
If you’ve ever posted a highly-favorited tweet or been part of a popular thread, you’ve probably known the mild annoyance of having your phone overflow with dozens of notifications for retweets and favorites. If this behavior is affecting your enjoyment of Twitter (you social media wizard, you), you’ll probably want to restrict those notifications.

如果您曾经发布过高度喜爱的推文或成为热门话题的一部分,那么您可能已经知道手机溢出的轻度烦恼,其中包含数十条有关推文和收藏夹的通知。 如果此行为正在影响您对Twitter的使用(您是社交媒体向导),则您可能希望限制这些通知。

在Twitter的移动应用程序上 (On Twitter’s Mobile App)

We’re using the iOS Twitter app here, but these instructions should work whether you’re using Twitter on Android or iOS.

我们在这里使用iOS Twitter应用程序,但是无论您是在Android还是iOS上使用Twitter,这些说明都应该有效。

In the Twitter app, tap your avatar in the upper-left corner, and then tap the “Settings and privacy” option. On the “Settings and Privacy” screen, tap the “Notifications” option.

在Twitter应用中,点击左上角的头像,然后点击“设置和隐私”选项。 在“设置和隐私”屏幕上,点击“通知”选项。

On the “Filters” screen, tap the “Push notifications” option. On the “Push Notifications” screen, tap the “Retweets” and “Likes” options in turn, and toggle them both to the “Off” position.

在“过滤器”屏幕上,点击“推送通知”选项。 在“推送通知”屏幕上,依次点击“转推”和“喜欢”选项,然后将它们都切换到“关闭”位置。

By default, the Twitter app only notifies you of mentions that it thinks are “important,” based on an algorithm that observes your behavior. If you’d like to see every single mention, tap the “Mentions and replies” option, and then tap the “from anyone” setting.

默认情况下,Twitter应用程序会根据观察您行为的算法,仅将您认为“重要”的提及通知您。 如果您想看到每一个提及,请点击“提及和回复”选项,然后点击“来自任何人”设置。

Press the “Back” button until you return to the main Twitter app screen, and you’re done.


在网上 (On The Web)

Head to Twitter on the web, preferably on a laptop or desktop web browser, and log into your account. Click on your profile image, and then in the dropdown menu, click the “Settings and privacy” option.

最好在笔记本电脑或台式机Web浏览器上访问Twitter ,然后登录到您的帐户。 单击您的个人资料图像,然后在下拉菜单中,单击“设置和隐私”选项。

In the left-hand column, click the “Web notifications” option. Note that you won’t be able to see the settings here if you’ve blocked all notifications in your browser.

在左侧列中,单击“ Web通知”选项。 请注意,如果您已阻止浏览器中的所有通知,则将无法在此处查看设置。

In the “Notification Types” menu, make sure the “I get a reply or I’m mentioned in a Tweet” option is enabled, and that the “My Tweets are Retweeted” and “Someone likes my Tweets” options are disabled.


When you’re done, click the “Save changes” button and you’re good to go.


第三方申请 (On Third-Party Applications)

If you’re using a third-party Twitter app, then the process for selecting specific notifications to show and hide will be different for each one. You’ll generally find the options somewhere in the app’s main Settings screen under “Notifications” or “Alerts.” For example, in the popular Fenix Android Twitter client, the process is Profile button > Settings > Notifications, and then you can enable or disable likes and favorites as desired. Poke around for a bit and you should be able to find the functionality you’re looking for.

如果您使用的是第三方Twitter应用程序,则每个要显示和隐藏的特定通知的选择过程将有所不同。 通常,您可以在应用程序的“设置”主屏幕中的“通知”或“警报”下找到这些选项。 例如,在流行的Fenix Android Twitter客户端中,过程是“配置文件”按钮>“设置”>“通知”,然后您可以根据需要启用或禁用“顶”和“收藏”。 仔细研究一下,您应该可以找到所需的功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325854/how-to-see-twitter-notifications-for-mentions-but-not-likes-or-retweets/



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