







 let data = [{'name': '大数据可视化技术','room': '机房C414','weekday': '3','bg': '2','jie': '3-4','top': '140px','height': '140px'}]


.bg-1 { background: linear-gradient(#facea8, #fe8979)}
.bg-2 { background: linear-gradient(#dfc3fe, #90c5fb)}
.bg-3 { background: linear-gradient(#9deef5, #68e1b5)}
.bg-4 { background: linear-gradient(#eeba93, #dd65c7)}
.bg-5 { background: linear-gradient(#e6f6c9, #68e1b5)}
.bg-6 { background: linear-gradient(#dfc3fe, #dd65c7)}
.bg-7 { background: linear-gradient(#c8e65f, #7abafb)}.week-1 {left: 12.5%;}
.week-2 {left: 25%;}
.week-3 {left: 37.5%;}
.week-4 {left: 50%;}
.week-5 {left: 62.5%;}
.week-6 {left: 75%;}
.week-0 {left: 87.5%;}


<view class="course_list"><view v-for="(rs,key) in course_data" :key="key" :class="'course week-'+rs.weekday+' bg-'+rs.bg" :style="'height:'+rs.height+';top:'+rs.top"><text class=" course-name">{{rs.name}}</text><text class="course-room">{{rs.room}}</text></view>



this.setDate(new Date());setDate(date) {let arr = [];let week = date.getDay() - 1;date = this.addDate(date, week * -1);this.currentFirstDate = new Date(date);for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {arr[i] = this.formatDate(i == 0 ? date : this.addDate(date, 1))}this.week_data = arrthis.currentWeek()},addDate(date, n) {date.setDate(date.getDate() + n);return date;},formatDate(date) {let year = date.getFullYear();let month = (date.getMonth() + 1);let day = date.getDate();let week = ['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六'][date.getDay()];this.currentMonth = month;if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; }if (day < 10) { day = '0' + day; }return { "week": week, "date": month + '/' + day, "active": false };},//当前星期currentWeek() {let date = new Date();let weekday = date.getDay();if (weekday == 1) {this.week_data[0].active = true} else if (weekday == 2) {this.week_data[1].active = true} else if (weekday == 3) {this.week_data[2].active = true} else if (weekday == 4) {this.week_data[3].active = true} else if (weekday == 5) {this.week_data[4].active = true} else if (weekday == 6) {this.week_data[5].active = true} else if (weekday == 0) {this.week_data[6].active = true}}


        last() {if (this.week > 1) {this.week = this.week - 1this.setDate(this.addDate(this.currentFirstDate, -7));}},next() {if (this.week < 20) {this.week = this.week + 1this.setDate(this.addDate(this.currentFirstDate, 7));}},


本项目主要针对大学课程进行设计,由于上课时间地点可能不规律,因此需要考虑周次、节次、星期、上课地点几个因素。为了方便用户快速添加课程,同一门课程可支持添加多个上课时间。页面业务逻辑只有周次选择、时间选择两个地方有点复杂因此将其拆分为两个组件<class-week></class-week> <class-time></class-time>


name: '大学计算机',       //课程名称
room: '机房C411',        //上课教室
teacher: '李国海',       //任课教师
weekday: '0',            //星期
weeks: '1-9,11-20',      //上课周数
jie: '5-9',              //上课节次
bg:'1',                  //课程颜色,系统提供7种颜色




choose(n) {for (let i in this.weeks) {this.weeks[i].on = false}if (n == 1) {if (this.choose == 1) {this.choose = 3} else {this.choose = 1for (let i = 0; i < this.weeks.length; i++) {if (this.weeks[i].week % 2 != 0) {this.weeks[i].on = true}}}} else if (n == 2) {if (this.choose == 2) {this.choose = 3} else {this.choose = 2for (let i = 0; i < this.weeks.length; i++) {if (this.weeks[i].week % 2 == 0) {this.weeks[i].on = true}}}} else if (n == 0) {if (this.choose == 0) {this.choose = 3} else {this.choose = 0for (let i in this.weeks) {this.weeks[i].on = true}}}}

(2)选择某一周的函数set_week(i) 源代码如下

set_week(i) {if (this.weeks[i].on == true) {this.weeks[i].on = false} else {this.weeks[i].on = true}}


get_weeks() {this.mask = false //影藏组件let arr = [];for (let i = 0; i < this.weeks.length; i++) {let on = this.weeks[i].on;if (on == true) {arr.push(this.weeks[i].week);}}let result = [];let tmp;while (tmp = arr.shift()) {if (result.length == 0) {result.push([tmp]);continue;}let e = result[result.length - 1];if (tmp == e[e.length - 1] + 1) {e.push(tmp);} else {result.push([tmp]);}}for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {let res = result[i];if (res.length > 1) {result[i] = res[0] + '-' + res[res.length - 1];} else {result[i] = res[0] + ''}}for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {if (result[i].indexOf("-") != -1) {result[i] = result[i]}}this.fire('GetWeek', { weeks: result.join(',') });//格式为1-9,11,13,15-20}

上课时间组件<class-time></class-time> 里面包含星期、上课节次数(注意上课节次数必须是连续的否则需要单独添加另一个上课时间),主要难点在于判断上课节次数是否连续。

weekdays: [{ name: '星期一', on: false },{ name: '星期二', on: false },{ name: '星期三', on: false },{ name: '星期四', on: false },{ name: '星期五', on: false },{ name: '星期六', on: false },{ name: '星期日', on: false }],times: base.class_time(),num_arr: [],mask: false,jie: '',weekday: 0class_time() {let data = [{ 'jie': '1节', 'time': '08:30-09:15' },{ 'jie': '2节', 'time': '09:25-10:10' },{ 'jie': '3节', 'time': '10:25-11:10' },{ 'jie': '4节', 'time': '11:20-12:05' },{ 'jie': '5节', 'time': '14:00-14:45' },{ 'jie': '6节', 'time': '14:55-15:40' },{ 'jie': '7节', 'time': '15:55-16:40' },{ 'jie': '8节', 'time': '16:50-17:35' },{ 'jie': '9节', 'time': '17:45-18:30' },{ 'jie': '10节', 'time': '18:30-19:00' },{ 'jie': '11节', 'time': '19:00-19:45' },{ 'jie': '12节', 'time': '19:50-20:35' },{ 'jie': '13节', 'time': '20:45-21:30' }]return data;}

选择上课节次数(如5-9 这里需要判断单击后选中的数据是否为连续的数字)函数set_time(index)源代码如下

set_time(index) {let jie = (index + 1);//判断是否已添加if (this.isInArray(this.num_arr, jie)) {this.delArrItem(this.num_arr, jie);this.num_arr.sort(function (x, y) {return x - y;});//console.log('删除' + jie)if (this.isContinuityNum(this.num_arr)) {this.times[index].td1 = false} else {//console.log('删除后不连续')this.times[index].td1 = truethis.num_arr.push(jie);this.num_arr.sort(function (x, y) {return x - y;});api.toast({msg: '上课时间必须连续'});}} else {this.num_arr.push(jie);this.num_arr.sort(function (x, y) {return x - y;});if (this.isContinuityNum(this.num_arr)) {this.times[index].td1 = true} else {//console.log('增加后不连续')this.delArrItem(this.num_arr, jie);this.num_arr.sort(function (x, y) {return x - y;});this.times[index].td1 = falseapi.toast({msg: '上课时间必须连续'});}}this.jie =this.num_arr[0]+ '-'+this.num_arr[(this.num_arr.length -1)];//格式1-2
}//删除数组元素delArrItem(arr, item) {for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {if (arr[i] === item) {if (arr[i + 1] === item) {arr.splice(i, 1);i--;continue;}arr.splice(i, 1);}}return arr;},//判断是否是连续的数字isContinuityNum(array) {if (!array) {//数组为nullreturn false;}if (array.length == 0) {//数组为[]return true;}var len = array.length;var n0 = array[0];var sortDirection = 1;//默认升序if (array[0] > array[len - 1]) {//降序sortDirection = -1;}if ((n0 * 1 + (len - 1) * sortDirection) !== array[len - 1]) {//筛除['3',4,5,6,7,8]return false;}var isContinuation = true;for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {if (array[i] !== (i + n0 * sortDirection)) {isContinuation = false;break;}}return isContinuation;},//判断元素是否在数组里面isInArray(arr, value) {for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {if (value == arr[i]) {return true;}}return false;}


yearId: '200',                       //学年id,这里是指那一学期的课程
name: '大学计算机',                    //课程名称
teacher: '李国海',                    //任课教师
bg: '1',                             //课程颜色,系统提供7种颜色
class_time: [{ weeks: '1-20', room: '一教A307', weekday: '1', jie: '1-2' },{ weeks: '1-20', room: '机房C405', weekday: '3', jie: '3-4' }

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