1 /*  2  *@author ?  3  *@since 2011/07/29  4  *@function 实现链表的常用操作,比较粗糙。  5  *          功能大概是:显示链表结构;查询链表;删除节点;插入结点;修改结点  6  */  7 #include <stdio.h>  8 #include <stdlib.h>  9  10 struct node 11 { 12     int value; 13     struct node *next; 14 }; 15 /* 16  *插入结点(单个) 17  */ 18 struct node *add_to_list(struct node *list,int n) 19 { 20     struct node *new_node; 21  22     new_node=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 23     if(new_node==NULL) 24     { 25         printf("Error:malloc failed in add_to_list\n"); 26         exit(EXIT_FAILURE); 27     } 28     new_node->value=n; 29     new_node->next=list; 30  31     return new_node; 32 } 33 /* 34  *添加结点(多个) 35  */ 36 struct node *read_numbers(void) 37 { 38     struct node *first=NULL; 39     int n; 40  41     printf("Enter a series of integers (0 to terminate): "); 42     for(;;) 43     { 44         scanf("%d",&n); 45         if(n==0) 46         { 47             return first; 48         } 49         first=add_to_list(first,n); 50     } 51 } 52 /* 53  *搜索结点 54  */ 55 struct node *search_list(struct node *list,int n) 56 { 57     struct node *p; 58  59     for(p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next) 60         if(p->value==n) 61             return p; 62  63     return NULL; 64 } 65 /* 66  *删除结点 67  */ 68 struct node *delete_node(struct node *list,int n) 69 { 70     struct node *cur,*prev; 71  72     for(cur=list,prev=NULL; 73         cur!=NULL&&cur->value!=n; 74         prev=cur,cur=cur->next) 75     ; 76     if(cur==NULL) 77     { 78         return list; 79     } 80     if(prev==NULL) 81     { 82         list=list->next; 83     }else 84     { 85         prev->next=cur->next; 86     } 87     free(cur); 88  89     return list; 90 } 91 /* 92  *修改结点 93  */ 94 struct node *update_node(struct node *list,int n) 95 { 96     struct node *cur; 97     int new_value; 98  99     for(cur=list;cur!=NULL&&cur->value!=n;cur=cur->next)100     ;101     if(cur==NULL)102     {103         printf("NO NODE!!!");104     }105     printf("please enter the new value: ");106     scanf("%d",&new_value);107     cur->value=new_value;108 109     return list;110 }111 /*112  *打印链表结点结构113  */114 void print(struct node *list)115 {116     struct node *p;117 118     printf("The current relation of the list is ");119 120     for(p=list;p!=NULL;p=p->next)121     {122         if(p->next!=NULL)123         {124             printf("%d->",p->value);125         }else126         {127             printf("%d\n",p->value);128         }129     }130 }131 132 int main()133 {134     struct node *test,*p;135     int n; 136 137     test=read_numbers();138 139     /*140      *输出当前链表141      */142     print(test);143 144     /*145      *查找链表中结点,并输出结点的值146      */147     printf("Please enter the value to look for: ");148     scanf("%d",&n);149     p=search_list(test,n);150     printf("The value of the node is %d\n",p->value);151 152     /*153      *删除结点并显示更新后链表的结构154      */155     printf("Please choose the value of the node you would like to delete: ");156     scanf("%d",&n);157     p=delete_node(test,n);158     print(p);159 160     /*161      *修改结点并显示更新后链表的结构162      */163     printf("Please choose the value of the node you would like to update: ");164     scanf("%d",&n);165     p=update_node(test,n);166     print(p);167 168     return 0;169 }




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