

 watch -n 1 cat 1.txt

上面的这个命令输出1.txt的内容,-n 1表示每隔一秒钟执行一次命令




 watch -n 3 "ps aux | grep node"


EXAMPLESTo watch for mail, you might dowatch -n 60 fromTo watch the contents of a directory change, you could usewatch -d ls -lIf you're only interested in files owned by user joe, you might usewatch -d 'ls -l | fgrep joe'To see the effects of quoting, try these outwatch echo $$watch echo '$$'watch echo "'"'$$'"'"To see the effect of precision time keeping, try adding -p towatch -n 10 sleep 1You can watch for your administrator to install the latest kernel withwatch uname -r(Note that -p isn't guaranteed to work across reboots, especially in the face of ntpdate or other bootup time-changing mechanisms)


OPTIONS-d, --differences [permanent]Highlight the differences between successive updates.  Option will read optional argument that changes highlight to be  permanent,  allowing  tosee what has changed at least once since first iteration.-n, --interval secondsSpecify  update  interval.  The command will not allow quicker than 0.1 second interval, in which the smaller values are converted. Both '.' and',' work for any locales.-p, --preciseMake watch attempt to run command every interval seconds. Try it with ntptime and notice how the fractional seconds stays (nearly) the same,  asopposed to normal mode where they continuously increase.-t, --no-titleTurn off the header showing the interval, command, and current time at the top of the display, as well as the following blank line.-b, --beepBeep if command has a non-zero exit.-e, --errexitFreeze updates on command error, and exit after a key press.-g, --chgexitExit when the output of command changes.-c, --colorInterpret ANSI color and style sequences.-x, --execPass command to exec(2) instead of sh -c which reduces the need to use extra quoting to get the desired effect.-h, --helpDisplay help text and exit.-v, --versionDisplay version information and exit.


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