TLD开源代码MedianFlow部分,改造成一个运行程序示例,包含测试主程序及测试视频序列。运行环境:vs2008 + opencv2.4.2


//头文件:MFSystemStruct.h#ifndef MedianFlow_systemStruct_h
#define MedianFlow_systemStruct_h#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>using namespace cv;
using namespace std;typedef float TYPE_OF_COORD;
typedef Rect_<TYPE_MF_COORD> TYPE_MF_BB;typedef pair<Mat, char> TYPE_TRAIN_DATA;
typedef vector<TYPE_TRAIN_DATA> TYPE_TRAIN_DATA_SET;typedef pair<Point2f, Point2f> TYPE_FERN_LEAF; // save pixel comparision
typedef vector<vector<TYPE_FERN_LEAF> > TYPE_FERN_FERNS; // save all fernsstatic const TYPE_OF_PT PT_ERROR = TYPE_OF_PT(-1, -1);
static const TYPE_MF_BB BB_ERROR = TYPE_MF_BB(PT_ERROR, PT_ERROR);typedef Rect TYPE_BBOX;static const bool OF_USE_OPENCV = 1;static const int MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE = 4; // NNC patch size
static const int MF_NPTS = 12; // number of points in the patch(both vertical and horizontal)
static const int MF_FB_ERROR_DIST = 10; // threshold of detecting confusing condition//跟踪状态反馈
static const int MF_TRACK_SUCCESS = 0;
static const int MF_TRACK_F_PTS = -1; // number of points after filtering is too little
static const int MF_TRACK_F_BOX = -2; // result box is out of bounds
static const int MF_TRACK_F_CONFUSION = -3; // tracking result is disordered
static const int MF_TRACK_F_BOX_SMALL = -4; // input box is too smallstatic const int MF_REJECT_OFERROR = 1 << 0; // filtered by OF error
static const int MF_REJECT_NCC = 1 << 1; // filtered by NCC
static const int MF_REJECT_FB = 1 << 2; // filtered by Forward-Backwardstatic const int TLD_TRACK_SUCCESS = 1;
static const int TLD_TRACK_FAILED = 0;static const Scalar COLOR_GREEN = Scalar(156, 188, 26);
static const Scalar COLOR_BLUE = Scalar(219, 152, 52);
static const Scalar COLOR_BLACK = Scalar(94, 73, 52);
static const Scalar COLOR_WHITE = Scalar(241, 240, 236);
static const Scalar COLOR_YELLOW = Scalar(15, 196, 241);
static const Scalar COLOR_RED = Scalar(60, 76, 231);
static const Scalar COLOR_PURPLE = Scalar(182, 89, 155);static const bool NCC_USE_OPENCV = 0; // 1(lower speed): use matchTemplate(), 0(faster)
static const bool NCC_FAST = 1; // 1 : my own implementation
static const bool RND_SHUFFLE_STD = 1;
static const bool QUIET_MODE = 0;
static const bool SHOW_NEW_NN_SAMPLES = 1;static const float RF_FEA_SHIFT = 1.f / 5;
static const float RF_FEA_OFF = RF_FEA_SHIFT;static void outputInfo(const string module ,const string info)
{if(QUIET_MODE) return;cerr << "[" << module << "] " << info << endl;
//头文件:MedianFlow.h#ifndef __MedianFlow__MedianFlow__
#define __MedianFlow__MedianFlow__#include "MFSystemStruct.h"#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>#include "OpticalFlow.h"using namespace std;
using namespace cv;class MedianFlow
private:Mat prevImg, nextImg;OpticalFlow *opticalFlow, *opticalFlowSwap;bool isPointInside(const TYPE_MF_PT &pt, const TYPE_MF_COORD border = 0);bool isBoxUsable(const TYPE_MF_BB &rect);void generatePts(const TYPE_MF_BB &box, vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &ret);float calcNCC(const Mat &img0, const Mat &img1);void filterOFError(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &pts, const vector<uchar> &retF, vector<int> &rejected);void filterFB(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &initialPts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FBPts, vector<int> &rejected);void filterNCC(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &initialPts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FPts, vector<int> &rejected);TYPE_MF_BB calcRect(const TYPE_MF_BB &rect, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &pts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FPts,  const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FBPts, const vector<int> &rejected, int &status);public:MedianFlow();// prevImg & nextImg should be CV_8UMedianFlow(const Mat &prevImg, const Mat &nextImg);~MedianFlow();static bool compare(const pair<float, int> &a, const pair<float, int> &b);TYPE_MF_BB trackBox(const TYPE_MF_BB &inputBox, int &status);
};#endif /* defined(__MedianFlow__MedianFlow__) */
//头文件:OpticalFlow.h#ifndef __MedianFlow__OpticalFlow__
#define __MedianFlow__OpticalFlow__#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include "MFSystemStruct.h"using namespace std;
using namespace cv;class OpticalFlow
private:Mat prevImg, nextImg;public:OpticalFlow();// prevImg & nextImg should be CV_8UOpticalFlow(const Mat &prevImg, const Mat &nextImg);~OpticalFlow();void trackPts(vector<TYPE_OF_PT> &pts, vector<TYPE_OF_PT> &retPts, vector<uchar> &status);};#endif /* defined(__MedianFlow__OpticalFlow__) */
//MedianFlow.cpp#include "MedianFlow.h"MedianFlow::MedianFlow() {}MedianFlow::MedianFlow(const Mat &prevImg, const Mat &nextImg)
{this->prevImg = prevImg;this->nextImg = nextImg;opticalFlow = new OpticalFlow(this->prevImg, this->nextImg);opticalFlowSwap = new OpticalFlow(this->nextImg, this->prevImg);
{delete opticalFlow;opticalFlow = NULL;delete opticalFlowSwap;opticalFlowSwap = NULL;
}void MedianFlow::generatePts(const TYPE_MF_BB &_box, vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &ret)
{TYPE_MF_PT tl(max(0.f,, max(0.f,;TYPE_MF_PT br(min((float)prevImg.cols,, min((float)prevImg.rows,;TYPE_MF_BB box(tl, br);float stepX = (float)(box.width - 2 * MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE) / (MF_NPTS - 1);float stepY = (float)(box.height - 2 * MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE) / (MF_NPTS - 1);int x0 = box.x + MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE;int y0 = box.y + MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE;if(!ret.empty()) ret.clear();for(int fx = 0; fx < MF_NPTS; fx++){for(int fy = 0; fy < MF_NPTS; fy++){ret.push_back(TYPE_MF_PT(x0 + fx * stepX, y0 + fy * stepY));}}
}bool MedianFlow::compare(const pair<float, int> &a, const pair<float, int> &b)
// caution : prefix static can only be specified inside the class definition
{return a.first < b.first;
}bool MedianFlow::isPointInside(const TYPE_MF_PT &pt, const TYPE_MF_COORD alpha)
{int width = prevImg.cols, height = prevImg.rows;return (pt.x >= 0 + alpha) && (pt.y >= 0 + alpha) && (pt.x <= width - alpha) && (pt.y <= height - alpha);
}bool MedianFlow::isBoxUsable(const TYPE_MF_BB &rect)
{int width = prevImg.cols, height = prevImg.rows;// bounding box is too largeif(rect.width > width || rect.height > height) return false;// intersection between rect and img is too smallTYPE_MF_COORD tlx = max((TYPE_MF_COORD), (TYPE_MF_COORD)0);TYPE_MF_COORD tly = max((TYPE_MF_COORD), (TYPE_MF_COORD)0);TYPE_MF_COORD brx = min((TYPE_MF_COORD), (TYPE_MF_COORD)width);TYPE_MF_COORD bry = min((TYPE_MF_COORD), (TYPE_MF_COORD)height);TYPE_MF_BB bb(tlx, tly, brx - tlx, bry - tly);if(bb.width <= 2 * MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE || bb.height <= 2 * MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE) return false;// otherwisereturn true;
}void MedianFlow::filterOFError(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &pts, const vector<uchar> &status, vector<int> &rejected)
{for(int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++){if(status[i] == 0) rejected[i] |= MF_REJECT_OFERROR;}
}void MedianFlow::filterFB(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &initialPts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FBPts, vector<int> &rejected)
{int size = int(initialPts.size());vector<pair<float, int> > V;for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(rejected[i] & MF_REJECT_OFERROR) continue;float dist = norm(Mat(initialPts[i]), Mat(FBPts[i]));V.push_back(make_pair(dist, i));}sort(V.begin(), V.end(), compare);for(int i = (int)V.size() / 2; i < V.size(); i++){rejected[V[i].second] |= MF_REJECT_FB;}
}float MedianFlow::calcNCC(const cv::Mat &img0, const cv::Mat &img1)
{if(NCC_USE_OPENCV){Mat nccMat;matchTemplate(img0, img1, nccMat, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED);return<float>(0);}else{Mat v0, v1; // convert image to 1 dimension vectorimg0.convertTo(v0, CV_32F);img1.convertTo(v1, CV_32F);v0 = v0.reshape(0, v0.cols * v0.rows);v1 = v1.reshape(0, v1.cols * v1.rows);Scalar mean, stddev;meanStdDev(v0, mean, stddev);v0 -= mean.val[0];meanStdDev(v1, mean, stddev);v1 -= mean.val[0];Mat v01 = v0.t() * v1;float norm0, norm1;norm0 = norm(v0);norm1 = norm(v1);return<float>(0) / norm0 / norm1;}
}void MedianFlow::filterNCC(const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &initialPts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FPts, vector<int> &rejected)
{int size = int(initialPts.size());vector<pair<float, int> > V;for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(rejected[i] & MF_REJECT_OFERROR) continue;if(!isPointInside(initialPts[i], MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE)) continue;if(!isPointInside(FPts[i], MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE)) continue;Point2d win(MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE, MF_HALF_PATCH_SIZE);Point2d pt1(initialPts[i].x, initialPts[i].y);Point2d pt2(FPts[i].x, FPts[i].y);// must be intRect_<int> rect0(pt1 - win, pt1 + win);Rect_<int> rect1(pt2 - win, pt2 + win);float ncc = calcNCC(this->prevImg(rect0), this->nextImg(rect1));V.push_back(make_pair(ncc, i));}sort(V.begin(), V.end(), compare);//for(int i = int(V.size()) / 2; i < V.size(); i++)   //原代码:感觉这样不对,跟TLD原文的NCC的过滤方法不一致,故修改如下for(int i = 0; i < int(V.size()) / 2; i++)            //应该剔除相似性小于中值的{rejected[V[i].second] |= MF_REJECT_NCC;}
}TYPE_MF_BB MedianFlow::calcRect(const TYPE_MF_BB &rect, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &pts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FPts, const vector<TYPE_MF_PT> &FBPts, const vector<int> &rejected, int &status)
{const int size = int(pts.size());vector<TYPE_MF_COORD> dxs, dys;for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(rejected[i]) continue;dxs.push_back(FPts[i].x - pts[i].x);dys.push_back(FPts[i].y - pts[i].y);}if(dxs.size() <= 1){status = MF_TRACK_F_PTS;outputInfo("Tracker", "Error : Too little points after filter.");return BB_ERROR;}sort(dxs.begin(), dxs.end());sort(dys.begin(), dys.end());TYPE_MF_COORD dx = dxs[dxs.size() / 2];TYPE_MF_COORD dy = dys[dys.size() / 2];TYPE_MF_PT delta(dx, dy);vector<float> ratios;vector<float> absDist;for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(rejected[i]) continue;for(int j = i + 1; j < size; j++){if(rejected[j]) continue;float dist0 = norm(Mat(pts[i]), Mat(pts[j]));float dist1 = norm(Mat(FPts[i]), Mat(FPts[j]));float ratio = dist1 / dist0;ratios.push_back(ratio);}}sort(ratios.begin(), ratios.end());float ratio = ratios[ratios.size() / 2];TYPE_MF_BB ret(delta +, delta +;TYPE_MF_PT center((float)( + / 2, (float)( + / 2);TYPE_MF_PT tl(center.x - ret.width / 2 * ratio, center.y - ret.height / 2 * ratio);TYPE_MF_PT br(center.x + ret.width / 2 * ratio, center.y + ret.height / 2 * ratio);ret = TYPE_MF_BB(tl, br);for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){if(rejected[i] == MF_REJECT_OFERROR) continue;float dist = norm(Mat(pts[i]), Mat(FBPts[i]));absDist.push_back(dist);}sort(absDist.begin(), absDist.end());float medianAbsDist = absDist[(int)absDist.size() / 2];//for(auto &i : absDist) //caution : must add '&'//    i = abs(i - medianAbsDist);for(int i = 0; i < absDist.size(); i++)absDist[i] = abs(absDist[i] - medianAbsDist);sort(absDist.begin(), absDist.end());if(medianAbsDist > MF_FB_ERROR_DIST){status = MF_TRACK_F_CONFUSION;outputInfo("Tracker", "Error : Large foward-backward distance.");return BB_ERROR;}if(!isBoxUsable(ret)){status = MF_TRACK_F_BOX;outputInfo("Tracker", "Error : Result bounding box is unusable.");return BB_ERROR;}ret.x = max(0.0f, ret.x), ret.y = max(0.0f, ret.y);//修改:保证最终结果跟踪框的左上角坐标不越界status = MF_TRACK_SUCCESS;outputInfo("Tracker", "Tracked successfully.");return ret;
}TYPE_MF_BB MedianFlow::trackBox(const TYPE_MF_BB &inputBox, int &status)
{if(!isBoxUsable(inputBox)){status = MF_TRACK_F_BOX;outputInfo("Tracker", "Error : Input bounding box is unusable.");return BB_ERROR;}vector<TYPE_MF_PT> pts;generatePts(inputBox, pts);vector<TYPE_MF_PT> retF, retFB;vector<uchar> statusF, statusFB;retF = retFB = pts;opticalFlow->trackPts(pts, retF, statusF);opticalFlowSwap->trackPts(retF, retFB, statusFB);vector<int> rejected(MF_NPTS * MF_NPTS);filterOFError(retF, statusF, rejected);filterOFError(retFB, statusFB, rejected);filterFB(pts, retFB, rejected);filterNCC(pts, retF, rejected);TYPE_MF_BB ret;ret = calcRect(inputBox, pts, retF, retFB, rejected, status);if(status != MF_TRACK_SUCCESS){return BB_ERROR;}return ret;
//OpticalFlow.cpp#include "OpticalFlow.h"OpticalFlow::OpticalFlow() {}OpticalFlow::OpticalFlow(const Mat &prevImg, const Mat &nextImg)
{this->prevImg = prevImg;this->nextImg = nextImg;
}OpticalFlow::~OpticalFlow() {}void OpticalFlow::trackPts(vector<TYPE_OF_PT> &pts, vector<TYPE_OF_PT> &retPts, vector<uchar> &status)
{vector<float> err;calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImg, nextImg, pts, retPts, status, err, Size(21, 21), 5, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 0.01), OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW);
/* 主程序功能:输入一组视频图片序列,使用MedianFlow算法跟踪目标框 初始目标框选择:在第一帧手动选择目标框,按空格键继续跟踪*/
#undef UNICODE  //使用多字节字符集,也可以在项目配置属性-常规中更改字符集
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "MedianFlow.h"using namespace cv;
using namespace std;void drawObjectRectangle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void*);
void readImageSequenceFiles(char* ImgFilePath,vector <string> &imgNames);Mat firstFrame;
Point previousPoint, currentPoint;
Rect initObjectRect;
bool lButtonDownFlag = false;int main(int argc, char * argv[])
{char imgFilePath[100];memset(imgFilePath, 0, sizeof(imgFilePath));strcpy(imgFilePath, "./kitesurf");char tmpDirPath[MAX_PATH+1];Rect rect; // [x y width height] tracking positionvector <string> imgNames;readImageSequenceFiles(imgFilePath, imgNames);Mat frame;Mat grayImg, lastImg;sprintf(tmpDirPath, "%s/", imgFilePath);imgNames[0].insert(0,tmpDirPath);frame = imread(imgNames[0], 1);namedWindow("MedianFlow", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);imshow("MedianFlow", frame);firstFrame = frame;setMouseCallback("MedianFlow", drawObjectRectangle, 0);waitKey(0); //等待在第一帧:左键单击画一个矩形框作为追踪目标区域,按空格键继续rect = initObjectRect;cout << "#" << 0 << " " << rect.x << "  " << rect.y << "  " << rect.width << "  " << rect.height << endl; cvtColor(frame, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);    char strFrame[20];FILE* resultStream;resultStream = fopen("TrackingResults.txt", "w");fprintf (resultStream,"#0  %i %i %i %i\n",(int)rect.x,(int)rect.y,(int)rect.width,(int)rect.height);for(int i = 1; i < imgNames.size() - 1; i++){imgNames[i].insert(0,tmpDirPath);lastImg = grayImg.clone();//记录上一帧frame = imread(imgNames[i], 1);// get framecvtColor(frame, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);//MedianFlow frameworkMedianFlow mf(lastImg, grayImg);int trackResStatus = MF_TRACK_SUCCESS;Rect rectTmp = mf.trackBox(rect, trackResStatus); if(trackResStatus == MF_TRACK_SUCCESS) rect = rectTmp;rectangle(frame, rect, Scalar(200,0,0),2);// Draw rectanglecout << "#" << i << " " << rect.x << "  " << rect.y << "  " << rect.width << "  " << rect.height << endl; fprintf (resultStream,"#%d  %i %i %i %i\n", i, (int)rect.x,(int)rect.y,(int)rect.width,(int)rect.height);sprintf(strFrame, "#%d ",i);putText(frame,strFrame,cvPoint(0,20),2,1,CV_RGB(25,200,25));imshow("MedianFlow", frame);// DisplaywaitKey(100);       }fclose(resultStream);system("pause");return 0;
}void drawObjectRectangle(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void*)
{if(event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN){previousPoint = Point(x, y);lButtonDownFlag = true;}else if(event == EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && lButtonDownFlag == true){Mat tmp;firstFrame.copyTo(tmp);currentPoint = Point(x, y);rectangle(tmp, previousPoint, currentPoint, Scalar(200, 0, 0), 2);imshow("MedianFlow", tmp);}else if(event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP){initObjectRect.x = previousPoint.x;initObjectRect.y = previousPoint.y;initObjectRect.width = abs(currentPoint.x - previousPoint.x);initObjectRect.height = abs(currentPoint.y - previousPoint.y);lButtonDownFlag = false;}
void readImageSequenceFiles(char* imgFilePath,vector <string> &imgNames)
{   imgNames.clear();char tmpDirSpec[MAX_PATH+1];sprintf (tmpDirSpec, "%s/*", imgFilePath);WIN32_FIND_DATA f;HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(tmpDirSpec , &f); //read . --modified by Lumengruif(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){FindNextFile(h, &f);  //read ..  --modified by LumengruFindNextFile(h, &f);   //read the first picture  --modified by Lumengrudo{imgNames.push_back(f.cFileName);} while(FindNextFile(h, &f)); }FindClose(h);

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