, the original road are built four lanes of the road, to far places can be high-speed rail, aircraft.

In the past ten years, the kitchen has also undergone great changes! It is very convenient for people to use liquefied gas and natural gas, and there is less pollution. The kitchen is clean and tidy.

Now a block of high-rise buildings slowly rise from the ground, a car speeding cars on the road, there is a computer.

On the street, people come and go, bustling, people around are also using smart phones.

Hometown changes, the rapid development of science and technology, will make our motherland better and better.


My hometown has changed a lot!

My hometown built everywhere tall buildings, a high-grade district, people come and go, very lively. Especially the second ring road and the third ring road, the traffic flow, what a thriving scene!

When night falls, the streets and lanes are brightly lit, rows of orderly street lamps, like a mighty soldier standing guard, each street lamp, hanging this big Chinese knot, under the light, particularly bright red, particularly gorgeous, showing a piece of peace and quiet.

Remember once my cousin and I went to the book city home, on the way, I could not recognize the direction, my cousin told me that this area is a new expansion, the road is a new road, no wonder I can not distinguish things, the original is where I did not walk.

Now my hometown is more and more beautiful, more and more young, I love my hometown! How I wish my hometown become more beautiful, more young, lets take action to protect the environment, to protect my hometown!


Returning to my hometown, I found some changes in my hometown. The village much a few new houses, a small shop after the door much a mahjong table, it is automatic, return much two sets of old hu machine, every evening, there is a group of people think to play by the old hu machine, there are also a lot of people playing mahjong on automatic mahjong table, also have to play cards on the table entertainment.

The old, shabby house was still there, and almost nothing had changed, but the water pump outside was new. But everything else was just as shabby.

But to my delight, I heard that the trembling path is going to be changed into a concrete road this year. A new house will be built at the entrance to the village.

Unexpectedly, three years did not return home, home changes are really big ah! The person down there is different. Some are fatter, some are healthier, and some are taller. All the places became beautiful, but unfortunately, the lake in front of the door became dirtier than before. The lake also rose a lot of weeds, but we did not pay attention to it. Let it continue to grow.

My hometown, after a few years of changes now changed the same.


With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in my hometown.

The small, dilapidated house of the past has become a brand-new tall building now. People live in big, bright houses. Listen to my father said, the earliest our family lived in a bungalow, then moved into the building, and now live in a beautiful community, the house has become bigger, the environment has become better.

The original road thin narrow, very crowded, often traffic jams. Now the road has become wide and flat, both sides of the road planted with trees and flowers, pedestrians and vehicles in their own way, the traffic is very smooth. For example, great changes have taken place on the road in front of the government. Illegal buildings on both sides of the road have been removed. The road has become wider, and beautiful pedestrian turns have been paved on both sides.

Cities are much greener now than before. Roads, neighborhoods, parks... All planted with colorful flowers and trees, the air is very fresh.

Now, my hometown is still changing, I think it will become a more modern big city!


In a twinkling of an eye, a few years have passed, my hometown can be really big changes.

Look! Hometown is like a beautiful tidy big garden, the streets, clean; Along the road, green trees shade, group of flowers in full bloom.

Seeing how beautiful my hometown was, the previous scenes rang out in my mind. Three years ago, although the hometown road is wide and flat, but the roadside small numbers are dying, flowers are very few, roadside mounds, can see garbage, when the wind, dust flying, colorful plastic bags flying with the wind, pollution of the environment.

But people do not pay attention to environmental protection, do not care for the environment. I often go to the park to play, there is a small pond, there are a few goldfish, just built, the water is crystal clear, but people always love to put plastic bags, garbage into the pond, for a long time, the water in the pool becomes very muddy, from here after all to cover your nose, the fish are dead.

Now people are aware of the importance of protecting the environment. In the park, rows and rows of small trees are planted with colorful flowers. People do not litter, but also the classification of garbage treatment, everywhere is a vibrant scene.

We will continue to protect the environment and make our hometown more beautiful.


Time flies, the sun flies, in a twinkling of an eye, a few years passed, my hometown has taken place great changes.

Every morning, when I go to school in the morning light, when I pass the road I am familiar with, I will remember that this road is not only narrow, the street lamps are very small, very dark, every time it rains. Its one gutter after another that you have to take off your shoes to walk through. However, now it is different, the road not only become wide and big, the center and both sides also planted flowers and plants, every time the night falls, YiZhanZhan modelling chic lights will issue a soft light.

I remember when I was in second grade, it was still a garbage dump. At noon, I live in my grandmothers house, back and forth through there, as soon as I get there, a disgusting smell will come to me, I quickly covered my nose, with the fastest speed to hide it. But thats different now. The fetid garbage heap became a childs love to go to the park, the park is a kind of beautiful flowers, issued bursts of fragrance, every time I walked through there, wish to smell for a while and then go to school. There are more beautiful places than these, such as the newly built city square, the renovated park and the leisure square, which have attracted a lot of tourists from home and abroad.

Ah, my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful, I love my hometown!


Our hometown is not rich, but it hasnt changed much these years.

A few years ago, our village has no running water, only a well for a village of water, early in the morning there are many people carrying buckets queuing to play water, because just played out of the water has a lot of mud to deep several hours to drink, alas! So when the water will be over. A year ago, I listened to a few well-informed "underground party" said, this year may install tap water, I was happy at that time fast crazy, drinking water environment finally to improve!

Remember when I was in grade one, I was wearing a new dress, this thought of school to let the students envy envy, days of accident, just go out a few steps fell down, simply became a clay figure, this want to let the students envy, did not expect to be laughed at, also eat a meal "bamboo shoots fried meat". Now go out with a cement road no matter how big the wind, how big the rain, the body will never have a bit of mud.

Now our village installed on the tap water, repair on the cement road, every household is tall buildings, yard also parked car, everyone said: "changed, really changed." I think, the change of my hometown is still in the future!



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