Embedded Android是一本系统讲述Android系统级开发的教材。是《Building Embedded Linux Systems》作者的有一力作。涉及Android整体架构的介绍,编译环境的建立,常见硬件架构的介绍,native 代码的介绍和framework的详细讲解。通读该书,可以让你迅速的系统的掌握Android整体架构以及必要的开发技能。诚意推荐。

该书作者做过嵌入式Linux的都知道。那本构建嵌入式linux系统堪称经典 本书为作者对于android系统的移植,扩展的新书。对于做android嵌入式设备的朋友相信有很大帮助。

Looking to port Android to other platforms such as embedded devices? This hands-on book shows you how Android works and how you can adapt it to fit your needs. You'll delve into Android's architecture and learn how to navigate its source code, modify its various components, and create your own version of Android for your particular device. You'll also discover how Android differs from its Linux roots. If you're experienced with embedded systems development and have a good handle on Linux, this book helps you mold Android to hardware platforms other than mobile devices. Learn about Android's development model and the hardware you need to run it Get a quick primer on Android internals, including the Linux kernel and Dalvik virtual machine Set up and explore the AOSP without hardware, using a functional emulator image Understand Android's non-recursive build system, and learn how to make your own modifications Use evaluation boards to prototype your embedded Android system Examine the native user-space, including the root filesystem layout, the adb tool, and Android's command line Discover how to interact with - and customize - the Android Framework

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